
  1. 05【缔约学校】本校药学院与美国俄亥俄州立大学药学院签订学术合作协议书。

    CMU College of Pharmacy establishes academic affiliation agreement with The Ohio State University , College of Pharmacy .

  2. 今年10月底,湘煤集团与新疆吐鲁番地区在长沙签订《煤炭资源勘探开发合作协议书》。

    At the end of October , the " Agreement on the Exploration and Exploitation of Coal Resources " aiming at an all-round cooperation was signed .

  3. 为促进两地人才交流,星岛新闻集团更与山西省人事厅签订「人才项目战略合作协议书」。

    With an aim in strengthening the co-operation with Hong Kong through talent exchange , an agreement was signed between Sing Tao News Corporation and the Personnel Department of Shanxi Province .

  4. 随着三网融合的推进及业务发展的需要,科技部与国家广电总局签署了《国家高性能宽带信息网暨中国下一代广播电视网自主创新合作协议书》。

    With the promotion of the triple play and the business development needs , Ministry of Science formally signed the " National high performance broadband information network and China the next generation of radio and television innovation cooperation agreement " with the State Administration of Radio .

  5. 签定合作意向协议书。

    Sign the cooperation intention agreement .

  6. 公司已经与意大利国际设计管理集团签订了五年合作开发协议书,同步开发具有世界先进水平的系列家具。

    The company has international design and management of the Group of Italy signed a five-year joint development agreement , synchronous development of the world 's advanced level of family furniture .

  7. 1992年2月,朝鲜与韩国签署了《关于朝韩和解和互不侵犯及交流&合作的协议书》,并共同发表了《关于朝鲜半岛无核化的共同宣言》。

    DPRK and South Korea with mutual nonaggression and exchange & Cooperative agreement was signed in February , 1992 . and they published the common declaration about Korean Peninsula de-nuclearization together .