
  • 网络contract;Contract Signing
  1. 国际工程承包合同签订和谈判应注意的问题

    Some Points to Ponder about Negotiation and Signing of International Project Contracts

  2. 官方希望查清福戈是否参与了其朋友的商业合同签订并从中获利。

    Authorities want to know if Foggo intervened in contracts awarded to his friend .

  3. 他们在合同签订后预付了5000英镑。

    They offered an advance of £ 5 000 after the signing of the contract .

  4. 本文根据华能玉环电厂工程合同签订文件并结合工程进展的相关资料,对玉环电厂1000MW汽轮机过载补汽技术作了相应的介绍。

    This paper illustrates the overload technology of1000MW ultra-supercritical turbine of Yuhuan Power Plant based on the contract and relevant project documents of Huaneng Yuhuan Power Plant .

  5. 合同签订的日期和地点;

    The date and place of the signing of the contract ;

  6. 概率合同签订协议的公平性具有典型的概率性质。

    The fairness of probabilistic contract signing is a probabilistic property .

  7. 国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险

    The Risk of Contract for International Engineering in Signing Stage

  8. 付款将延期到合同签订。

    34.Payment will be held up until the contract has been signed .

  9. 索赔解决了,新合同签订了。

    Clams are settled , a new contract is concluded .

  10. 试论高校图书馆纸本图书采购合同签订的风险防范

    Discussion on Risk Control of Paper-based Books Purchase Contract in University Libraries

  11. 浅谈对合同签订时间的公证&兼议公证证明的基本法理

    Informal Discussion on the Notarization of the Time for Signing a Contract

  12. 乐观电子合同签订协议的一种有限状态机模型

    A Finite Automata Model for Optimistic Contract Signing Protocols

  13. 电子合同签订协议的符号模型检验分析

    Symbolic Model Checking Analysis for Electronic Contract Signing Protocol

  14. 基于概率模型检测的合同签订协议分析

    Analysis of Contract Signing Protocol Based Probabilistic Model Checking

  15. 抵押合同签订的相关法律问题分析

    Close Analysis of Legal Problems about Signing Mortgage Contract

  16. 基于不经意传输的合同签订协议

    A Protocol for Signing Contracts Based on Oblivious Transfer

  17. 当合同签订时,该计划已接近实现阶段。

    The plan moved a stage nearer realization when the contract was signed .

  18. 针对国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险进行分析。

    The risk of contract for international engineering in signing stage is analyzed .

  19. 你们应当在合同签订后6个月内交货。

    You should offer to deliver within six months after the contract signing .

  20. 直到合同签订之后,一切都存在变数。

    Nothing is certain until the contract is signed .

  21. 承包商在合同签订阶段就应该将合同风险降至最低。

    Contractor should lower the risks at the phase of the subscription of contract .

  22. 开工日期:本合同签订后1星期内。

    The date of start-up : within one week after the contract is signed .

  23. 筑路机械租赁合同签订应注意的问题

    Caution for Contract Signing of Construction Machinery Lease

  24. 谈谈经济合同签订中的陷阱及防范

    On Pitfall of Economic Contract and its Countermeasures

  25. 浅谈水利工程建设单位在施工合同签订中应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems Needing Attention in Signing Construction Contract for Building Units of Hydraulic Engineering

  26. 电子出版物采访中数据库合同签订问题初探

    Discussion about Conclude Contracts of Electronic Database

  27. 自合同签订之日起100个自然日。

    The contract lasts for100 natural days .

  28. 浅析租赁合同签订过程中常见的问题及对策

    On Leasing Contract Signing Procedure

  29. 在功能上实现了客户资料的收集,客户风险评级及调查和审批、贷中的合同签订和出账控制及监督管理等功能。

    In function it realized the data collection , investigation , ratings approval and risk control and supervision .

  30. 合同签订以后,买卖双方应该按照合同的规定履行合同。

    Once the contract is signed , the seller and buyer should enforce it according to the provisions .