
  • 网络Fahua Temple;Hokke-ji;Hokkeji Temple
  1. 法华寺也无心吞那些宝藏。

    Fahua temple doesn 't want to claim the treasures .

  2. 这法华寺一定有宝,走呀。

    Fahua temple has the treasures , let 's go .

  3. 但是又想要法华寺的宝藏。

    Then we want the treasures of fahua temple .

  4. 法华寺的大师没有一个会武功的。

    No one knows Kung Fu in fahua temple .

  5. 难道张保仔宝藏真在法华寺?

    Could the treasure be hidden in the temple ?

  6. 听说他是法华寺请来的高僧。

    I heard fahua Temple sent for him .

  7. 跟法华寺的天君大师有关系。

    To master Tianjun of fahua temple .