
  • Product Manager;Product Management;PM
  1. 产品经理对产品的盈利状况负责。

    A product manager is responsible for product profitability .

  2. 成为一名伟大的工程师、设计师、产品经理、营销专家、销售代表或所谓的增长黑客(Growthhacker)。

    Become a great engineer . Designer . Product manager . Marketer . Sales rep. Growth hacker .

  3. 这款app是由脸书的产品经理迈克尔·塞曼设计的,他也才19岁。

    It has been designed by Facebook product manager Michael Sayman , who is 19 years old .

  4. 雷o尼古拉斯是美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊软件公司WidenEnterprises的开发总监兼产品经理,他决定一探究竟。

    Ray Nicholus , lead developer and product manager at software firm Widen Enterprises in Madison , Wisc . , decided to find out .

  5. RaySambrano是Domino服务器性能团队的高级产品经理。

    Ray Sambrano is a Senior Product Manager with the Domino Server Performance Team .

  6. 当然,其他诸如开发人员,质量保证人员,产品经理或者CEO,CIO们也可能对本文感兴趣。

    Others , including developers , quality assurance personnel , product management and CEOs / CIOs may find interest .

  7. 丈夫升职调任马德里从事新的工作以前,阿根廷本地人玛丽安娜•萨内蒂一直在布宜诺斯艾利斯担任壳牌公司(Shell)的产品经理。

    Mariana Zanetti had been working as a product manager for shell ( RDSA ) in Buenos Aires when her husband got a promotion to a new job in Madrid .

  8. 杰斯•李曾在谷歌(Google)担任产品经理,她发现自己已经实现盈利的初创公司要跟Facebook和Twitter这样的大公司抢人才。

    A former Google ( GOOG ) product manager , Lee now finds her profitable startup vying for talent alongside Facebook ( FB ) and twitter .

  9. Mike以前是英特尔的产品经理,他大概30岁离开英特尔,手里有英特尔的股票

    And Mike had retired for about 30 or 31 from the Intel , he was a product manager there and got a little bit stock .

  10. InfoQ对BizTalkServer团队的高级产品经理SteveSloan进行了一次访谈,以更好地理解该产品提供的SOA增强功能。

    InfoQ talked to Steve Sloan , Senior Product Manager in the BizTalk Server team to get a better understanding of enhanced SOA capabilities .

  11. 欲知更多有关产品经理使用社交网络的情况,可以关注Forrester的TomGrant最近所做的工作。

    To learn more about the use of social networks for product manager , follow the work Tom Grant from Forrester has done recently .

  12. 作为产品经理,这意味着您很好地理解到Domino是一个客户解决方案,包括针对内部和跨所有协议的Web应用程序的系统和应用程序。

    As a product manager it means I 'm acquiring a great understanding of Domino as a customer solution including the systems and applications for both internal and Web applications across all protocols .

  13. 对于产品经理和业务分析人员,我们强调客户的流程和客户应用环境,后来会应用到beta环境中。

    For the product manager and business analyst , we emphasized the customer scenario flows and customer application environments , information that they later used in beta programs .

  14. 微软的产品经理ScottBarnes对此结论也表示认同并提到问题的根源在于各种子域的管理方式都不尽相同。

    Scott Barnes , PM at Microsoft , agrees with him and suggests the problem is because various site sub-domains have different management .

  15. 第一次发布的社区构建工具关注backlog的管理,并提供了丰富的基于web的界面,让产品经理能够在一个地方就可以控制所有的用户故事。

    This first release of the community built tool focuses on backlog management and provides a rich web based interface that allows product managers to control all of their user stories in one place .

  16. 在这个区域里面,一些常见的角色是敏捷教练、顾问、产品经理、工程部门/开发团队/QA团队的领袖以及项目经理。

    Some common roles in this space are Agile coaches , consultants , product managers , heads of engineering , development , and QA , and project managers .

  17. 他预测,未来LinkedIn上同行业的人会彼此交换职业智慧。霍夫曼说,交换智慧也是一种不断提升自我的方法,比如说,可以(交流)如何能成为一个更好的产品经理。

    In future , he predicts , members of LinkedIn doing similar sorts of work will " trade intelligence " about professional best practice with each other .

  18. 这位英国航空公司(britishairways)的产品经理刚刚决定在今年夏天无薪休假1个月,并在随后的14个月内做非全职工作正是这家亏损的航空公司所希望的。

    The product manager at British Airways has just decided to take a month off without pay this summer and then work part-time for the following 14 months and that is precisely what the lossmaking airline wants .

  19. 这个角色通常是由客户或者产品经理承担的,所以业务层面也要开始了解Scrum,并做一些必要的变化与之相适应。

    Since the role is typically filled by a customer or product manager , the business has to embrace Scrum too , and make the changes necessary to adapt to it .

  20. “如今,DBA和其他IT人员花费了大量时间来创建多维数据集并将数据填入它们之中,”IBM的IBMInfoSphereStreams产品经理RogerRea说。

    " Today , DBAs and other IT people spend a lot of time creating cubes and stuffing data into them ," says IBM 's Roger Rea , product manager for IBM InfoSphere Streams .

  21. 瑞士品牌BMC的自行车产品经理T.K.马龙从2010年开始与盖茨公司进行合作。

    T.K. Malone , product manager for bikes at Swiss-owned brand BMC , partnered with gates in 2010 .

  22. 施罗德(Schroders)新兴市场集团驻伦敦的产品经理艾伦•埃尔表示,两个涵盖更广的指数可以更清楚地解释直接投资新兴市场的理由。

    Broader indexes make clearer the argument for direct exposure , says Alan Ayres of Schroders'emerging markets group in London .

  23. InfoQ有幸采访到了Adobe高级产品经理AndrewShorten以深入了解此次发布的相关信息以及他们将如何适应整个Flash平台和未来的期望。

    InfoQ spoke with Andrew Shorten , Senior Product Manager at Adobe , to learn more about these releases , how they fit into the overall Flash platform , and what to expect in the future .

  24. 还可能意味着你会找产品经理,问一问这个按钮有什么用处,然后再找UI设计师一块探讨按钮是不是最佳的交互手段。

    It may mean you go back to the product manager and ask what the button is for , and then maybe go to the user interface designer to determine if a button really is the right interaction approach .

  25. 谷歌产品经理MikeJazayeri则坚决反对这种说法,并宣称谷歌“有备而来,已经对有关的专利进行过详细的分析”。

    Google product manager Mike Jazayeri has so far rejected the claims and said it had conducted a " pretty thorough analysis " of the patents .

  26. 2003年,萨内蒂从商学院毕业,然后花了整整一年时间才找到一份和自己三年前没有MBA学位时收入完全相同的工作,在一家类似美国建材家居零售商家得宝(HomeDepot)的西班牙公司任产品经理。

    And when she graduated in 2003 , it took her a full year to land a job as a product manager at a Spanish version of Home Depot , at exactly the same salary she was earning three years earlier , without the MBA .

  27. 小米国际业务副总裁雨果•巴拉(HugoBarra)昨日宣布,这家飞速发展的公司已把JaiMani招至麾下,担任其印度首席产品经理。雨果本人也是一名谷歌前高管。

    The fast-growing company has recruited Jai Mani to be lead product manager for India , Hugo Barra , vice-president of international operations and himself a former Google executive , announced yesterday .

  28. “现在开发人员能够使用一种工具,一个框架和一个通用代码库来建立应用程序,部署在Android,黑莓和IOS上运行,”Adobe公司产品经理DaveGruber说。

    " Developers will now be able to use one tool , one framework , and one common code base and build apps that run on Android , BlackBerry , and iOS ," said Dave Gruber , Adobe group product manager .

  29. 首先,在兴盛时期,企业总是倾向于雇用太多的工程师,因此,产品经理的生活就成了一成不变的匆匆交付撰写的一个又一个PRD,以便让工程师有事情去做。

    First , in flush times companies tend to hire lots of engineers and the life of a product manager can turn into a constant rush to create the next PRD so that engineering has something to build .

  30. “不管怎样,新的工具将在全球范围内很快推出,”脸谱说。KellyWinters,一个“脸谱”产品经理。“这项工作是我们正在进行的努力的一部分,是为生活处于困难时期的人们开发的资源。”

    Regardless , the new tool will be rolled out globally soon , Facebook said . " This work is part of our ongoing effort to develop resources for people who may be going through difficult moments in their lives , " wrote Kelly Winters , a Facebook product manager .