
hé yíng qǐ yè
  • joint venture;cooperative enterprise
合营企业[hé yíng qǐ yè]
  1. IBM公司一位女性发言人表示,该合营企业和万达网络科技集团将“负责IBM云平台在中国的分配、建设与运营工作”。

    The venture between IBM and Wanda Internet Technology Group will be " responsible for distributing , building and operating the IBM cloud platform in China , " an IBM spokeswoman said .

  2. 比如说,2006年,一位名叫约翰•沃克尔的地质学家就与LaFargeNorthAmerica公司达成协议,负责领导一家合营企业在海地的一个采石场项目。

    For example , a geologist named John Walker entered into an agreement with Lafarge North America in 2006 to conduct a joint venture on a stone quarry project in Haiti .

  3. 这家合营企业是4月1日履新的飞利浦首席执行官万豪敦(FransvanHouten)第一个大手笔,企业将拥有在欧洲以飞利浦品牌经销电视的牌照。

    The venture , which will have a licence to market TVs in Europe under the Philips brand , was the first big move by chief executive Frans van Houten , who took over on April 1 .

  4. 据法新社12月11日报道,以色列私营的多拉德(Dorad)能源公司已经就进口埃及天然气事宜与一家以埃合营企业签定了一项价值达20亿美元的合同。

    JERUSALEM ( AFP ) - Israel 's private Dorad Energy firm has signed a two billion-dollar deal for Egyptian natural gas with an Egyptian-Israeli consortium .

  5. (一)合营企业章程的修改;

    Amendment of the articles of association of the joint venture ;

  6. 第十九条合营企业为有限责任公司。

    Article 19 A joint venture is a limited liability company .

  7. 合营企业宣告解散时,应当进行清算。

    A joint venture announcing its dissolution shall undergo liquidation procedures .

  8. 合营企业的成立有可能成为各控制企业之间共谋规避法律规制的借口。

    Joint venture would be the regulating excuse among various enterprises .

  9. 为合营企业生产所必不可少的;

    They must be indispensable to the production of the joint venture ;

  10. 国家对合营企业不实行国有化和征收;

    The state shall not nationalize or requisition any equity joint venture .

  11. 合营企业双方共同进行某项工作的正式协议。

    Formal agreement between two parties to work on a project together .

  12. 合营企业成立的年、月、日;

    The year , month and day of its establishment ;

  13. 改进合营企业会计制度国际工作队

    International Task Force on Improvements in Accounting for Joint Ventures

  14. 按国际惯例办事完善合营企业董事制度

    Perfecting Board of Directors System in Joint Venture According to International Practice

  15. (一)合营企业名称及法定地址;

    The name and legal address of the joint venture ;

  16. (三)合营企业清算的会计报表。

    Accounting statements of the joint venture upon its liquidation .

  17. 斯塔克工业和联邦政府的合营企业

    A joint venture between Stark Industries and the federal government

  18. (四)合营企业与其他经济组织的合并。

    Merger of the joint venture with another economic organization .

  19. 鼓励合营企业向中国境外销售产品。

    An equity joint venture is encouraged to market its products outside China .

  20. 设立合营企业的申请书;

    ( I ) An application for the establishment of the joint venture ;

  21. 三合营企业注册资本的增加、转让;

    3 increase or assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture ;

  22. 二合营企业的中止、解散;

    2 termination or dissolution of the joint venture ;

  23. 董事长是合营企业法定代表人。

    The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture .

  24. 合营企业的合并、分立。

    Merger or division of the joint venture .

  25. 合营企业的终止、解散;

    Termination and dissolution of the joint venture ;

  26. 国际投资企业形式包括股权式合营企业和契约式合营企业两种。

    Forms of international investment enterprise include equity joint venture and contractual joint venture .

  27. 合营企业产品也可在中国市场销售。

    Products of the joint venture may also be distributed in the Chinese market .

  28. 怎样办好合营企业中国会展企业信息

    How to Run Joint Venture Enterprises Successfully

  29. 合营企业期限、解散及清算程序;

    The term of the joint venture , and procedures for its dissolution and liquidation ;

  30. 合营企业应是属于国家鼓励或允许的行业的项目。

    That it is a project in an industry encouraged or permitted by State policy .