
  • 网络basic principles of civil law
  1. 公平原则是民法基本原则中的核心原则。

    Fair rule is the core principle of basic principles of civil law .

  2. 笔者认为,上述不足与我国当前关于民法基本原则的研究方法有关。

    The author thinks that the shortages of the above have the relation with the current research on some basic principles of Civil Law methods .

  3. 试论我国民法基本原则体系&以民事法律关系理论为视角

    On the Fundamental Principles of China 's Civil Law

  4. 民法基本原则与大学生素养关系的思考

    Consideration of Relation between Basic Principle of Civil Law and College Students ' Quality

  5. 民法基本原则之探析

    Analysis On Basic Principle of Civil Law

  6. 民法基本原则是民法理论的重要问题。

    The fundamental principles of civil law are a crucial problem in civil law theory .

  7. 论民事特别法与民法基本原则冲突时的法律适用&第三者受遗赠案法律评析

    The Legal Application on the Conflict Between the Basic Principle of Civil Law And the Special Civil Law

  8. 民法基本原则适用的规则&由泸州遗赠纠纷案谈起

    On Application Rules of Fundamental Principles of Civil Law & Starting with the Controversy over Bequest in Luzhou

  9. 第二部分,论述民法基本原则对违约金法律适用的影响。

    Part two : the influence of civil law 's principles on the application of law on penalty clauses .

  10. 绿色原则成为民法基本原则的问题是生态伦理法律化的重大问题。

    The problem of Green principle becoming basic principle of civil law is important to law of ecological ethics .

  11. 证券内幕交易是一种证券违法行为。它严重背离了证券交易应当遵循的诚实信用的民法基本原则,对证券市场公开、公平、公正原则造成了直接的破坏;

    Insider trading , an illegal behavior in securities market , deviates from the basic principles of the civil law and securities law .

  12. 这一章作者所勾勒的只是知识产权限制制度体系的一个框架,分为民法基本原则对知识产权的限制,知识产权法上的限制和竞争法上的限制。

    This chapter outlines the sources of intellectual property restriction system , which include basic principles of civil law , intellectual property law and competition law .

  13. 民法基本原则是具体法律规范的指导,具有补充具体规范不足的作用。

    The fundamental principles of civil law are guidelines of concrete legal norms and could also serve as the supplement when there is an insufficiency of these norms .

  14. 民法基本原则作为克服成文法局限性的工具被人类所认识,经历了一段漫长的时期。

    The basic principle of civil law that is known by the mankind as the tool overcoming the limitation of written law has gone through a long period .

  15. 对于知识产权滥用导致的反竞争行为应受到知识产权法自身规范、民法基本原则以及竞争法的规制。

    Intellectual property law itself shall control anti-competition behaviors , which are caused by misusing intellectual property , the basic principles of civil law as well as competition law .

  16. 民法基本原则的立法形式问题首先须解决民法应否规定基本原则的问题。

    The question about the legislative form of basic principles in Civil Law is based on the question that the Civil Law should stipulate the basic principles or not .

  17. 人性假设与民法基本原则重建&兼论公平原则的重新定位基于朗伯定律重建光学三角法测位移原理公式

    On the Foundation of Human Nature of the Civil Law Basic Principle Rebuilding Principle Formula of Optical Triangulation Method of Displacement Measurement in View of the Lambert ′ Theory

  18. 进一步探讨民法基本原则在知识产权边境保护中的适用和知识产权边境保护中行政执法对民法原则的补充和拓展;

    Further discuss how to apply important principles of civil law and how the administrative execution of law to supply and broaden the principles of civil law in boundary protection of intellectual property rights ;

  19. 作为道德法律化的一项民法基本原则,诚实信用原则的作用不仅仅在于指导当事人的行为,也是立法和司法的一项重要原则。

    As a morally legalized basic principle , bona fide doctrine plays an important role not only in guiding behavior of the party concerned , but also is a basic principle of the legislation and justice .

  20. 通过经济法基本原则与民法基本原则、行政法基本原则的比较分析,阐述了经济法可持续发展原则的特有性。

    Through comparative analysis of basic principles of economic law , basic principles of civil law and basic principles of administrative law , the article sets forth the particularity of the sustainable development principle of economic law .

  21. 在我国,公司社会责任理论的提出是民法基本原则在公司法中的体现,也是民法价值对商法价值的修正。

    In my country , corporate social responsibility of the theory is the fundamental principles of the civil law of the Company Law , as well as commercial value of the value of the civil law amendments .

  22. 在现代民商立法中,均衡的运用,发展了民法基本原则,如禁止权利滥用原则、诚实信用原则等。契约的死亡和再生也是运用均衡的结果。

    In the legislation of the modern Civil Law and Commercial Law , the Equilibrium develops the basic principle of the Civil Law , which results in the " death " and " rebirth " of contract .

  23. 作为民法基本原则的公序良俗原则,它虽然无法提供直接的逻辑操作的指南,但它的确是逻辑操作与人们共识的价值之间的桥梁,是规则与价值观念的汇合点。

    As a basic principle , although can 't provide a direct logical guidebook for operating of law , it is really the bridge of operation and people common concepts and the " match point " of rules and concepts .

  24. 民法基本原则作为解释准则、法律补充规则的功能早已为学者公认,对其能否作为直接裁判依据则存在不同看法。

    The basic principle of civil law is accepted generally by the scholar as the function of interpretation criterion and law supplemental rule early , but there are different views for whether it can act directly as the basis of judge .

  25. 民法基本原则是民事立法、民事司法与民事活动的基本准则,是民法中最高层次的价值准则,其构成了民法的伦理基础,是民法精神实质所在。

    The civil law basic principle are the basic criterion of civil legislation , civil judicial and the civic action , it is the topmost value criterion and the spirit essence in the civil law , constituted the civil law ethics foundation .

  26. 盖因公序良俗原则作为民法基本原则之一,不仅能统领民法具体规范,还因其弹性之大,可作为法官行使自由裁量权、克服成文法局限性之工具。

    As a basic principle of the civil law , Public orders and Borus mores is not only a king of the other rules , but also an instrument by which judge can exercise the judicial discretion to overcome the limitation of the statutory law .

  27. 本文结合司法实践中的案例,论证了民法基本原则直接司法适用的必要性、可行性,提出了司法过程中法官应遵循的程序作业和实体考量的建议。

    The article has proved the necessity and feasibility of the judicial application of the basic principle of civil law according to the case in the judicial practice , and has put forward the suggestions on the procedure and entity that the judge should follow in judicial course .

  28. 从民法的基本原则来认识公法与私法的划分

    The differentiation between public law and private law from the basic principles of the civil law

  29. 民法的基本原则是私法精神的一个载体。

    The basic principles of the civil law is the carrier of the spirit of the private law .

  30. 在现代私法体系下,合同自由原则是民法的基本原则之一。

    Under modern civil law regime , the principle of the freedom of contract is one of the most important basic law principles .