
  1. 文章阐述了合犯市农村信息化建设的现状,以及现阶段农村信息化所存在的问题,并针对性的提出加快农村信息化进程、促进新农村建设的对策。

    The present situation and problems of rural information construction of HeFei were analyzed , and countermeasures to speed up the pace of rural informatization and new rural construction were promoted .

  2. 在滨水旅游和城郊旅游不断兴起的背景下,合巢两市联手打造的环巢湖旅游圈顺势而出。

    Under the constantly rising tourism of Waterfront and Suburban , a nest of the two cities jointly create " Tourism Circle around Chaohu Lake " to take advantage of the situation out .

  3. 错合畸形对镇江市学生患者心理影响的研究

    The Study of the Influence of Malocclusion on the Psychology in the Students of Zhenjiang City

  4. 三合镇以江油市首批乡镇信息化综合信息服务试点为契机,全面启动乡镇综合信息化系统建设。

    Sanhe Town , Mianyang City , the first integrated township of information as an opportunity to pilot information service , started construction in towns and information systems .

  5. 通过合芜蚌三市的率先突破,有效带动全省提高自主创新能力,特别是在应对国际金融危机,促进经济平稳较快发展,推进经济结构调整和发展转变中,发挥了重要作用。

    The first breakthrough of the three cities has efficiently improved the ability of the overall provincial innovation and particularly played an important role in facing the international financial crisis and in promoting the economic stale and rapid development , economic readjustment and development style transference .