
  • 网络co-publishing;co-publish
  1. 同时我们准备开拓更强的海外合作开发、合作出版和双向运营。

    At the same time we will prepare for our second push of forging stronger international co-development , co-publishing and bi-lateral operating agreements .

  2. 和你们商量一件事,你们能否和我合作出版一份社会科学基础知识科普材料;

    Discuss with you one thing , you can and I co-publish a basic knowledge of social science materials science ;

  3. 这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。

    Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England , the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation .

  4. 伯切尔曾与同事珍妮佛•罗宾合作出版过一本引人入胜的新书,书名是《不找借口:最佳工作场所是如何炼成的》(NoExcuses:HowYouCanTurnAnyWorkplaceIntoaGreatOne)。

    Burchell is co-author , with colleague Jennifer Robin , of a fascinating new book , no excuses : how you can turn any workplace into a great one .

  5. 由信息产业部所属中国电子报、瑞德电子集团、以及美国国际数据集团(IDG)合作出版。

    The publishing of EDN China combines the resources from three key information providers-Reed Electronics Group , IDG and China Electronics News of CCID .

  6. 尤其是1996年;英国Longman出版公司与人民教育出版社合作出版的新编中学英语教材使用以来,高中教师已经开始将交际思想运用到实践中去,但效果不是很显著。

    Particularly , on the use of Senior English for China ( published by Longman and People 's Educational Press , 1996 ), the English teachers in middle schools began to apply the communicative ideas to classroom activities , but the efficiency produced seems not quite evident .

  7. 非出版单位和个人,均不得同国外进行合作出版。

    No non-publishing units or individuals may undertake publication in co-operation with foreign countries .

  8. 1980年,莱考夫与约翰逊合作出版了旷世之作《我们所赖以生存的隐喻》。

    In 1980 Lakoff and Johnson worked together and published the famous work Metaphor We Live By .

  9. 该丛书项目始于1990年,由中国外文局与耶鲁大学出版社合作出版。

    The series program , which started in the1990s , is jointly published by CIPG and Yale University .

  10. 对外合作出版项目,应经双方充分协商确定。

    Projects of publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall be determined through full consultation between the two parties thereto .

  11. 第三,国际合作出版。分析了国际合作出版与版权贸易的区别。

    Third is the international cooperation publication , which analyzes the difference of the international cooperation publication and the copyright trade .

  12. 1798年,他同华兹华斯合作出版《抒情歌谣集》,成为英诗发展的一座里程碑。

    In1798 , the two men published a joint volume of poetry , Lyrical Ballads , which became a landmark in English poetry .

  13. 作为瑞士荣格集团的分支机构之一,北京荣格广告公司与中国食品工业集团合作出版了《贝太厨房》。

    Beijing Ringier International Advertising Company , a joint venture with Ringier AG , cooperates with the China Food Group to publish Bettys Kitchen .

  14. 1986年斯珀伯和威尔逊合作出版的著作《关联性:交际与认知》为我们研究语言交际提供了新的视角。

    The publication of Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson 's collaboration Relevance : Communication and Cognition in1986 offers us a new perspective to study language communication .

  15. 出版社拟同国外合作出版的书稿,应事先征得原作者或原编辑单位的同意。

    A publishing house that intends to co-operate with a foreign party in publishing a manuscript shall solicit in advance the permission of the author or the original editing unit .

  16. 未经原出版社同意,任何出版社不得同国外合作出版其他出版社出版的书刊。

    Without the permission of the original publishing houses , no publishing houses may co-operate with foreign parties in publishing books or journals published by other publishing houses . G ;

  17. 米尔斯创办了好几家由发电企业资助的非盈利组织。2006年,他还合作出版了《无底洞:燃料的没落、浪费的好处、为何我们的能源将取之不尽用之不竭》一书。

    He has founded several power-industry funded non-profit organizations and 2006 he co-authored The Bottomless Well : The Twilight of Fuel , The Virtue of Waste , and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy .

  18. 最近我一直在重温吉姆•柯林斯的著作,他是我最喜欢的管理学作家之一,曾著有畅销书《从优秀到卓越》,还和杰里•波勒斯合作出版过《基业常青》。

    Lately I 've been re-reading one of my favorite management writers , Jim Collins , the author of the best-selling " Good to Great ", and co-author with Jim Porras of " Built to Last " .

  19. 2005年,全国的图书工作室已达到8500家,每年策划、合作出版的图书接近二万种,占全国出版品种的十分之一左右,各类畅销书排行榜上,80%以上都由图书工作室策划。

    2005 , the National Book studios have reached 8,500 , and annual planning , nearly 20,000 books published . 10 % of total species of publishing various bestseller list . Book studios were planning more than 80 % .

  20. 另外该公司还利用了海瑟的出版业背景,打算今年与十速出版社【TenSpeedPress,隶属于兰登书屋(RandomHouse)子公司皇冠出版社(CrownPublishing)】合作,出版四五本烹饪书。

    The company is also returning to Hesser 's publishing roots in a deal with Ten Speed Press , an imprint of Random House subsidiary Crown Publishing , to create four to five cooking-related books each year .

  21. 通过这种版权合作,我社出版了很多颇受读者欢迎的进口版图书。

    Many well-received books have been published through copyright cooperation with them .

  22. 何与合作伙伴专著的出版,是香港最具创新性和尊重的建筑公司的丰富和详细的庆祝。

    The Ho & Partners monograph is a rich and detailed celebration of Hong Kong 's most innovative and respected architectural firms .