
  • 网络law and economics
  1. 中国国家风景名胜区管理的性质&法与经济分析

    The Nature of Scenic Spots Adminis-tration in China : Law and Economics Analysis

  2. 本论文从比较法与经济分析两个视角,对房地产投资信托(REITs)法律制度的基本原理、设立机制、运作机制、风险规避机制和终止机制进行了剖析。

    This dissertation is written to address the principles , establishment mechanism , operation mechanism , risk control mechanism and termination mechanism of REITs from perspectives of comparative and economic analysis .

  3. 论作业成本法与经济增加值的结合应用

    On a Combined Application of Job Costing and Economic Value Added

  4. 试论民商法与经济法之合作前景

    The Cooperative Future of Civil and Commercial Law and Economic Law

  5. 第一章是人本主义视域下的法与经济法。

    Chapter one is Law and Economic Law of the Field of Humanism .

  6. 投资回收期法与经济寿命在道路机械选购中的应用

    The Application of Investing Profit Period and Economic Longevity in the Purchasing of Roadway Equipment

  7. 公司交叉持股的法与经济分析

    Legal and Economic Analysis of Cross Ownership

  8. 在此基础上比较了中外天然气管输定价的服务成本法与经济评价法,一部制定价法与两部制定价法等;

    Compared service cost methods with economic evaluation methods and the one-part pricing method with the two-part pricing method .

  9. 文章对中外不同典型国家的循环经济立法进行了比较分析,对工业文明与生态文明进行了类比分析,对循环经济法与经济法进行了对比分析,等等。

    With this method , The legislation of recycle economy in different typical countries domestic and overseas are analysised and compared , including compares on ecological civilisation and industrial civilization , Circular Economic Law and Economic Law and so on .

  10. 从法与经济结合的角度,论述了城市土地经营的内容、对象、性质、经营模式和投资方式,分析了城市土地的依法经营问题。

    From the view point of combination of laws with economy , this paper discusses the content , object , nature , investment method and operation style for the urban land operation , the problems in legal operation of urban land were ara lysed .

  11. 本文通过对森林法与经济法关系的剖析,用经济法中的方法对森林资源保护和开发利用中的经济法律关系、法律责任等进行了探讨,有利于规范引导人的行为。

    Through analysing the relationship between the law of forest and the economic law , this paper intents to apply the methods of the economic law to inquire into the law relations and the law responsibilities in the forest resource sustainable development for guiding the actions of people .

  12. 破产法与市场经济密不可分。

    Law of bankruptcy is inseparable from market - oriented economy .

  13. 经济法现象与经济法理念

    Phenomena and Concepts of Economic Law

  14. 经济转型国家的竞争法与市场经济国家的竞争法之间有许多不同之处。

    There are many differences about competition law between countries with economic transition and countries with developed market economic system .

  15. 祖国大陆公司法与市场经济发展的要求相比,存在相当大的差距。

    There is a long distance to perfect for Corporation Law of PRC in accordence to demand of development of market economy .

  16. 其四是对现代经济法与前经济法产生的共同历史合理性进行必要的追溯(第四章),并进行一定的讨论。

    Fourth is the economic law and economic law as a common history of pre-rationality of the necessary retroactive ( Chapter ⅳ), and for some discussion .

  17. 资本保全有财务资本保全与实物资本保全之分。本论文从比较法与法经济分析两个视角,对公司资本制度的基本原理、公司资本形成规则、公司资本维持规则进行了重思。

    The capital maintenance means both financial capital and physical capital . This dissertation is addressed to rethink the fundamental principles of the capital system , the rules of capital raising and capital maintenance from comparative and economic analysis perspectives .

  18. 第四章第二节则就以国家安全的理论谱系,论述为何政府选择以现代经济法与前经济法干预社会的因素,并分别就理论与事例进行说明。

    Chapter ⅳ Section then in relation to the theory of national security , lineage , discusses why the Government chose to intervene in economic law and the former social factors of economic law , and in respect of theory and examples of explanation .

  19. 法经济学分析与经济法关系简析

    The relation between economic analysis of law and economic law

  20. 专利法修订与印度经济的国际接轨

    Amendment of and Linking of Indian Economy to the World

  21. 经济法的定位与经济法学体系之重构

    The Orientation of Economic Law and the Reconstruction of the System of Economic Jurisprudence

  22. 在法律制度体系中,知识产权法与科技、经济有着特殊的联系。

    In a legal system , intellectual property law has special relations with science , technology and the economy .

  23. 将经济法描述为与经济相关的法律并不能洞穿经济法的本质。

    When Economic Law is described as the law concerning with economy , it cannot reveal the nature of Economic Law .

  24. 实行物价变动会计模式,采取存货流动计价,依照后进先出法与采用依经济寿命计算的加速折旧法。

    Accounting mode for price changing use with stock floating price , and use with accelerating depreciation method in respect of last-in first-out method and economic life .

  25. 社会主义经济法的形成与经济法在西方世界的诞生走的是两条相反相成的路径,但是它们殊途同归,都是政府与市场,行政与经济相结合的产物。

    The formation of socialist economic law chose the opposite way to what economic law in the West did , but they reach the same point that economic law is the compound production of government and market , of administration and economy .

  26. 本文从一个条件属中下等的森工局车队着手,一方面,从众多的经济变量中,应用管理会计的变动成本法,找出与经济效益密切相关的关键变量&周转量;

    By studying a transport corps of lower-middle grade in forestry in - dustry , the author , on one hand , has found out the turnover-a key variable which is closely related to the economic benefit from multitudinous economic variables by means of variable costing in managerial accounting .

  27. 项目法施工与社会主义市场经济

    Construction by Items and Socialist Market Economy

  28. 经济政策、经济制度和经济法的协同变迁与经济改革演进

    Coordinated Changes of Economic Policy , Economic System and Economic Law with Respect to Progress of Economic Reform

  29. 为探索旅游与经济发展之间的内在规律,本文以江西省为例应用灰色关联度分析法来研究旅游与经济网络的基本关系。

    To clarify inherent laws between tourism and economic development grey associative method is used taking Jiangxi province for example .

  30. 首先使用灰色关联法分析城市化与经济增长互动关系,找出二者之间相互影响的主要因素。

    Gray correlation analysis of the relationship between urbanization development and economic growth finds out the main influencing factors of the two .