
qián yán zhèn dì
  • forward position
  1. 指挥部设在前沿阵地上。

    The command post was set up in a forward position .

  2. 广西是中国-东盟自由贸易区的前沿阵地。

    Guangxi is in the forward position in China-East Union free trade area .

  3. 敌人攻打了我们的前沿阵地整整一夜。

    The enemy attacked our foremost position all night .

  4. 和往常一样,Linux处于支持这些新技术的前沿阵地,最新的内核(2.6.27或更高)已经开始包含对这些新的虚拟技术的支持。

    As usual , Linux is on the forefront for support of these new architectures , and recent kernels ( 2.6.27 and beyond ) are beginning to include support for these new virtualization technologies .

  5. 而ACLS有人文组织,是文化论战的前沿阵地。

    And ACLS has the humanities organization , was front and center in the cultural wars .

  6. 高校是培养有实践能力与创新能力专业人才的前沿阵地,坚持实践与理论相结合,是高校艺术设计专业CIS设计课程的质量保证。

    Colleges is the front of developing practical and innovative talents . Combining practice with theory is the way to guarantee CIS design curriculum quality in colleges ' art design major .

  7. Profusion等公司认为,可穿戴设备可能为办公场所分析开辟了新的前沿阵地,虽然它将会进一步模糊工作和私人生活之间的界限。

    Companies such as Profusion think wearable gadgets could open a new frontier in workplace analytics , albeit one that would further blur the lines between our work and private lives .

  8. 该网站和一份相关的手册,标志SIA正在几个前沿阵地和假芯片展开斗争。这些前沿阵地之中包括了中国。在中国,很多大型的假货商店正公开做着生意。

    The Web site and an associated manual mark small steps in education about a problem the SIA is fighting on several fronts , including China where huge stores of fake goods operate freely .

  9. 他的排正在前沿阵地外面搜索敌人。

    His platoon was probing the enemy from an advanced position .

  10. 加利福尼亚州北部仍是电脑技术的前沿阵地。

    Northern California is still at the leading edge of computer technology .

  11. 决定性进攻是从最前沿阵地开始的。

    The decisive attack took off from the foremost position .

  12. M理论是21世纪基本物理学研究的重要前沿阵地。

    M theory is the most profound theory of physics in 21st century .

  13. 下一个前沿阵地:印度的小城市。

    India 's small towns are the next frontier .

  14. 强调其发展前沿阵地还是临床实践;

    The development emphasis of TCM is clinical practice .

  15. 课堂教学是素质教育的前沿阵地。

    Classroom teaching is vital for quality education .

  16. 战争在几个前沿阵地逐步升级了。

    The war escalated on several fronts .

  17. 在某些省份,只能依靠飞机往俄国人前沿阵地运送供应品。

    In some provinces , supplies can be delivered to Russian outposts only by air .

  18. 高校是推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的前沿阵地。

    Colleges and universities are the frontiers of the popularization of Marxism in contemporary China .

  19. 税收征管是整个税务工作的前沿阵地和关键环节。

    Tax levy and management are the frontier and the key part of whole taxing work .

  20. 士兵们驻扎在前沿阵地很难去与后方的心里顾问人员交流。

    Soldiers are often stationed at outposts so isolated that follow-up visits with counselors are difficult .

  21. 边疆地区是我国向西开放的前沿阵地和窗口,实行双向开放战略成为边疆开发的重要内容。

    The border areas are the forward position and window in the west of our country .

  22. 美国一些股票和衍生品交易所正瞄向亚洲,把那里作为扩张的下一个前沿阵地。

    US stock and derivative exchanges are looking to Asia as the next frontier for expansion .

  23. 新疆地处打击“三股势力”的前沿阵地。

    Xinjiang is located in the frontier of the battlefield against " Three Evil Forces " .

  24. 安德烈公爵走进前沿阵地之后,便沿着战线的前面驰去。

    Prince Andrey , coming out to the foremost line , rode along in front of it .

  25. 大学一直是网络发展的前沿阵地,引领着网络的潮流。

    University has been in the forefront of network development , leading the trend of the network .

  26. 因此,护理工作不仅成为医疗机构服务患者的窗口,也成为医患纠纷发生的前沿阵地。

    Nursing staff has the closest contact with patients and medical disputes are increasingly arising from nursing .

  27. 占领北京后,日军自办、扶植各类媒介,占领宣传思想战的前沿阵地。

    After occupied Beijing , Japan established a variety of media and occupied the forefront of ideological war .

  28. 要加强基础研究,在若干主攻方向上占领国际学术前沿阵地;

    It should strengthen basic research and occupy the front position of international academia in some main key aspects .

  29. 乡镇作为最基层一级政府,是农村改革和发展的前沿阵地。

    As the most basic level of government , township is the forward position of rural reform and development .

  30. 士兵们发起冲锋,欲夺敌人的阵地。这只是前沿阵地上小小的交锋。

    The soldiers dashed forward to seize the enemy 's position . This was a only petty , front-line skirmish .