
  • 网络Optimal Contract
  1. 有两个约束,一个是激励相容约束(IC),即在最优契约下,管理者可以通过披露真实的能力类型最大化其效用,另一个是个人理性约束(IR)。

    There are two constraints , one is the incentive-compatibility constraint ( IC ), i.e. , the manager may maximize his utility by revealing truthfully his ability type in the optimal contract . The other is the individual-rationality constraint ( IR ) .

  2. 考察了写入契约的新观测变量对最优契约设计的影响。

    Write a new contract investigated variables observed optimal contract design .

  3. 策略模糊的最优契约博弈分析

    Game Analysis of the First-best Contracts on the Strategic Ambiguity

  4. 基于供应链管理的最优契约定价模型研究

    A Study on Optimal Price Contract Model Based on Supply Chain Management

  5. 风险规避下双方道德风险均衡行为与最优契约

    Equilibrium Behavior and Optimal Contract of Both-Sides Moral Hazard with Risk Averse

  6. 物流外包中的最优契约分析

    Analysis of the Optimal Contract to the Logistics Outsourcing

  7. 结果表明,最优契约为以上三种机制的适当组合。

    The results show that optimal contract is the combination of above three mechanisms .

  8. 一类产品质量甄别最优契约设计

    Optimal Contract Design in Screening for Product Quality

  9. 社会性规制过程还受到市场经济与制度改革的深刻影响,其直接影响着完全信息与平等谈判势力等最优契约签订条件的实现。

    Reforms of market economy and institution affect processes of social regulation , influencing on conditions of optimal contract .

  10. 研究表明,代理人努力负效用与成本类型的单调关系,决定了最优契约安排。

    The study shows that the monotony relationship between agents ' endeavor negative utility and cost type determines the first-order contract arrangement .

  11. 根据不同的假设,分析了对称信息和非对称信息两种情况下的最优契约。

    According to different hypothesis , the optimal contracts under both the conditions of symmetric infor - mation and asymmetric information are made .

  12. 信息经济学是非对称信息博弈论在经济学中的应用,主要研究什么是非对称信息情况下的最优契约。

    The Information Economics is a result of asymmetric information Game theory application into economics . It is study what is a most action contract .

  13. 通过比较信息对称与信息不对称情况下的最优契约,分析不同因素对花卉企业与雇佣花农以及代理成本的影响。

    By comparing the information symmetry and asymmetry of information under the optimal contract , analysis of different factors on flower and the flower business and employment agency cost .

  14. 提出了通过设计最优契约、引进竞争机制、实行限制性分配和强化信誉激励以减少监督机构道德风险的激励机制;

    Then incentive mechanism for reducing ethics risk of supervision institution is also presented by designing optimal contract , introducing competition mechanism , implementing limited allocation and strengthening reputation incentive .

  15. 管理者权力理论与传统的最优契约理论相反,它强调了高管在董事会或薪酬委员会制定薪酬政策过程中所发挥的作用。

    Management power theory is the contrary to the optimal contract theory . It emphasizes the executives put influence on the board or the Remuneration Committee in the course of making the remuneration policy .

  16. 文章的最后部分,通过对股票期权计划和保险公估以及不完全保险两个简洁的案例分析,诠释了双重道德风险下帕累托最优契约的特性。

    Finally , I make use of two cases : stock option scheme 、 insurance surveyors & loss adjusters and incomplete insurance , annotate the nature of the optimistic contract under the double moral hazard .

  17. 因此文章提出了基于收益分享和回馈与惩罚策略的联合契约,研究证明该联合契约可获得供应链协调,并给出了供应链协调时的最优契约参数设置。

    Hence the paper proposes a contract model based on revenue-sharing and channel rebate and penalty . The research indicates that the contract can coordinate the supply chain , and also demonstrate the optimal contract parameters .

  18. 作为最优化理论与方法在具体问题中的实际应用,委托&代理理论试图模型化委托人在不对称信息的情况下,根据观测来自代理人的信息,选择最优契约的问题。

    As an application , the Principal - Agent Theory tries to model the following problem : How does the principal choose the optimal strategy according to the information observed from the agent in asymmetric information .

  19. 以委托代理理论为基础的最优契约理论,其核心在于薪酬契约的有效性,如果契约有效,那么高管薪酬应该与公司绩效正相关。

    The core of optimal contract theory that based on the principal-agent theory is the efficiency of the compensation contract , if the contract is efficient , executive compensation should be positively correlated with corporate performance .

  20. 在假定抵押资源不受限制以及利率可自由浮动的情况下,分贷后的信息对称和贷后的信息不对称两种情况研究了存在抵押条件时的银企最优契约。

    Under the condition of the unlimited resource of pledge and floatable interest rate , the optimal contract between a bank and enterprise is studied from both sides of information symmetry and information asymmetry after credit .

  21. 完备契约是一种理想化的契约,详细规定了契约期内每一种情况下契约当事人的权利和义务,是契约各方在信息完全的情况下签订的最优契约。

    Complete contract is an ideal contract , detailing contract rights and obligations of the parties of each case during the contract period , optimal contract signed by the contractual parties in the case of complete information .

  22. 本文认为人力资本对企业最优契约结构的影响主要通过以下三个方面发挥作用:企业控制决策权的分配、人力资本共同知识的积累以及人力资本谈判力的提升。

    The human capital affects the optimal contractual structure of the firm in the following three aspects : the allocation of the decision power , the accumulation of the common knowledge and the increasing bargain power of itself .

  23. 本文通过构建以价格折扣和质保金为参数的契约模型,分析了制造商在非对称信息条件下对业务外包产品进行质量控制的最优契约设计问题。

    This paper studies the optimal contract design problem of a manufacturer outsourcing in the presence of information asymmetry and establishes a model focusing on two compensation schemes embedded in the contract , namely , price rebate and warranty .

  24. 本章首先对本文涉及的一些基本概念进行界定,然后对委托代理理论、最优契约理论和管理层权力理论进行详细阐述。

    First defining the basic concepts involved in this paper , and then introducing the principal-agent theory , contract theory and management of power theory in detail . Chapter ⅳ: Empirical research on the earnings management and executive compensation .

  25. 通过不同发展阶段的风险基金模型,研究了由于信息不对称程度的变化、声誉因素的考虑及风险投资家水平的不同,不同阶段风险基金的最优契约设计。

    Establishing a model about different development phase of venture fund , it studies on as degree change of information asymmetry , considering reputation factor and different level of venture capitalists , the designing of the best contract of venture fund .

  26. 在委托&代理理论的分析框架下,公司经理层在参与约束和激励相容约束条件下,使公司价值最大化的最优契约安排中要包含长期激励安排,从而引入了股权激励。

    As the principal-agent model indicated , with participant constraints and incentive compatibility constraints , the best remuneration contract to managers should include long-term incentives to maximum the shareholder value , and thus , the stock-based incentives are introduced into the compensation package .

  27. 高管的薪酬激励历来被视作缓解代理问题的一项重要机制,然而近年来,不断出现的不合理的高管薪酬现象,使得很多学者开始质疑最优契约理论的适用性。

    Executive compensation has always been regarded as one of the important mechanisms that alleviate the agency problem . But recently , with the appearance of more and more unreasonable compensation phenomenon , many scholars began to question the applicability of optimal contract theory .

  28. 分析了物流外包的多重任务特性,利用多任务代理模型探讨了物流外包中的最优契约设计,结果表明:物流任务的可观测性和关联性对最优合约设计有重要影响。

    The multi-task specialty in the logistics outsourcing is analyzed , and optimal contract design is probed by using multi-task agent model . The conclusion shows that the level of logistics being observed and the relationship among logistics task are critical to the contract design .

  29. 模型分析给出不同决策偏好销售商在线议价交易能力预定期权契约和回购契约的最优契约参数表达式,并分析了销售商不同的决策偏好特性对系统协调和效率的影响。

    The model analysis draws out the optimal contract parameters of capacity reservation contract with options and buyback contract on online-bargaining mode with different decision-preference retailers . The retailer 's decision preference 's impact on the channel coordination and system efficiency is argued following the model analysis .

  30. 存货质押业务中银行对物流企业的最优激励契约

    Bank 's Optimal Incentive Contracts with Logistics Enterprises in Inventory Financing