
  • 网络valuable metal;metal values
  1. 全面阐明了从废催化剂中综合回收有价金属组分(Co、Mo、Al等)的分离、沉淀等技术难题,设计出有效的综合回收新工艺。

    The existing problems in the separation and precipitation process for valuable metals ( Co 、 Mo 、 Al ) from waste catalyst were solved .

  2. 从废Ni-Cd电池中回收有价金属

    Recovery of Valuable Metals from Waste Ni-Cd Batteries

  3. 铂钯精矿不仅含Pt、Pd品位高,而且含有锇、铱、铑、钌,同时还伴生有价金属铜、镍、钴。

    Pt Pd concentrates contain not only high grade of Pt and Pd , but also Os ? Ir ? Rh ?

  4. Kovar合金废料用硫酸及硫酸盐溶液浸出回收有价金属

    A study on the leaching process with sulfuric acid and sulphate solutions for recovering valuable metals from scraps of the kovar alloy

  5. 从含钼废催化剂中回收有价金属钼的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice for RECOVERING-SEPARATING molybdenum from molybdenum containing spent catalysts

  6. 一种从海洋多金属结核中提取有价金属的新工艺

    Leaching metal values from ocean polymetallic nodules by a novel process

  7. 从钴镍切削废料中回收有价金属的方法

    A method of recovering valuable metals from cutting waste of Co-Ni

  8. 溶剂萃取法从废旧锂离子电池中回收有价金属

    Recycling of valuable metal from spent Li-ion batteries by solvent extraction

  9. 矿浆电解法提取银精矿有价金属

    Abstracting the Valuable Metals from Silver Concentrate by Slurry Electrolysis Process

  10. 利用废铜渣生产硫酸铜及回收有价金属的研究

    Producing Copper Sulfate and Recovering Valuable Metals from Waste Copper Slag

  11. 废钨钛钴硬质合金中有价金属的回收

    Recovery of valuable metals from tungsten carbide-titanium carbide-cobalt alloy scrap

  12. 湿法&火法联合工艺回收银锌渣中有价金属

    Recovering Valuable Metal from Silver-Zinc Slag by the Pyro-hydro-metallurgical Process

  13. 从废弃镍基电池中回收有价金属的研究进展

    Research Development of Valuable Metals Recycling from Used Nickel-based Batteries

  14. 低氧压浸出回收羰化渣中有价金属

    Reclaiming Valuable Metals from Carbonyl Residues by Leaching under Low Oxygen Pressure

  15. 三相氧化法从大洋多金属结核中提取有价金属

    Valuable Metals Extraction from Ocean Polymetallic Nodules by 3-phases Oxidation

  16. 从赤泥中综合回收有价金属工艺的研究进展

    Recovering Valuable Metals from Red Mud Generation during Alumina Production

  17. 废钼催化剂综合回收有价金属新工艺

    New technique for recovery of valuable metals from waste catalyst

  18. 从含镍废料中回收镍等有价金属研究进展

    Review on Recovery of Nickel and Other Valuable Metals From Nickel Waste

  19. 从铜渣中回收有价金属技术的研究进展

    Progress in recovery technology of valuable metals from copper slag

  20. 烧渣中有价金属综合回收试验研究

    The Study On the Efficient Utilization of the Valuable Metal at the Slag

  21. 河南某氰化尾渣中有价金属的综合回收

    Comprehensive Recovery of Valuable Metals from Cyanide Leach Residue

  22. 综合回收废旧锂电池中有价金属的研究

    Comprehensive Recovery of Valuable Metals in Waste Lithium-Ion Batteries

  23. 溶剂萃取法回收电镀污泥中的有价金属

    The metals recovery from electroplating sludge using solvent extraction

  24. 废旧氢&镍电池中有价金属的回收利用

    Recycling of Valued Metal from Spent Metal Hydride-nickel Batteries

  25. 从废铅酸蓄电池中回收有价金属

    Recovery of Valuable Metals from Waste Lead Acid Accumulator

  26. 某冶炼厂有价金属废弃物的选矿回收

    Dressing Recovery of the Valuable Metals from the Discard of the Smelting Plant

  27. 被富集有价金属的回收和精制。

    Recovery and refining of other enriched metal values .

  28. 氰化尾渣综合回收有价金属的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Comprehensive Recovery of Valuable Metals From Cyanidation Tailing Slags

  29. 研究了从湿法炼锌净化钴镍渣中回收有价金属。

    Recovery of cobalt from Co-Ni residue in zinc hydrometallurgy has been studied .

  30. 磁化浮选铜冶炼废渣中铜及其它有价金属的研究

    Magnetic Flotation of Copper and Other Valuable Metals from Copper Smelting Waste Residue