
  • 网络optimal design;optimize design;optimum design
  1. 色谱条件:色谱柱为C(18)柱;基于最优设计的轴心受压钢筋砼截面计算方法

    The Calculation Method of the Axially Compressed Reinforced Concrete Column Section Based on Optimum Design

  2. 以多Agent建模方法,使产品的底层设计元素协同一致、共同形成产品的最优设计效果。

    Through using multi-Agent modeling method and low-layer element of the product cooperation , the optimum design purpose of product is formed .

  3. N元集的一类排序问题的最优设计

    The optimal design for a kind of sequencing problem of N - set

  4. MIMO线性系统最优设计的准解析方法

    A quasi-analysis method for optimal design of MIMO linear system

  5. 结构最优设计的GA方法

    The GA method for structure optimization design

  6. MIMO-OFDM系统中导频最优设计准则及性能分析

    The optimal pilot design and performance analysis in MIMO-OFDM system

  7. 第三章我们在分组数据场合下解决了k个应力下加速寿命方程有k个未知参数的指数分布步加试验的最优设计问题,并验证了该最优设计的唯一性;

    Chapter III presents the optimum test plan for k-step test when the accelerated life equation has k unknown parameters under grouped and censored data .

  8. 最小二次型(LQ)控制器的工程化最优设计

    An Optimal Engineering Design for Linear Least Quadratic Regulator s

  9. 进一步运用非线性规划技术对Buck电路进行了最优设计。

    The application of the non-linear programming ( NLP ) technique has been discussed in the Buck circuit in depth .

  10. DMT系统中信号削波率的最优设计

    The Optimal Design of Clipping Rate In DMT Systems

  11. 简化Becker模型参数估计的A-最优设计

    An-Optimal Design of Parameter Estimate for Simplified Becker Models

  12. 本文提出了一个新的高Q单放大器开关电容(SC)滤波器,给出了该电路最大与最小电容比最小的最优设计。

    A new high Q switched-capacitor ( SC ) filter using a single amplifier is presented . An optimal design for minimizing capacitor spreads of the circuit is obtained .

  13. 本文对离散多输入多输出线性系统跟踪给定值问题及跟踪给定函数问题给出一个正确的提法,并用PI调节器实现最优设计。

    A proper formulation for tracking the given value problem of discrete linear multiple input-output systems is presented in this paper . The optimal design is realized using PI regulator .

  14. 其次以该混合模型为基础建立存储体性能目标函数,采用仿生优化算法&蚂蚁算法优化嵌入式SRAM结构,使之达到最优设计;

    Secondly , based on embedded SRAM performance hybrid model , this article adopts bionics algorithm-ant algorithm to optimize hierarchical embedded SRAM structure .

  15. 采用三因素回归最优设计方法,对枣树N、P、K最优施肥量进行了定量研究,建立了N、P、K肥施用量与枣树产量之间的效应模式;

    Quantitative studies regarding N , P , K optimum fertilization dosage of Zizyphus jujuba were conducted by using 3-factor regression optimum design methods , and effective models between N , P , K fertilization dosage and yield of Zizyphus jujuba was established .

  16. 利用灵敏度分析和基于梯度的优化算法即序列二次规划算法(SQP法)求解最优设计参数。

    The analytical design sensitivities are combined with a sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) algorithm to systematically traverse the design space towards the optimal values .

  17. 在最优设计中,桥梁的性态约束和几何约束都是根据AASHTO来确定的。

    All behavior and side constraints specified in the AASHTO bridge code are considered in the optimum design process .

  18. 作者将E型电源变压器的最优设计归结为非线性多目标规划有约束优化模型,提出了与此相适应的结构设计方案、计算公式和字典序分阶段换目标可变多面体调优法。

    This paper proposes a nonlinear restrained multiple objective program optimization model to solve the problem of optimization design for E type power transformer . It also puts forward the appropriate procedures and formulae of structure design , and the lexicographic multiple objective variable polyhedron optimization by phases .

  19. 同轴电缆载波系统的一种最优设计程序ODCCS

    Odccs & a program for optimal design of coaxial cable carrier system

  20. 本文应用数学规划法和最优设计原理,对BPY型路基边坡压实机的升降机构进行了多目标的优化设计。

    A multi-objective optimal design for the lifting mechanism of Model BPY roadbed side slope compactor is carried out using mathematical programming and " optimal design " principle .

  21. 采用混料最优设计的方法研究了ZrO2-Al2O3-MgO三元复合材料的配比,及其成型工艺。进行了直孔过滤器过滤钢水效果试验。

    The optimizing ingredient of ZrO 2 Al 2O 3 MgO 3 component composites for extruded cellular ceramic filters using optimum design of mixing and the effect of the filters filtrated by molten steel have been studied .

  22. 并行分布式检测网最优设计是复杂难解的,相同门限假定使I.I.D.网的设计极度简化,并在实际工程中广泛使用。

    In this paper , we Proposed the reasonability conditions for identical thresholds assumption , which is widely adopted in the design of I.I.D.

  23. 数值研究表明:高层钢结构的基本周期和基本风压不影响TMDs最优设计参数;

    The numerical investigation shows that the fundamental period of tall steel structure and the basic wind pressure have no influence on the TMDs optimum design parameters .

  24. 该方法采用两步设计技术,通过合理地选取滤波器F(s),使系统满足相应的最优设计指标,提高了系统的性能,有效地解决了某型电动转台伺服系统中存在的控制器Windup问题。

    This method adopts the Two Step Design Technique , makes the system satisfy the corresponding optimal design index , and then improves the performance of the system . The Windup problem in the control system of an electric turntable is solved by this method .

  25. 提出了一种能够在宽调速范围内实现恒功率运行的电动汽车驱动用复合转子结构永磁磁阻(CPMR)电机的最优设计方法。

    This paper presented an optimization design method of Combined PM-Reluctance Motor ( CPMR ) for extending speed range with constant output power used in electric vehicles .

  26. 以有限元技术为基础,利用C-Mold对塑件进行模拟分析,通过改变方案、对比分析结果得到最优设计方案。

    Based on the finite element , using C-Mold to analyse the part , and change the project to compare them , then change some parameters and you will get the optimized one .

  27. 取模拟圆筒直径、电极电压和喷枪喷嘴角度3个因素以及涂敷系数和涂层径向角度2个测试参数进行了311A回归最优设计。

    Three factors of simulated cylinder diameter , electrode voltage , and nozzle angle and two test parameters of coating coefficient and paint radial angle were selected for the 311 A regression experimental design .

  28. 介绍按苏北典型气候,分别应用混凝土多排孔砌块和KP1粘土多孔砖建筑的试点节能住宅,并从经济技术和功能价值方面进行综合对比,得出最优设计方案。

    S Introducing energy saving demonstrating constructions using hollow concrete blocks and KP 1 perforated bricks and considering climate in the northern part of Jiangsu province , comparing in the aspects of economic technologies and value of function , to obtain optimizing design solution .

  29. 通过采用二次饱和D-最优设计(311B方案设计),建立了氮磷钾肥与水稻产量的数学模型,经检验该模型可靠。

    Then with urea increase , yield start decrease . By quadratic saturation D optima design , set up math model of N , P , K fertilizers applied and yield , by test , the model is reliable .

  30. 提出的抗震结构最优设计(设防)烈度的决策方法具有以下特点:(1)以最近ISO2394;

    A decision-making process to establish the optimal design of intensity for aseismic structures with three levels of fortification is put forward and it features ( 1 ) the adoption of the objective function of optimization proposed recently by International standard ISO2394 ;