
  • 网络Social Solidarist School of Law
  1. 现在或许该轮到实证主义法学派来进行反驳了。

    Now it is perhaps the positivist 's turn to beat a hasty retreat .

  2. 历史法学派之借鉴与中国民法典制定之反思

    Drawing Reference to History School and o Rethinking China 's Codification of Civil Legal System

  3. 社会法学派是现代西方法学派的主要派别之一,其本质是现实主义法学。

    The school of sociological law is a main school of the West in modern times and its nature finds expression in realistic law .

  4. 所谓历史法学派是指19世纪初首先在德国兴起的,与古典自然法学派相对抗的一个思想派别。

    The so-called " Historical School of Law " refers to the school of thought which first arises in Germany during the nineteenth Century .

  5. 从西方历史法学派民法典理论、大陆法系主要国家立法实践以及我国近代以来的经验中,可以证明民间民事习惯确有其独特的优势和功能,值得对它进行深度挖掘,充分利用。

    From the Civil Law theory of Western History Law , legislating practice of some chief mainland law countries , and recent experiences of our country ;

  6. 实证法学派则主张法律的独立性,认为法律是一种纯粹的工具,而不是从道德上去评价法律。

    The empirical law of that legal independence , believe that the law is a mere tool , rather than from the ethical evaluation appears to be legal .

  7. 实证主义法学派自诞生之日起,便一直致力于回答法律是什么这个令人无比神往又使人颇为费解的问题。

    The positivist school of law has been committed to answer the question of " what law it is ", which is totally perplexing and fascinating , since the day of its birth .

  8. 随着历史法学派影响的不断扩大,19世纪中期逐渐出现了以英国梅因、梅特兰,美国卡特和日本的穗积沉重等为代表的晚期历史法学派。

    With the expanding influences of the Historical School of Law , there appears Maine , Maitland , and Carter as the representative of the advanced Historical School of Law in the nineteenth century .

  9. 历史法学派将交付解释为一项独立的物权契约,并认为交付不需原因的支持,形成了抽象物权契约理论。

    The school of historical jurisprudence explains the delivery as an independent contract of real right and thinks that delivery may be effective without the support of cause , so is the theory of abstract real right contract .

  10. 然后,着重研究了由美国社会法学派集大成者庞德开创的社会工程理论,解析了社会工程理论的内涵和要素。

    Then it is focused on the research of the social engineering theory created by Pond , the master of the social law school . Following that the contents and elements of the social engineering theory are explained .

  11. 而新分析法学派则认为法律规则基本上是自治的规则体系,法律规则主要是确定的,但也存在一定的不确定性,在这个前提下法律存在着有条件的开放。

    The lately Analytical School of thought thinks then the law rule is the rule system with autonomy basically , the law rule mainly is certain , but exists uncertainty , so the law exists conditioned openness under this premise .

  12. 总之,被考虑的最重要观点是逊尼派法学与什叶派法学中有着大量的共同点。

    Anyway , the most important point to be taken into account is that there is a great deal of agreement between the Sunni jurisprudence and the Shiite one .