
  • 网络Frankfurt book fair;Frankfurt International Book Fair
  1. 今年10月,在法兰克福书展上,德国电子图书分销商txtr推出了一款售价仅为9.90欧元的电子书阅读器。

    And at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October , txtr , a German ebook distributor , unveiled an eReader that costs just 9.90 .

  2. 法兰克福书展中国主宾国活动报道效果分析

    Communication Effects of Reporting about China at 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair

  3. 在法兰克福书展上,数位知名美国作家展示了他们的新作品。

    Popular American authors presented new publications at the Frankfurt Book Fair .

  4. 几年前,我在法兰克福书展上偶遇一位美国出版商。

    I bumped into an American publisher at the Frankfurt book fair a few years ago .

  5. 法兰克福书展对在图书出版业工作的人来说是一个重要的国际展销会。

    The Frankfurt Book Fair is an important international trade fair am also trade show for people working in book publishing .

  6. 我告诉他在一般的图书展上,比如著名的法兰克福书展,他们顶多发些图书目录。

    I told him that at book-book fairs , like the famous one in Frankfurt , they mostly gave out catalogs .

  7. 法兰克福书展上的摩擦,墨尔本电影节上的争执,我们都愤怒地伸展了一下自己的肌肉,令世界为之蓦然一惊。

    The world was surprised at our outspoken attitude in expressing our anger at the Frankfurt Book Fair and the Melbourne International Film Festival .

  8. 不过,今年法兰克福书展的大量时间、书展上进行的大量对话,都和一个能真正影响读者的技术进步有关:电子书。

    And yet much time and conversation at Frankfurt this year was devoted to a technical development that really could affect readers : the ebook .

  9. 由于其在中国图书市场的影响,2005年作为中国出版界的唯一代表应邀参加法兰克福书展。

    Due to the influence of Chinese book market in2005 , as the only representative of China 's publishing industry was invited to attend the Frankfurt book fair .

  10. 黑默斯托弗在法兰克福书展上对记者说,人们在厕纸上可以读到德国文学巨擘海因里希-海涅和克里斯廷-摩根施泰恩的诗歌,还有故事和侦探小说。

    Poems by German literary giants Heinrich Heine and Christian morgenstern , as well as tales and detective stories could be found on the toilet rolls , Hemmerstoffer told reporters at the Frankfurt Book fair .

  11. 这是去年中国作为主宾国参加欧罗巴利亚-中国艺术节和法兰克福国际书展的照片。

    The following pictures record China as the main guest of honor to the Europalia-China Art Festival and the Frankfurt Book Fair .

  12. 在周日闭幕的第61届法兰克福(德国)书展上,中国将主宾国的身份移交给了下一届书展的主宾国阿根廷。

    The61st Frankfurt Book Fair closed Sunday , with China handing over the guest of honor to Argentina for the next event .