
  • 网络Formation of the contract;the conclusion of contracts
  1. 领导供应商预选,筛选,议价及合同的订立

    Lead supplier pre-selection , selection , price negotiation , contract finalization .

  2. 浅谈教师聘任合同的订立、解除与终止

    On the Formation , Discharge and Termination of Teachers ' Contract

  3. 从合同的订立、履行谈商业秘密的保护

    Protection of Trade Secret in the Course of the Conclusion and Performance of Contracts

  4. 对班轮运输合同的订立和解除,法律规定不明确。

    Provisions about liner shipping contract conclusion and termination are relatively imprecise in law .

  5. 第二章经济合同的订立和履行

    Chapter ⅱ The Conclusion and Performanceof Economic Contracts

  6. 保险法介绍保险的要求、合同的订立、保险的赔偿等内容。

    The last one introduce insurance law , such as making contract , compensate , and etc.

  7. 电子合同的订立

    The Making of Electronic Contracts

  8. 针对各种交易方式的特点,讨论了初级电力市场不同交易模式下合同的订立形式。

    According to the characteristics of the different kinds of trading , the corresponding signing methods are discussed .

  9. 雇佣合同的订立应遵循合同订立的一般规则,必须经过要约和承诺两个阶段。

    The conclusion of employment contracts should abide by the general rules of contract conclusion : offer and acceptance .

  10. 具体应包括出口信用保险制度的一般规定,保险合同的订立,保险双方的权力和义务,法律纠纷的解决等。

    Specific export credit insurance system should include the general provisions of the insurance contract , rights and obligations .

  11. 电子合同的订立是整个在电子商务中,通过电子合同进行交易的最重要的阶段。

    Agreeing on an electronic contract is the most important stage by means of electronic trade among the whole electronic commerce .

  12. 具体体现在劳动合同的订立和解除、劳动工资制度、劳动用工制度等等。

    These embodies in the labor contract 's made and lifted of , the wage system , the labor and employment system and etc.

  13. 在构建环境行政合同的订立制度时引入民法中的缔约过失责任制度;

    Secondly , system of concluding an environmental administrative contract is established by recommending and using system of blame obligation of contracting in civil law .

  14. 第二部分从买卖合同的订立过程和认购书本身内容两个角度界定认购书的地位。

    Part two mainly indentify the status of subscription book from the process of concluding the contract and the contents of the subscription book itself .

  15. 内容包括海上保险合同的订立、形式、内容、效力、履行、变更和转让、终止以及解释等环节。

    The content of this paper included : conclusion , form , content , effectiveness , performance , modification and assignment , termination and interpretation of contract .

  16. 特别是在回避程序、资格预审程序、招投标程序和合同的订立和履行程序等程序性制度留下了比较多的法律漏洞。

    Especially there are many loopholes of law in the procedure of getting around , qualification reviewing , invite bids and bids , contact signing and implementing .

  17. 定金的性质为担保合同的订立或履行,因购房人违约,开发商有权不退还定金。

    The property of deposit is assure of the contract conclude or fulfill , because buy room person beak a contract , development business has authority not to return deposit .

  18. 教育合同的订立过程,一般分为发布招生简章、学生报名、学校发出录取通知书、学生报到、学生注册几个过程。

    The formation process of education contract is generally divided into several processes : publishing enrollment information , students entering for entrance exams , schools sending admission notices , students registration .

  19. 劳动合同的订立是劳动者与用人单位经过一定程序,采用一定的形式,确定劳动合同内容,建立劳动关系的活动。

    Concluding the labor contract is the activity that the employer and employee base on the legal procedure and some form , agree the content of contract , and establish the labor relation .

  20. 劳动合同的订立,是指劳动者和用人单位经过相互选择和平等协商,就劳动合同条款达成协议,从而确立劳动关系并明确相互权利义务的法律行为。

    Concluding of labor contract refers to legal action which makes their right and duty clear through mutual choice and equal consult between employer and labor who reach an agreement on the labor contract clause .

  21. 因此本文从保赔保险合同的订立及其具体条款内容上全面探讨,确定了其作为海上保险合同的法律性质,但又有其特殊性。

    Consequently , this paper comprehensively explored the conclusion and specific content items of the P & I insurance contract , and identified its legal character as a marine insurance contract , as well as its particularity .

  22. 合营企业合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及其争议的解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。

    The conclusion , validity , interpretation , and performance of the contract of a joint venture and settlement of disputes in connection therewith shall be governed by the laws of the people 's Republic of china .

  23. 运用比较分析的方法,比较中韩两国建设工程合同的订立与生效、合同履行过程中当事人的权利义务、合同解除的种类与条件等。

    Using the method of comparison , compare that the rights and obligations of the parties and the types of the termination of the contract and the conditions with construction project contract conclusion , taking effort , performance .

  24. 电子商务合同的订立是在虚拟的网络环境中进行的,当事人互不见面,其信用和身份只能通过电子签名和电子认证等安全保障机制来确认。

    E-business contract is concluded in virtual environment . Since no parties concerned meet face to face , their credit and identities can only be confirmed by some safety guarantee systems such as electronic signature and electronic authentication .

  25. 其次要在劳动合同的订立、履行、变更、解除、终止、争议和诉讼等环节确立相应的应对策略和措施。

    And then in the labor contract to enter into , cany out , change , disarmament , termination , disputes and litigation and other aspects of the establishment of the corresponding strategies and measures to deal with .

  26. 笔者认为,随着教育形式日益多样化,教育合同的订立过程也呈现多种形式,应区别以本专科录取为代表的各种学历教育合同以及各种培训教育为代表的非学历教育合同分别探讨。

    The author thinks that the contract formation process takes a variety of forms with the increasingly diversified education forms , and academic education contract represented by undergraduate admission should be separated from non-academic education contract represented by various trainings .

  27. 尤其是有关电子合同的订立、法律效力、合同主体的识别等民事法律问题,以及有关电子商务的税收征收法律问题。

    Especially as respects to the civil case law questions , such as the electronic offer and accept , the legal effect of the electronics contract , identification of the contracting parties , and the revenue from tax concerning electronic commerce .

  28. 房产权转移、房产预售(预购)、房产抵押和房屋租赁合同的订立,应经深圳市公证处公证。

    The formation of contracts for the transfer of building property rights , the sale ( purchase ) of building property in advance , the mortgage of building property and the lease of buildings shall be notarized by the Shenzhen Municipal Notarial Office .

  29. 对于海上路货这种特殊交易,货物的风险仍以货物交付时间来决定转移时间,但形式上表现为合同的订立。卖方仍负货物特定化和有限的品质保证责任来转移货物的风险。

    As for the floating cargo , a special trade , goods risk 's transfer is still settled by goods delivering time , which shows signing contract in formal , and seller still has responsibilities for specialization of goods and the limited quality guarantee to transfer goods risk .

  30. 当事人可以参照各类合同的示范文本订立合同。

    The parties may enter into a contract by referencing a model contract for the relevant contract category .