
wú chánɡ láo dònɡ
  • unpaid labor;uncompensated labor
  1. 谁为共同体承担何种无形税负(无偿劳动)?

    Who pays what kind of invisible tax ( unpaid work ) to the community ?

  2. 除缴地租外,他们每年还得在地主的田里无偿劳动15天。

    They do fifteen days'free labour a year on the landlords'fields , over and above their rents .

  3. 通过减少占日常家务61%的无偿劳动,我们可以把这些时间释放出来去做有意义的事——照顾孩子和老人。

    By reducing the 61 per cent of unpaid work that consists of routine household tasks , we can free up time for the valuable work of caring for children and elders .

  4. 报道称,莫斯科警察局特警大队无故将外来务工人员抓走,然后强迫被抓者在特警基地和部分领导别墅内进行无偿劳动。

    The report said that migrant workers in Moscow were captured by the Omon , Russia 's police force , and forced to work without pay at some Omon bases or the villas of officials .

  5. 罚金刑执行难的原因是:一是犯罪人经济状况普遍较差而无力缴纳罚金,二是罚金刑负担过重而超出犯罪者的承受能力:三是服刑犯因无偿劳动而无力履行罚金刑,等等。

    There three reasons of difficulties to implement the criminal fine . First , the economic conditions of the offenders are generally poor and unable to pay the fine . Second , the fine is too heavy for the offenders to afford .

  6. 我们满怀希望,我们热诚祈祷,愿这场惩罚我们的战争早日过去;但假若天意要这场战争延续下去,直至二百五十年来利用奴隶无偿劳动辛苦积聚下来的财富销毁净尽,

    Fondly do we hope , fervently do we pray , that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away . Yet , if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman 's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk ,

  7. 他们被迫为他无偿地劳动。

    They were made to work for him without pay .

  8. 许多在城里工作的人到了周末自愿地在自家的庭院里做无偿的劳动,春天来时,他们就可尽情享受自己创造的美景带来的快乐。

    Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and toil in their gardens , and when the spring comes , they experience all the joys of having created beauty .

  9. 无偿的家务劳动构成妇女压迫的物质基础;

    The free household labors have constituted the materials base of oppressing the females .