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hé zònɡ
  • vertical integration
  • “vertical (i. e. north-south) -union” (a strategy proposed by Su Qin (苏秦) to persuade princes into forming an alliance against the State of Qin (秦) during the Warring States Period)
合纵 [hé zòng]
  • [vertical integration] 又写作合从。战国时苏秦游说六国诸侯实行纵向联合与秦国对抗的政策。南北为纵,东西为横。参见连横条

  • 合纵于楚。--《史记.平原君虞卿列传》

  • 与楚合纵。

  • 合纵者为楚。

  • 合从缔交,相与为一。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  1. 焦点关注:地产商合纵连横&大鳄握手小鱼怎办?

    Focus attention : developers consortia Wang & predators handshake fish do ?

  2. 要联横合纵、共谋发展。

    Unite and cooperate with others to develop together .

  3. 考虑土体径向位移时桩土耦合纵向振动特性及其应用

    Pile-soil interaction in the pile longitudinal vibration considering radial displacement of soil with applications

  4. 一般地说,苏秦“合纵术”被世人冠之以权变之术。

    In general , Su Qin 's unite means is called a variable means .

  5. 而现在,每个重要的纪念日都会引发激烈的辩论、政治上的合纵连横及冲突。

    Now , every big anniversary causes heated debates , political demarches and conflicts .

  6. 关东各国虽还想合纵,情况更困难。

    Consequently , it was more difficult for the other states in northeast to ally .

  7. 第二年,六国诸侯订立了合纵的联盟。

    The following year , the six countries entered into a vassal of the Union combined vertical .

  8. 关东各国也畏于秦的东侵,就互相结盟,迅速形成了关东各国与秦的对抗。关东各国为了抗拒强秦,组成军事联盟,称为“合纵”。

    Threatened by Qin , they allied with each other , and soon a military alliance to Qin came into being , which was known as vertical coalition .

  9. 因此,面对横向和纵向上的竞争压力,港口企业有必要在提高自身软、硬件条件的基础上,综合考虑横向和纵向上的各种因素之间的相互影响,开展合纵连横策略的研究并付诸实施。

    Therefore , faced with pressure from lengthways and landscape orientation , it is necessary for port enterprises to develop lengthways and landscape orientation collaboration strategy research and apply it to practice .

  10. 作战过程设计是以其环境分析为基础,以其结构设计为目的,最终解决作战组织资源、平台、信息和决策的最优合纵和连横问题。

    The process design is based on the environment analysis for designing the structural , realizing the optimization of " vertical gathers " and " horizontal links " about organization resources , platform , information and policy-making finally .

  11. 着重从我国焊管基本行情、市场需求、市场环境、驾驭市场、经济发展趋势及企业生存与发展等方面论述了联横合纵的必然性。

    This article discussed the necessity of union and cooperation from the aspects of China welded pipe market , market demand , market environment , market control , economy development as well as the survival and development of the enterprises etc.

  12. 具体而言,我国快递企业应该加大投入,提高企业专业素质,细分国内市场实现差异化经营;加强品牌和网点建设;整合资源,合纵连横,提升我国快递企业的综合竞争力。

    In particular , we should increase investment , improve professional quality and segment domestic market ; strengthen the brand and network building ; integration of resources , vertical and horizontal to enhance overall competitiveness of express enterprises in our country .

  13. 综上所述,本文讨论晚清四大小说期刊中翻译小说的现代性的目的不仅仅禁锢于讨论现代性是什么,而是意图展现现代从传统的发生、发展,验证诸种观念与行动间最猛烈的合纵连横。

    To sum up , instead of discussing what is modernity , the aim of the author in this paper is to show how the modernity come out and develop from tradition , and witness the most drastic fight and melting of all kinds of ideas and actions .

  14. 秦为了破坏关东的“合纵”,便于其向东方发展,就用军事压力和政治离间等手段,在关东争取盟国,称为“连横”。

    In order to destroy the vertical coalition , and pave the way for its eastward development , Qin took advantage of this situation . It managed to form an alliance with the other six powers respectively through exerting military pressure or sowing political discord , which was called horizontal coalition .