- 网络The Least Squares Problem;Least Square Problem

Condition Numbers for Moore-Penrose Inverse of Matrix and Linear Least Squares Problem
Solving the Least Squares Problem with Givens Transformation
Structured p step Newton Algorithm for Nonlinear Least Square Problems
The structured BFGS method is a quasi-Newton method for solving the nonlinear least squares problem .
Perturbation Analysis and Condition Numbers of Scaled Total Least Squares Problems and Symmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations
An Algorithm for Linear Least squares solution by Householder Transform
Solution sets and the minimun norn solution of the basic TLS problem are discussed .
Optimal Convergence of Two-Block AOR Iteration for Solving Least Square Problems
Convergence Domains of a 2-Block AOR Method for Least-Squares Problems
Throughout the following twenty years , ABS algorithms have been extended to solve the least squares , the inequality systems , linear programming and nonlinear programming with linear constraints etc.
In coordinate computing , multiple variables non-linear optimized problems with constraint are changed into least squares problems of linear equation group utilizing screw theory , which simplifies the computing complexity and advanced stability in solving course .
The output feedback pole assignment problem is transformed to a least square problem . The feedback matrix can be obtained by using LM algorithm .
When solving the integer least squares problems arise in many engineering appli-cations , the LLL algorithm is widely used as a precondition .
In this paper , we consider the regularized total least square problems ( RTLS ) .
A hybrid gn-bfgs method for solving nonlinear least squares problem with equality constraints
A method of relaxation curve fitting in the magnetic field produced by the lung & an algorithm of the Powell symmetric Broyden update for solving the nonlinear least-square problem
By applying the Volterra series to describe the nonlinear system , the identification problem of nonlinear system is transformed into a normal least mean squares problem , which can be solved by QR decomposition .
As a new type of method for nonlinear least square problems , the block scald ABS meth-ods are presented , and their locally superlinear convergence is proved . Finally the numerical re-sults are given with the special choice of the sealed matrices .
Third , based on the non-linearity feature of the system , the LMF algorithm is given by using the non-linearity least square optimal method .
This survey is concerned with some recent results on convergence of the Newton method for solving nonlinear operator ( equation ) and the Gauss-Newton method for solving the least square problems and the convex composite optimization problems .
In the second step of these methods , a nonlinear least squares problem is proposed , whose aim is to find the optimal solution of the calibration parameters by minimize the reprojection error . An improved LM method is suggested .
Multiplier penalty function is employed to transfer the problem into the solution of a series of general nonlinear least squares problems which are solved using the hybrid GN-BFGS method ( Fletcher and Xu , 1987 ) .
By this method , the relationship between the constrained conditions and the variables can be discussed in detail , and thus it can be demonstrated the existance of an unconstrained least squares problem which is equivalent to LSE problem .
This paper will first give the concept of Givens transformation , and then describe the computational procedure of solving the least squares prob-lim using Givens transformation , and finally deal with the algorithm of updating the parameter solutions and their covariance matrix .
More and more people have been attracted in this research field . Theoretically , a least squares problem in matrix form can be rewritten in vector form by Kronecker product . So solutions of the matrix least squares problem are known in terms of higher dimensional column-vectors .
First of all , we transform the Euclidean distance model into a sequence of least squares problems , from the non-negativity constrained least squares ' KKT conditions we have a linear complementarity problem ( LCP ), and then a new algorithm for NMF based on LCP is proposed .
A Note on the Perturbation Theorem of the Least Square Problem
A direct solution method for generalized nonlinear dynamic least squares problem
The Efficient Algorithm for Block Implementation of Exact Recursive-Least-Squares Problems
Adaptive Trust Region Algorithms for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Least Squares Problems