
zuì dà fēnɡ lì
  • maximum wind
  1. ⑷近10年大约有40个左右TC影响该海域,平均影响风力为22m/s左右,极端最大风力达到55m/s。

    In the recent 10 years probably have about 40 TC to affect this sea area , the average influence wind power are about 22m / s , the extreme biggest wind power achieves 55m / s.

  2. 风暴区最大风力预计40节。

    Maximum winds of40 knots expected in storm area .

  3. 风暴区最大风力预计多少?

    What maximum winds are expected in storm area ?

  4. 5级台风“海燕”的最大风力达到170英里每小时。

    The strong Category 5 typhoon has set maximum wind up to 170 miles an hour .

  5. 台风“海高斯”于周三上午登陆珠海市,其风眼附近的最大风力达到每秒35米。

    Typhoon Higos made landfall in the city of Zhuhai Wednesday morning with a maximum wind force of 35 meters per second near its eye .

  6. 汉尼拔称,西门子最大风力发电机的装机容量是6兆瓦,但是该公司需要开始考虑8兆瓦的机组。

    Siemens 's biggest wind generator has a capacity of 6 megawatts but the company needs to begin looking at 8 MWs , said Mr. Hannibal .

  7. 结果表明:“桑美”的致灾因子强度超强,最大风力超过“卡特里娜”飓风,主要通过狂风、暴雨和风暴潮及其引发的灾害链致灾;

    The typhoon caused great disaster through chains of strong wind , rainstorm , and storm surge , which broke Out simultaneously , and resulted in huge loss .

  8. 11月末石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)决定不减产后,丹麦维斯塔斯公司(Vestas)的股价应声暴跌——目前跌幅仍达11%,明显逊于整体股市表现。维斯塔斯是全球最大的风力涡轮发电机供应商。

    Shares in Denmark 's Vestas , the world 's largest wind turbine supplier , dived after the oil producers " cartel Opec decided not to cut production in late November and prices are still down 11 per cent , noticeably below the broader market .

  9. 猜猜世界最大的风力发电机在哪里

    Guess where the world 's largest wind generator is .

  10. 国家飓风中心称,芭芭拉的最大持续风力将达到近每小时75英里。

    The national hurricane center says Barbara 's maximum sustained winds are near 75 miles per hour .

  11. 伯莎是大西洋进入飓风季的第二场飓风,最大可持续风力可达每小时80英里。

    The second hurricane of the Atlantic season had maximum sustained winds near 80 miles an hour .

  12. 座落于肯特海岸的世界最大的风力发电场已正式启用。

    The world 's biggest wind farm has opened off the coast of Kent and is now generating power .

  13. 一家中国公司成为世界最大的风力涡轮机制造商,结束了10多年来欧美公司在该领域的主导地位。

    A Chinese company has become the biggest wind turbine maker , putting an end to more than a decade of European and US dominance .

  14. 福建省东山乌礁湾风电厂是我国目前建成投产的单机容量最大的风力发电工程。

    Wujiaowan wind power project , located in Dongshan county , Fujian province , has the biggest per-unit installed capacity among the wind-driven generators ever built in China .

  15. 我在其他网站上看到到今年末中国将超过美国成为地球上最大的风力发电国家。他们还有很长的路要走,但是他们已经着手在解决问题。我希望他们尽快成功!

    They have a long way to go , but they appear to be working very hard to fix their problems . I hope they succeed-sooner , rather than later .

  16. 这发生在挪威承诺将要建设具有145米转子直径的、世界上最大的风力涡轮机,并且在2011年前为该国电网作出贡献之后仅仅六个月。

    It comes just six months after Norway promised the world 's largest wind turbine , with its145 meter rotor diameter , to be built and contributing to the country 's power grid by2011 .

  17. 德国,欧洲大陆最大的风力能源的生产者,希望欧盟的任务是到2020年,每个国家能获得20%的来自可再生资源的能源,波兰,它却抵制这种做法,没有使用可再生资源。

    Germany , the continent 's largest wind-energy producer , wants an E.U. mandate that each country get 20 percent of its energy from renewable resources by 2020 ; Poland , which uses no renewable resources , is resisting .

  18. 在目前众多可再生能源与新能源技术开发中,最成熟、最具规模化开发条件、潜力最大的就是风力发电。

    Among all the renewable energy and new energy technological development , wind power is the most potential one .

  19. 如今最大的市场是风力和太阳能市场,但中国正迅速崛起为众多新型绿色技术从插电式汽车电池到智能电网设备的全球领先者。

    The biggest markets now are in wind and solar , but China is fast emerging as a global leader in a host of new green technologies , ranging from power batteries for plug-in cars to smart grid devices .