
  • 网络MMBtu;btu;british thermal unit
  1. 现在公司正在为petroleumdevelopmentoman设计一个年产7百万瓦特的工厂&一个16000平方米温室,每年生产大概570亿英热单位的蒸气。

    And the company has now signed a deal with petroleum development Oman for 7 megawatts of plant-a 16000-square-metre greenhouse providing some 57 billion BTU of steam a year .

  2. 燃气生产的蒸气则达到每百万英热单位(btu)5.79美金。

    Steam from gas comes in at $ 5.79 per million BTU .

  3. 上周二,在纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileExchange),天然气期货价格连续第三天反弹,上涨了1.2%,达到3.959美元/百万英热单位。

    On Tuesday , natural gas futures rallied for a third day , gaining 1.2 % in the New York Mercantile Exchange to $ 3.959 a million British thermal units .

  4. 路易斯安那HenryHub的基准天然气价格周四升至5美元/百万英热单位上方,因此亚洲LNG价格较美国燃气的倍数已经降至四倍。

    The price of benchmark gas at Louisiana 's Henry Hub rose above $ 5 / mmBtu on Thursday , squeezing the multiple below four .

  5. 石油桶数等值(简写为Boe):相当于一桶原油的能源值,即580万英热单位。

    " Barrels of oil equivalent - Boe : The energy equivalent to a Barrel of crude oil , i.e. 5.8 million Btus . " How much does a barrel of oil cost ?

  6. 陶氏化学表示,绿色投资1994年以来已为其节约能源达1.8千万亿英热单位&足以为美国加州所有家庭供电20个月。

    Dow Chemical says its green investments have saved 1.8 quadrillion British thermal units of energy since 1994 & enough to power every home in California for 20 months .

  7. 上周前4个交易日,纽约4月份交货的天然气价格已上涨1.8%,至4.244美元/百万英热单位。

    Natural gas for April delivery rose 1.8 % to $ 4.244 per million British thermal units in the first four days of trading this week in New York .

  8. 但即使这一步也足以削弱亚洲的天然气价格,此前由于日本被迫以进口天然气替代核能,导致亚洲天然气价格几次逼近20美元/百万英热单位。

    But even that will be sufficient to undermine gas prices in Asia which rose at times to almost $ 20 / mmbtu as Japan was forced to substitute imported gas for nuclear .