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yīng yǒng shàn zhàn
  • Brave and good at fighting;be brave and skillful in battle;be bold and able to fight;courageous and skillful in battle;heroic and combatworthy
英勇善战[yīng yǒng shàn zhàn]
  1. 我们要加大开支,帮助各州和各社区培训英勇善战的警察和消防队员,改善他们的装备条件。

    We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters .

  2. 这说明我们军队的传统是好的,是英勇善战的。

    This shows that our army has a fine tradition and that it is heroic and skilful in battle .

  3. 在战斗中,你不久就对那些幸存的英勇善战的人失去了这种纯真的感情。

    And in the fighting soon there was no purity of feeling for those who survived the fighting and were good at it .

  4. 锡伯族是我国一支英勇善战且古老的少数民族,现主要分布在新疆察布查尔地区和东北地区。

    Sibo-one of the ethnic minorities associated with heroic and ancient in China , is mainly distributed in Qapqal of Sinkiang province and Northeast China .

  5. 露茜和爱德蒙一下子就认出它来了——雷佩契普,纳尼亚王国会说话的兽类中最英勇善战的老鼠大军的头头。

    Lucy and Edmund recognized it at once Reepicheep , the most valiant of all the Talking Beasts of Narnia , and the Chief Mouse .

  6. 关于二战期间美中之间的合作,我们听到了许多英勇善战的飞行员的故事&飞虎队、驼峰飞行员、第十四航空大队。

    Of the cooperation between the United States and China during the Second World War , we hear much of brave and skilled aviators-the Flying Tigers , the Hump pilots , the14th Air Force .

  7. 英勇的以勇敢为特色的,或与勇气相伴的我们不是少爷兵,而是英勇善战的勇士。

    Marked by or done with valor . We are no carpet soldiers , but courageous troops .