
  • 网络ethnic composition;Ethnic Group;composition of nationalities
  1. 1999年与2009年急性脑梗死患者民族构成比无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    1999 and 2009 the ethnic composition of patients with acute cerebral infarction than those without significant difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  2. 云南汉语地名发展与民族构成变迁

    The Development of the Chinese Place-names in Yunnan and the Changes of the Ethnic Composition

  3. 本组住院患者中UC和CD两组民族构成比较无统计学差异。

    There was no statistic difference between race proportion of UC and CD in-patients .

  4. 反思与整合:构建当代多民族构成的中华民族道德文明

    Reflection and Integration : Constructing Contemporary Moral Civilization of Chinese Multi-ethnic Groups

  5. 在湘西,土家族、苗族、汉族等诸多民族构成了独特的民族文化群落。

    Many nations form their own unique national culture community in Xiangxi .

  6. 疟疾对西南边疆民族构成和分布的影响

    The Influence of Malaria to National Constitution and Distribution in the Southwestern Frontier

  7. 这些改革导致公务人员的民族构成发生了急剧变动。

    These reforms have resulted in dramatic shifts in the ethnic composition of government employment .

  8. 前南斯拉夫联盟的民族构成复杂就与其曲折的民族形成史有很大关系。

    The former Yugoslavia was crammed with diverse nationalities and they did not mix well .

  9. 中国的民族构成和欧洲一些国家的民族构成不太一样。

    China 's ethnic composition and some European countries do not pose the same nation .

  10. 第一部分主要阐述了中亚五国的民族构成与民族问题。

    The first part mainly deals with the ethnic make-up and the ethnic problems of the five Central Asian countries .

  11. 绥远建城百年来土默特地区移民的民族构成与社会影响

    The Ethnic Composition of Immigrants and the Social Impact of T ü med Area Set up Suiyuan City Hundreds of Years

  12. 本文以塔吉克斯坦在2000年所作的人口普查为依据,主要对塔吉克斯坦的人口概况、人口变化、民族构成进行了分析。

    According to 2000 population census of Tajikistan , this paper analyses the general situation , changes and nationality composition of Tajikistan .

  13. 第一部分对封闭型经济的概念、县域经济的研究作了回顾。第二部分简要介绍台江的自然条件、自然资源、建制沿革、民族构成和台江县经济发展历程。

    The first part briefly introduces development process of economy in Taijiang , the natural resources of Taijiang , the origin , race constitution .

  14. 根据四川36个扶贫工作重点县(区)的民族构成差异,将它们划分为了两个区域,即贫困少数民族地区与贫困汉族地区。

    This article divides Sichuan 's 36 poverty-stricken counties ( districts ) to two regions according to the difference of their national constitution , namely .

  15. 第二章介绍独克宗古城所在地域的生态背景、地名沿革、语言家户、民族构成及其渊源等概况,为主题讨论作必要的铺垫。

    And in chapter two , the natural environment , toponym evolution and origin of ethnic groups of Dukezong hints the main topic of this thesis .

  16. 在韩国这个几乎由单一民族构成的国家中,人们一方面对教育抱有极高的热情,一方面又强烈主张社会和经济的平等;以抽签定教育的过程实则是这两种力量冲撞的产物。

    The process is a collision of the South Korean passion for education and the desire in this mostly homogenous society for social and economic equality .

  17. 还有一种理论说,长剑的采用与罗马军队民族构成和当时的风气更有关系,这解释了长剑在公元200年以后流行的原因。

    Another theory has more to do with ethnic makeup and current fashions trends as to why a longer sword becomes favored in the200 's AD onwards .

  18. 生活在马来西亚这个由多元民族构成的国度,异族题材自然地成为马华作家的一大取材方向,塑造异族形象也成了这类题材的中心内容。

    Living in Malaysia , a country consist of various races , narrative of " the other " inevitably becomes one of the important topics of the Chinese-Malaysian novels .

  19. 第一章,从地理位置、民族构成和文化发源三方面给予西北精确的定义,并引出文学风格及影响文学风格的因素。

    Chapter 1 , the paper defines a precise definition of northwest China from three aspects : geography , ethnic and culture , extends the literary style and its causes .

  20. 地处西南边陲的云南神秘而富饶,环境特别:历史发展特殊、自然条件多样、民族构成复杂、文化特质多元。

    Yunnan , lies on the southwest border of China , is a mysterious and rich city characterized by special environment and history , diverse natural conditions , complex ethnic composition and multi-culture .

  21. 第二章简述了石河子市的历史沿革和民族构成,用图表形式展示了石河子市近年来的汉族及少数民族人口变化的数量与趋势。

    The second chapter briefly Shihezi the history and ethnic groups , and use a chart shows the Shihezi city form in recent years the Han and the number of minority population changes and trends .

  22. 游牧地区由不同的几个草原民族构成,打渔-打猎的地区涵盖了位于希拉木伦河和图河之间的契丹以及东北部的女真。

    The nomadic zone consisted of various northern grassland nationalities and the fishing-hunting zone covered the Khitan area between the Xar Moron and Tuhe rivers , and the Jurchen people 's area in the northeast .

  23. 在新疆维吾尔自治区,由于其民族构成的特点以及地理位置的重要性,研究维吾尔语的文语转换系统,具有重大的社会意义和广泛的应用前景。

    Due to the ethnic structure in the Uighur Autonomous Region of Xijiang province and the importance of its physical location , it has significant social benefits and broad application prospect to study the text-to-speech system .

  24. 近代内蒙古历史上移民问题贯穿着整个社会变迁,移民的存在对清代内蒙古社会经济结构、民族构成、生态环境等均产生了很大的影响。

    Immigration issue had been runing through the entire modern history of Inner Mongolia . It had a great influence on the socio-economy , ethnic structure and the ecological environment of the Inner Mongolia in Qing dynasty .

  25. 由于民族构成及生产生活方式的不同,这一时期的文化呈现出了自由多元的发展态势。

    The Ethnic Elements of An and Shi 's Insurrectional Army and the Relations between them Because of the difference of life and production style , the culture in this period appeared the multiple and free tendency .

  26. 主要以保加利亚政府人口普查和相关学者研究的结论为基础,从种族,宗教,语言等方面分析当今保加利亚民族构成的概况以及历史渊源,并分析一些有争议的民族问题。

    With Bulgaria government census and related study conclusion as the foundation , This part analyzes of the current survey , historical origin and some controversial national problems from the race , religion , language of Bulgaria nationality composition .

  27. 民国时期西南地区有着独特的区域特征,不但地形复杂多样,而且民族构成复杂,且长期处于地方军阀的统治之下。

    The southwest region during the period of the Republic of China has special regional characteristics , not only has complicated and multiplicity topography , but also has complicated ethnic composition , which is dominated by local warlords for a long term .

  28. 定边县在地理环境、民族构成、自然资源、风俗民情、宗教信仰等文化生态方面具有的复杂、多样性特点,是形成当地民间音乐品种多元化分布的主要原因。

    Dingbian in the geographical environment , the ethnic composition , natural resources , custom , religion and other cultural ecological complexity , diversity characterized by the formation of the local folk music of the main reasons for the distribution of species diversity .

  29. 我国的国土地域十分辽阔,各地区之间地理条件、自然资源状况、民族构成、文化宗教传统、人力资源各不相同,特别是沿边民族区域经济发展水平同沿海发达地区的差异正在逐步扩大。

    Although China have expansive land , there are a lot of different factors in geographical condition , resource situation , national structure , culture and religious tradition , especially , the economic developmental level tend to expense between border national minorities and coastland .

  30. 作者从人口学的角度,以人口普查资料为依据,对建国以来云南女性人口的数量与分布、民族构成、素质、经济活动人口和年龄构成作了简要的概述。

    Based on data from population census , the author gives a brief account of status of female population in Yunnan in the light of demography . The discussion involves the number and distribution of female population , ethnic composition , quality , population involving economic activities and age structure .