
chǎn nénɡ
  • capacity of production
  1. 消费有可能超出企业的产能。

    Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods .

  2. 要扛稳粮食安全的重任,稳步提升粮食产能,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,要深化农业农村改革,激活乡村振兴内生动力,深入研究接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接。

    We should shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security , and steadily with rural vitalization .

  3. 目前,世界上大部分用于产能的食物残渣都会转化为甲烷。在世界各地被浪费掉的大量食物是促使气候变化的主要因素。

    The vast quantities of food that are wasted across the world are a major contributor to climate change .

  4. 细菌的异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原指以Fe(Ⅲ)为末端电子受体在无氧条件下氧化有机物的产能过程,在生物地球化学循环中起着重要的作用。

    Dissimilatory Fe (ⅲ) reduction is the important process in Biogeochemical cycle .

  5. 气藏中CO2含量对气井产能的影响

    Influence of CO_2 Content on Gas Well Deliverability

  6. 随着两步发酵生产技术的成熟,全球维生素C产能过剩危机严重。

    With the maturity of the two stage fermentation technology of vitamin C production , there is overcapacity in vitamin C production allover the world .

  7. 利用MDT和NMR资料确定储层产能预测参数

    Determining Productivity Prediction Parameters with MDT and NMR Date

  8. 基于Vogel方程,建立了未饱和油藏的IPR方程,并对测点井底流动压力高于或低于饱和压力的两种情形,分别提出了应用一点法确定油井IPR曲线,预测油井产能变化的方法。

    IPR equation in a unsaturated reservoir was established from Vogel equation .

  9. 因此,维生素C改性对扩展其使用范围,增加其附加值,缓解产能过剩有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to modify vitamin C , so as to expand its usage , to increase its added value , and to alleviate overcapacity crisis as well .

  10. 加入WTO后,中国的钛白行业正面临着战略性结构调整,以提高产能集中度及企业竞争力;国内钛白行业未来竞争态势分析

    After took part in the WTO , the national titanium dioxide industry is facing the trends of strategic structure regulations . Analysis on the competing status of the Chinese titanium dioxide industry

  11. 提高300t摆剪产能的改造实践

    Transformation of Raising the Production Capacity of the 330t Rocking Shears

  12. 负压射孔完井技术与产能的关系评价DBF技术在综合孔径辐射计中的应用

    Appraisal of Underbalanced Perforation Technology and Deliverability ; Application of Digital Beam Forming Technology in Synthetic Aperture Radiometer

  13. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  14. 高级计划与排程系统(APS)是传统企业资源管理系统(ERP)计划部分的补充,可以为企业实现具有产能约束,并可以实时变动的最优计划。

    The advanced planning and scheduling system is the supplement for the traditional Enterprise Resource Planning system . It can provide a company with real-time adjustable optimal production plan with constrained capacity .

  15. 随着珠钢两机两流生产格局的形成以及电炉改造后生产能力的提高,提高连铸产能成了珠钢的一个瓶颈。CSP连铸结晶器的技术特点

    With both lines running in Zhujiang steel , CSP continuous casting is being the bottleneck of the production after EAF updating . Technical Characteristics of the CSP Crystallizer for Continuous Casting

  16. 提高RH-TB产能的工艺实践

    Practice of Increasing RH-TB Production Capacity

  17. 近年来油气供应紧张的原因之一还在于石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称:欧佩克)在增加新产能问题上采取了比较保守的做法。

    Part of the oil and gas supply problem in the years ahead also stems from a more disciplined approach by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to increasing spare oil-production capacity .

  18. 一种基于实物期权的产能预订模型提供一种Stackelberg博弈机会,供应商决定最优的产能期权价格,而采购商优化产能柔性预订的数量。

    So a real-option-based flexible capacity reservation model provide an opportunity for supplier select optimal capacity option pricing and buyer determine their optimal capacity reservation through Stackelberg game .

  19. 复吹转炉工艺参数与转炉振动相关性实验研究湘钢80t转炉工艺改进、产能提升的实践

    EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CORRELATION BETWEEN PROCESS PARAMETER AND VIBRATION OF CONVERTER Practice of increasing steel capacity with 80t converters at Xiangtan Steel

  20. 比如,美国蜂蜜生产商协会(AmericanHoneyProducersAssociation)称,马来西亚养蜂人每年的蜂蜜产能大约为4.5万磅,但该国一年出口给美国的蜂蜜多达3700万磅。

    According to the American Honey Producers Association , Malaysian beekeepers , for example , have the capacity to make about 45,000 pounds of honey annually , but the country has exported as much as 37 million pounds of honey to the United States in a year .

  21. 将计算结果与现场实际生产数据对比发现,此方法比Joshi的二维产能公式更贴近现场生产实际。

    Compared with the 2-D Joshi productivity formula , it is more close to the factual horizontal well productivity in the oil field .

  22. 存储芯片部门开始受益于行业整合之后价格的提升,而逻辑芯片部门也得益于三星自己为galaxys6生产处理器以来的更高的产能利用率。

    The memory chip business is benefiting from high prices after consolidation in the sector , while the logic chip business is enjoying greater capacity use since Samsung started using its own processor chips for the Galaxy S6 .

  23. 基于气井的二项式产能方程,建立了新的无因次1PR方程。该方程可以预测气井的绝对无阻流量和气井的IPR曲线。

    A new dimensionless IPR equation is created based on the binomial deliverability equation for gas wells , the new equation may predict absolute open flow and IPR curve for gas wells .

  24. 新场气田JP3气藏是一个开发程度很低的低孔渗致密碎屑岩浅层气藏,水力加砂压裂是提高其单井产能的有效途径。

    JP3 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field is a shallow gas one of tight clastic rock with low porosity and permeability which is poorly developed .

  25. 利用该修正IPR方程,推导了含水油井综合IPR曲线的计算公式,可用于不同井斜角油井含水后的产能预测和举升工艺设计。

    IPR equation used in water cut oil wells are derived further using the same technique , and this equation can be used in the forecast of productivity of a well when water appears in the production wells as well as in the design of artificial lift technology .

  26. 研究结果表明,孔深是影响产能的主要因素之一,当射孔深度超过1.5m时,产能比为常规射孔的2~3倍。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) the perforation depth is one of the key factors to productivity . And only if the perforation depth is large than 1.5m , the productivity will be 2-3 times of conventional perforation productivity .

  27. 产能过剩、企业共生与信贷配给

    On the Production Capacity Surplus , Firms Coexistence and Credit Rationing

  28. 但现在,我们可能没有去除过剩的产能。

    But now we may not be taking out excess capacity .

  29. 物质平衡法在煤层气井产能预测中的应用

    Application of material balance method in coalbed gas well productivity forecast

  30. 稠油层录测井评价及产能预测方法研究

    Well log evaluation and productivity prediction method for heavy oil reservoir