
  1. 各地区工业产品销售率商品产销成本对销售净额的比率

    Ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales

  2. 分地区产品销售率(按现价计算)

    Ratio of Sales by Region ( at current price )

  3. 各地区工业产品销售率

    Ratio of Sales of Industrial Products by Region

  4. 工业产品销售率达到97.16%,比上年提高0.56个百分点;

    The marketing rate of industrial products reached 97.16 % , up 0.56 % on that of 1998 .

  5. 白酒行业产品销售率达到102.20%,产销基本平衡。完成工业总产值659.30亿元,同比增长19.21%;

    The selling rate in liquor-making industry reached 102.20 % and balance of production and marketing had been realized .

  6. 全年规模以上工业企业产品销售率达到100.1%,比上年提高1.8个百分点。

    The sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size was 100.1 percent , an increase of 1.8 percentage points year-on-year .

  7. 亏损企业亏损额137.4亿元,下降30.11%;产品销售率98.93%,增长0.04个百分点。

    The deficit of enterprises was 13.74 billion yuan , 30.11 % less than 2001 . The products sold rate was 98.93 % , 0.04 % higher than 2001 .

  8. 上半年全国工业产品销售率为95.66%,比上年同期提高0.74个百分点。

    In the first half of this year , sales ratio of industrial products is95.66 % , an increase of0.74 percentage points over that in the same period of last year .

  9. 工业产品销售率达96.59%,比上年同期上升0.61个百分点。企业效益明显改善。

    The sale ratio of industrial products reached 96.59 percent , up by 0.61 percentages point compared to that of the same period in the previous year and enterprise efficiency has been obviously improved .

  10. 工业产销衔接状况良好,前三季度工业产品销售率为97.8%,比上年同期提高0.4个百分点。

    The production and sales of industrial products went on well . In the first three quarters of this year , the sales ratio of industrial products was 97.8 percent , or 0.4 percentage point higher than that in the previous year .

  11. 其次是按照区际市场占有份额和经济效益原则选取了区位商和相对产品销售利润率两指标对各产业进行了分类。

    Then those industries are classified in the light of Location Quotient and Relative Industry MarketingProfit Rate which are determined in the principle of market share and beneficial result .

  12. 多产品销售的提成率由于其直接影响销售人员的精力投入和分配,一直是销售人员薪酬合同设计的焦点。

    Because differentiations of commission rates can motivate salespersons to allocate their efforts across products , the setting of the rates has been the focus of designing sales force compensation plan .

  13. 以往多产品销售的最优提成率研究多基于多产品销售相互独立的假设之上。

    Traditional researches on the optimal commission rates of compensation plan for multi-product sales force are mainly based on the assumption of relatively independent sale situations .

  14. 品牌内部环境包括企业和消费者层面,企业层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括固定资产总值、市场占有率、资产负债率、产品销售利润率、出口创汇率、管理示范效应和技术创新能力。

    Intra-brand environment includes enterprise and consumer level . At enterprise level , the factors , including total fixed assets , market share , asset-liability ratio , product sales profit rate , exchange appreciate rates , management demonstration effect and technological innovation , influence the brand competitiveness .