
  • 网络The Treasury;uk treasury;hm treasury;HMT
  1. 英国财政部的乐观者比几乎任何一家商业预测机构都更为乐观,也更接近实际数据。

    The Pollyannas of HM Treasury were more optimistic than almost any commercial forecaster , and closer to getting their forecast right .

  2. 英国财政部(Treasury)在下一盘精明的棋,暗示它将修订计划,而改变却甚少。

    The Treasury is playing a shrewd game , hinting it is going to revise its plans , but changing little .

  3. 英国财政部称,每十枚铜币(即便士)中就会有六枚硬币仅在一次使用后就被人存置一旁,甚至被扔进垃圾箱。

    The Treasury1 says that six out of ten copper2 coins are used only once before being stashed3 away or even chucked in the bin4 .

  4. 伦敦金融城的各家机构曾希望,英国财政部(uktreasury)和监管部门会帮助他们绕开欧洲法律的规范。

    City institutions had hoped that the UK Treasury and British regulators would help fend off European legislation .

  5. 例如,英国财政部认为永久损失的产出占国内生产总值(gdp)的5%。

    The UK Treasury for example puts the permanent loss of output at 5 per cent of gross domestic product .

  6. 长期担任英国财政部首席经济学家的伯恩斯勋爵(LordBurns),试图用名义框架的说法来替代新型政策。

    Lord Burns , long-time UK Treasury chief economist , tried to substitute the expression " nominal framework " for the new type policies .

  7. 某些安排自称绕过了这一原则英国财政部(uktreasury)大楼是一项复杂证券化安排的标的资产,雅典地铁也可能被私有化。

    Some arrangements pretend to bypass this principle the UK Treasury building is the subject of a complex securitisation and the Athens Metro might be privatised .

  8. 其次,抛售北岩银行(NorthernRock)的股份后,英国财政部应该保持它在其他银行中的持股,这样它才有基础充当面向中小型企业的国有贷款机构的角色。

    Second , having sold off Northern Rock , the Treasury should retain its other bank holdings as a basis for a state lending bank for small and medium - sized enterprises .

  9. 它承诺大举投资于能源、防洪和交通基础设施,听起来比英国财政部下属主要负责行政的InfrastructureUK更着眼实际。

    It is pledging an aggressive agenda of investment in energy , flood defences and transport , and sounds more substantive than the Treasury 's largely administrative arm , Infrastructure UK .

  10. 苏格兰籍的英国财政部首席秘书丹尼亚历山大(dannyalexander)在一次讲话中,谈到了相关影响。

    A speech by Danny Alexander , the Scottish Chief Secretary to the UK Treasury , brings out the implications .

  11. 与此同时,新的金融稳定理事会(councilforfinancialstability)将协调金融服务管理局、英国财政部以及英国央行(bankofengland)的活动,以改善我们发现和应对银行体系问题的方式。

    Meanwhile , a new Council for financial stability will co-ordinate the activities of the FSA , the Treasury and the Bank of England to improve the way we spot and respond to problems in the system .

  12. 根据英国财政部(treasury)正在拟定的一项影响深远的法案,居住在英国的外国富豪们将要为他们在英国境内的资产缴纳巨额资本利得税。

    An elite of wealthy foreigners living in Britain faces paying billions of pounds in capital gains tax on UK-based assets , under far-reaching legislation being drawn up by the Treasury .

  13. 英国财政部、金融服务管理局(FSA)和英国央行(BoE)均已表态称,现在各家银行不能想当然地以为,在遭遇危机时能够自动获得纳税人的援助。

    The Treasury , Financial Services Authority and Bank of England have said that banks cannot now assume automatic taxpayer support in a crisis .

  14. 但正如英国财政部前常务秘书伯恩斯勋爵(lordburns)上周所警告的,贷款数额超过了不清楚未来如何还款的界限,“在这个时候是十分危险的”。

    But as Lord burns , former Permanent Secretary at the Treasury , warned last week , borrowing beyond that without being clear how the bills would be paid would be " very dangerous at this point " .

  15. 英国财政部宣布,中国新疆华凌工贸集团(HualingIndustryandTradeGroup)已同意投入资金“启动曼彻斯特、利兹和谢菲尔德的3个大型房地产项目,项目总价值为12亿英镑”。

    The Treasury announced that a group based in Xinjiang , the Hualing Industry and Trade Group , had agreed to invest money " to unlock three major property projects in Manchester , Leeds and Sheffield with a gross value of 1.2bn . "

  16. 英国财政部(Treasury)表示,财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)曾和美国财政部长杰克•卢(JackLew)讨论过成为亚投行创始成员国的意图。

    The UK Treasury said George Osborne , chancellor of the exchequer , had discussed his intention to become a founding member of the new bank with Jack Lew , his US counterpart .

  17. 当时身为英国财政部经济顾问的约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes),被要求准备一项声明,“揭露德国提议的荒谬本质”。

    John Maynard Keynes , in his role as an economic adviser to the Treasury , was asked to prepare a statement " exposing the fallacious character of the German proposals " .

  18. 根据英国财政部上月(10月30日)出版的关于气候变化经济学的Stern报告,气候变化可能导致全球经济衰退达20%。

    According to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change published by the UK Treasury last month ( 30 October ), climate change could shrink the global economy by up to20 per cent .

  19. 他将上述草案称作“英国财政部抛出的试探气球”,并表示,有些内容仍有待商榷,包括合作和刺激方案等,其中最重要的就是他称之为成问题的imf改革。

    Describing it as a " UK Treasury trial balloon " he said some points were open to negotiation , including co-operation , stimulus packages and , above all , what he called problematic reforms of the IMF .

  20. 英国财政部官员表示,英国财长乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)将告诉其它国家的财长:在向IMF提供新资金的同时,欧元区应加大围绕最脆弱国家构建防火墙的努力。

    UK Treasury officials said George Osborne , finance minister , would tell his counterparts that any new IMF funds should be accompanied by greater eurozone efforts to build a firewall around the most vulnerable countries .

  21. 那时,英国财政部的部长级官员埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)等人热衷于将伦敦“点到为止”且“基于原则”的监管鼓吹为相对于纽约的竞争优势。

    Back then , people such as Ed Balls , when he was a Treasury minister , were keen to extol London 's light touch , " principles-based " regulation as a competitive advantage versus New York .

  22. 英国财政部官员表示,财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)正在极其密切地关注美国形势,有关全球经济的谈话在七国集团(G7)层面上定期举行。

    British Treasury officials say George Osborne , chancellor of the exchequer , is monitoring the US situation very closely and that conversations about the global economy took place regularly at the G7 level .

  23. 英国财政部近来已把PFI新项目数量减少到最低限度。此前,英国财政部在2012年发现,许多PFI项目因浪费、不灵活和缺乏透明度而名声受损。

    The Treasury has recently minimised the number of new PFI projects after finding in 2012 that many were tarnished by waste , inflexibility and lack of transparency .

  24. 哈丁说:英国财政部和金融服务管理局(FSA)在很大程度上充当着金融服务业的游说团体,这让我很惊讶。

    I am surprised to the degree to which the Treasury and the FSA [ Financial Services Authority ] act as lobbying organisations for the financial services industry , Mr Harding said .

  25. 一次,英国财政部官员试图声称,IMF定期发布的经济展望中针对英国经济管理的批评,是在最后时刻由一名低级官员加入的。

    On one occasion , UK Treasury officials tried to claim that criticism of British economic management in the IMF 's regular economic forecast was a last-minute insertion by a junior official , an assertion dismissed as false by fund officials .

  26. 英国财政部前官员丹尼騠虎煓大(DannyAlexander)被任命为中国发起设立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的副行长。他对关于其不够资格的指责不以为然。

    Danny Alexander , the former Treasury minister appointed vice-president of a Chinese-led Asian investment bank , has dismissed criticisms that he is not qualified to do the job .

  27. 英国财政部的一份声明概括了Stern的分析,它说:“需要尽快采取行动&我们开始得越早,我们限制危险的气候变化的可能性也就越高。”

    In a statement summarising Stern 's analysis , the UK treasury said : " Action is urgent & the earlier we start , the greater the chance we will have of limiting the risks of dangerous climate change . "

  28. 英国财政部的简化税收办公室(OTS)由是奥斯本去年组建的一个机构,OTS宣布将47项减免税项目中的43项废除。

    The Treasury will scrap 43 of the 47 tax reliefs identified as ripe for abolition by the Office for Tax Simplification ( OTS ) , a body set up by Mr Osborne last year .

  29. 但自2012年以来,FCA已把这笔收入上缴至英国财政部(事先已扣除了每年4000万英镑的人员费用),奥斯本表示,他将把其中约3亿英镑资金投入到慈善事业中。

    But since 2012 , the FCA has handed this money to the Treasury ( after deducting # 163 ; 40m of annual staff costs ) and Mr Osborne has said that he will hand over about # 163 ; 300m of this to charity .

  30. 英国财政部依然不接受完全国有化的构想。

    The Treasury remains hostile to the idea of full nationalisation .