
  1. 执政科学性和执政合法性是政党执政的两个根本问题,政党的执政方式与这两个问题密切相关。

    Government scientificity and government legitimacy , which are related with the party 's government style , are the two basic problems of party government .

  2. 公共权力通常通过政党来实现。合法性是政党有效政治的必不可少的条件,一个政党失去了合法性不可避免的要被历史所淘汰。

    Parties fulfill the public power , and the legitimacy is the prerequisite of the parties ' political practice . The party who loses the legitimacy will lose its life in the development of history .

  3. 现代社会是政党政治社会,而合法性则是政党政治判断的价值标准。

    Modern society is the society of party politics , in which legitimacy is the value standard when the party politics make judgment accordingly .

  4. 政治合法性是现代政党存在和发展的最主要的执政资源,它是有效统治和政治稳定的基础。

    As the foundation of valid government and political stability , political legitimacy is an important resource for existence and development of modern political parties .

  5. 革命党是秘密结社,与依托议会开展合法政治活动的政党有着本质区别。

    The " revolutionary party " was a secret association , fundamentally different from the " political parties " undertaking legal political activities based on the parliamentary system .