
  • 网络optimal;the optimal solution
  1. Fuzzy线性规划最优解新探

    A New Approach to the Optimal Solution to Fuzzy Linear Programming

  2. 通过Agent的不断进化,获得问题的最优解。

    The optimal solution can be obtained through the evolution of each Agent .

  3. 视觉多样性有助于“跳出思维定式,发现问题的最优解”……咖啡馆常常有着许多能够刺激视觉的因素。

    Just observing them can motivate you to work harder . Visual variety helps in " solving a problem that has an optimal3 solution , but requires you to think outside the box " ... Coffee shops , though , generally have visual stimuli in spades .

  4. 比现有文献对这类DC规划的最优解更加稳定。

    The optimal solution is more stable than the existing literature on this type of DC programming .

  5. 求解这个k元线性方程组可得到X在此子空间内的一个最优解。

    Solving the linearly equations with k unknown numbers , the optimal solution of X is obtained in the subspace .

  6. 多目标规划Pareto最优解的几个充分条件

    Several sufficient conditions of Pareto optimum solution of multi objective programming

  7. 由于混沌具有遍历性,TSP问题总是能够达到最优解。

    Due to chaotic ergodicity , TSP can always achieve optimal path .

  8. 该算法用抗体表示函数优化解的可能模式,通过构造克隆选择算子完成全局和局部最优解的搜索,利用B细胞网络保持多种抗体并存。

    In this algorithm , antibodies represented the possible optimization solutions of functions . Cloning operator was used to search the local optima and the global optimum .

  9. 多目标进化计算收敛到Pareto最优解集的证明

    Convergence of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation to Its Pareto Optimal Set

  10. 对带聚类特征TSP问题的仿真实验结果表明,该算法能以极快的速度收敛到问题的最优解(近优解)。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm is better than AS algorithm .

  11. 仿真结果表明,该算法能快速找到Pareto最优解。

    The simulation result shows that our algorithm can fast approach the Pareto front .

  12. 根据Banach空间的一些理论,证明了其最优解的存在唯一性。

    The existence and uniqueness of optimal accumulation rate are given using the theory of banach space .

  13. 因此,建立了货位配置优化问题的数学模型,提出了采用Pareto遗传算法解决多目标组合优化问题,可得到Pareto最优解集。

    A mathematic model is built to describe the problem of the freight sites assignment optimization .

  14. PSO算法本质上属于迭代的随机搜索算法,其主要优点在于收敛速度快、能以较大的概率找到优化问题的全局最优解等。

    PSO being iterations random algorithm does better in fast constringency and finding the optimization solution with biggish probability .

  15. 因此,对于复杂多峰优化问题,DC不能在单一种群中并行地维持多个全局或局部最优解。

    Thus DC is not capable of finding and maintaining multiple global or local optima in parallel in a single population when used to optimize complicated multimodal problems .

  16. 优化算法可定义如下:给定某一待解问题,求该问题的最优解,此问题一般以N元变量方程形式给出。

    Optimal algorithms can be defined as below . Given a certain problem , which is a function with N variables generally , the task is to find a best solution .

  17. 随后,根据求得的最优解的特点,本文提出了一种结合网络资源状态和用户业务QoS要求的资源分配算法&ERA算法。

    At last , a novel path level network resource allocation algorithm , ERA algorithm , is developed based on the characteristics of that optimal solution .

  18. 数值实验结果表明,本文算法能够高效处理这类测试函数,并且在非常少的演化代数就可以使得到的非劣解全部进化到Pareto最优解。

    The numerical experiment results indicate that , the proposed algorithm can deal with this kind of test functions highly effective .

  19. 数值实验表明算法具有找到最优解的能力,特别适合于求解大规模网络有度约束的QoS组播路由问题。

    Numerical simulation results show that the algorithm has the capability of finding optimal solution . It is suitable for a large-scale network to solve degree-constrained QoS multicast routing problem .

  20. 模拟退火算法(SimulatedAnnealingalgorithm,SA)来源于固体退火原理,是一种通用概率算法,用来在一个大的搜寻空间内寻找问题的最优解。

    Simulated annealing algorithm ( SA ), derived from the principle of solid annealing , is a general probabilistic algorithm and used to find the optimal solution of the problem in large search space .

  21. 根据这个思想,在GA的编码空间设计中,本文分析了平行机台最小化总拖期问题的特性,设计了编码空间和解码方式以保证在编码空间存在最优解,减小搜索范围。

    Based on this articulation and analysis of properties of the p ∥ problem , the encoding space and decoding function are deliberately designed to reduce the searching efforts .

  22. 由于利用MonteCarlo技术自动估算静校正时有很大的局限性费时太多,需要上千次迭代,并且要求有较好的温度参数才能收敛到最优解。

    Static correction estimation using Monte Carlo technique has severe limitations , namely time consuming iterations ( above 1000 times ) and good temperature parameter for converging to optimum solution .

  23. 在运用油藏数值模拟方法确定了压裂井作用椭圆边界,采用Matlab编程求解,得到了数学问题的2个最优解。

    The ellipse boundary of a fractured well was determined by the numerical simulation method . The model was solved with the Matlab programming , and two optimal solutions of mathematical problem were obtained .

  24. 通过分析SOC参数的基本属性,利用邻域搜索算法针对功耗进行自动参数优化,得到性能和功耗的最优解。

    For obtaining the optimum performance and power , based on the property analysis of SOC parameters , a neighborhood-region-search algorithm was presented to optimize the selection of parameters .

  25. 关于(S-1,S)订货策略的随机库存最优解

    The Optimal Solution of A Stochastic Stock Model Under the ( S-1 , S ) Order Goods Tactics

  26. 仿真实验表明:求得的全局Pareto最优解呈现出良好的多样性均匀分布,逼近真实的Pareto前沿,收敛性能也较理想。

    Simulated experiments showed that the obtained solutions present good uniformity of diversity , and approach the true frontier of Pareto . Its convergence is also idea .

  27. 就第一点而言,与单目标优化不同的是,多个相互竞争目标的优化结果是得到一组可行解,一般被称作Pareto最优解集。

    On the one hand , instead of a single optimal solution , competing goals give rise to a set of compromise solutions , generally denoted as Pareto-optimal .

  28. 所以把试验数据中荷载和挠度代入本文计算公式,采用MATLAB语言计算机程序,反算剪切刚度,并通过数值计算方法拟合曲线求出最优解。

    So the test data into the load and deflection formula for calculating this article , a computer program using MATLAB language , anti-shear rigidity balance and , through the numerical method to derive the optimal solution curve .

  29. 由于计算最小约简是个NP难问题,所以我们使用了基于遗传算法的启发式算法来缩短计算时间,以便得到一个近似的最优解。

    Finding the minimal reduct is a NP-hard problem , so we present a fast hybrid genetic algorithm for the reduct computation of rough set to get the approximate result .

  30. 利用ANSYS的APDL语言对上横梁进行参数化建模并执行优化,得到了各设计变量与目标函数、状态变量间的函数关系及最优解。

    After built the upper-crossbeam parameterized modal by ANSYS APDL language and running it , I get the optimal design and the function relationships between design variables and state variables .