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  1. 开采煤始于西汉文帝前元元年(公元前179年)左右;

    Mining of coal came into being in179 B.C.

  2. 方法对148例各种类型肝病联合检测血清Ⅲ型前胶元(PCⅢ)、透明质酸(HA)、层粘连蛋白(LN),并与34例肝组织学进行对照研究。

    Methods We carried out co detection of serum PC ⅲ, HA and LN in 148 cases with different hepatic diseases compared with liver biopsy samples of 34 cases .

  3. 目的:研究联合应用布地奈德(BUD)和不对称二基精氨酸(ADMA)对哮喘大鼠气道炎症和Ⅲ型前胶元(PCⅢ)表达的影响,探讨该法预防哮喘气道重塑的意义。

    Objective : To study the effect of Budesonide ( BUD ) combined with asymmetric dimethylargnine ( ADMA ) on airway inflammation and expression of procollagen type III ( PC III ) in lung of asthmatic rats , to explore its significance in prevention of airway remodeling .

  4. 血清Ⅲ型前胶元肽测定在肝纤维化诊断中的意义

    Clinical value of serum type ⅲ Procollagen peptides in liver diseases

  5. 基于UG的汽车钢板弹簧前支架有限元仿真

    Finite element simulation of a front bracket of leaf spring based on UG

  6. 基于ADAMS的装载机前车架有限元分析载荷求解

    The solution of load for finite element analysis of loader front frame base on ADAMS

  7. 然后,以每个写作阶段为着眼点,按Oxford对学习策略的六大组分类,作者又将以上每一大类写作策略分为不同的策略组,即:写前策略包括元认知和认知策略;

    Then , the author introduces Oxford 's six groups of strategies and further classifies the stage strategies into strategy groups , that is , the pre-writing strategies include the metacognitive and cognitive strategy groups ;

  8. 为确保安全,施工前利用有限元软件进行了模拟分析,表明采用CRD法施工是可行的。

    Before constructing , the simulated analysis had been done with the finite element software to ensure its safety , and the results indicates that it is feasible to adopt CRD method in the construction .

  9. 在二元合金中,改性前Ni-Si二元合金的电化学性能要优于Fe-Si二元合金。

    Inert alloy Plays a supporting frame structure of the material , and eases the effect that Si reacts with Li + in the process of charge-discharge . ( 4 ) In binary alloys , Ni-Si modified before the electrochemical properties of binary alloys is superior to Fe-Si binary alloy .

  10. 夹层结构前机身有限元分析与优化设计

    Finite element analysis and optimum design for the front-fuselage with sandwich construction

  11. 轿车前梁有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of the Front Member of One Passenger Car

  12. 鸿海股价在中国春节假期休市前收于134.5元新台币。

    They closed at T $ 134.5 before the Chinese New Year break .

  13. 径、混流式前向三元叶轮成型设计研究

    Reserch of Design of Radial and Mixed Flow Three Dimensional Impeller with Forward Curved Blades

  14. 每股盈余从一年前的3.61元人民币升至5.26元人民币,高于预期的4.69元人民币。

    Earnings per share rose to Rmb5.26 from Rmb3.61 a year ago , beating expectations of Rmb4.69 .

  15. 宏碁的股价从上周一交易宣布前的63.60元新台币,跌至昨日的56.50元新台币。

    Acer shares have dropped from T $ 63.60 ahead of the deal announcement last Monday to T $ 56.50 yesterday .

  16. 在中国,网上零售商目前要价约400元,而几个月前才300元。

    In China , online retailers currently sell them for about 400 yuan , up from 300 only a few months ago .

  17. 在前测的元认知策略问卷中,两班在元认知策略使用上总体没有显著性差异。

    For the questionnaire , there was no significant difference on the condition of using metacognitive strategies between the two classes in pre-questionnaire .

  18. 糖尿病患者每人每季度平均医疗费用较康复治疗前减少331元,费用下降幅度达41.2%。

    The average medical expense of one diabetic patient per season decreased 331 RMB after one year exercise , which decreased by 41.2 % .

  19. 在结合声学试验分析和该车车顶棚、前风挡有限元模态分析的基础上,进行了针对降低车内噪声的改进设计。

    Together with the FEM modal analysis of the car 's roof panel and windscreen , an improved design is achieved to reduce the interior noise .

  20. 本文提供了一个径、混流式前向三元叶轮成型设计的计算方法和计算机程序(逆命题)。

    In this paper a calculating method and the corresponding program are presented for the design of radial and mixed flow three-dimensional impeller with forward curved blades .

  21. 采用基于接触摩擦的钢板弹簧有限元建模方法建立初始状态下装配前的有限元分析模型,对该模型进行虚拟装配仿真,并对装配后的模型进行了满载加载过程仿真。

    The assembly leaf spring of the initial state based on finite element modeling method with the contact nonlinear element is modeled . The virtual assembly simulation and the full-loading process simulation are carried out based on the model .

  22. 研究结果表明前件双元组织能力企业国际化绩效理论模型及其假设基本得到实证数据支持,文章进而对实证检验结果进行分析与讨论。5、中国国际化企业双元组织能力的培育路径。

    The study findings manifest that the theoretical model of " Antecedents-Organizational ambidexterity-International performance " and its hypotheses are basically supported by the empirical data . The results of empirical tests are also discussed . 5 、 The realizing route of organizational ambidexterity of Chinese international enterprises .

  23. 实验分为三个阶段:第一阶段,元认知策略训练前,使用元认知策略问卷和阅读理解试卷对两个班级的元认知策略使用状况和英语阅读水平进行评估。

    The research was divided into three phases : step one , before the training , both of the classes were required to fill the questionnaire about metacognitive strategies and finish the reading comprehension test paper to evaluate their reading ability and the situation of using the strategies .

  24. HTC的净利润达到4.7亿元新台币,高于一年前的3.1亿元新台币。

    HTC 's net profit was NT $ 470m , up from NT $ 310m a year before .

  25. 在带有两个名词短语的非宾格结构中,动词前的非论元名词短语是句子的话题,在CP的指示语位置基础生,被称为悬垂话题。

    In the Chinese surface unaccusative sentence with two NPs , the non-argument NP before the verb is no longer the subject of the sentence but it is a base-generated topic at the Spec of CP. It is named the dangling topic .

  26. 此前不久,阿尔卡特朗讯(AlcatelLucent)警告称第二季度将发生4000万欧元的营业亏损,而规模小于华为的中国同类企业中兴通讯(ZTE)则表示,预计今年上半年净利润将较一年前的7.693亿元人民币下降60%至80%

    Just days before , Alcatel Lucent had warned of a � 40m operating loss in the second quarter , and ZTE , Huawei 's smaller Chinese peer , said it expected first-half earnings to plummet 60 to 80 per cent from Rmb769.3m a year ago .

  27. 注塑机前模板的有限元集成分析

    The finite element integrated analysis of the front caul of injector

  28. 东方红&802拖拉机开口前梁的有限元分析

    Finit element analysis on the split front beam in tractor dfh & 802

  29. 上车前需购买20元抵用券并到服务柜台取得乘车证。

    Purchase a RMB20 redemption voucher and obtain a boarding pass at the service counter .

  30. 收费率是前3公里10元,之后再加一公里收1.6元。

    The rate is 10 yuan for the first three kms and 1.6 yuan for each additional km .