
qiánɡ tái fēnɡ
  • violent typhoon
  1. 那棵大树被强台风吹倒。暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树。

    That giant tree was laid prostrate by the violent typhoon . The storm blew down several large trees .

  2. 中国21世纪的跨海工程将面临软土地基、强台风、深水基础等条件,仅用悬索桥和斜拉桥作为大跨桥型,已不能满足工程需求。

    The 21st century project of a strait crossing is faced with much natural conditions such as the soft foundation , the violent typhoon , and the deep - watered foundation .

  3. 交易员和政府官员认为,在强台风鲶鱼(megi)重创菲律宾大米产区后,大米产量将出现下滑。

    Traders and officials believe production will be lower after the powerful Typhoon Megi damaged rice fields in the Philippines .

  4. 本文利用台风年鉴1981~1996年的资料,根据灰色灾变预测方法,建立了对上海市及其邻近区域产生严重影响的强台风出现时间的GM(1,1)预测模型。

    Bsed on the data from the Typhoon Almanac in the period of 1981 to 1996 and gray predictive theory , this paper suggests a GM ( 1,1 ) prediction model to be applied om the occurring time of the typhoon which seriously affected Shanghai and its neighboring region .

  5. 强台风“莫拉克”毁坏了台南美丽的小林村。

    The strong typhoon Morakot ruined the beautiful Xiaolin village in Tainan .

  6. 也是13个月以来登陆的首个强台风。

    It is also the first severe typhoon to approach in 13 months .

  7. 强台风黑格比暴雨洪涝特征及成因分析

    Characteristics of Rainstorm and Flood Caused by the Strong Typhoon " Hagupit "

  8. 强台风的袭击会使平台遭受不同程度的损伤,甚至摧毁。

    Platforms suffer various degree damage from the super typhoon and are even destroyed .

  9. 0814号强台风黑格比风暴潮分析与数值模拟

    Analysis and numerical simulation of the storm surge caused by Typhoon " Hagupit "

  10. 试论塔式起重机的防强台风措施

    Precaution against strong typhoon for tower crane

  11. 国家强台风预报中心

    National Service Storms Forecast Center

  12. 强台风“珍珠”引发广东沿岸灾害性海浪调查分析

    Surrey and analysis of rough high sea wave along Guangdong Coast caused by severe tyrhoon " chanchu "

  13. 强台风达维经过海南岛过程结构演变研究

    A Study on the Structure Evolution of Strong Typhoon " Damrey " ( 2005 ) Through Hainan Island

  14. 用此方法来研究近海热带气旋的对称结构,并与典型强台风进行对比,来表现南海气旋的特殊结构特征。

    Axisymmetric structure of this tropical cyclone , which possesses its feature , are different from those of typical typhoon .

  15. 强台风即将来袭,菲律宾中部的一些农民正准备收割第一批水稻。

    Some farmers in the central Philippines are preparing for their first rice harvest since a powerful typhoon hit the country .

  16. 我国是西北太平洋(包括南海)热带风暴、台风和强台风登陆最多的国家,门式刚架轻型钢结构在历次台风中频繁遭遇破坏。

    The tropical storms , typhoons and violent typhoons generated in North Pacific ( including South China Sea ) land most frequently in China .

  17. 但遗憾的是,目前对门式刚架建筑结构的风致破坏问题并未得到较好解决,每次强台风过后,门式刚架结构损坏仍然严重。

    Unfortunately , no good solution was found to solve the problem and then the portal steel frame structure still encounters severe damage caused by typhoon .

  18. 截至昨晚已经有至少44000户断电,而这仅仅是今年日本遭遇强台风其中的一个。

    As of last night , at least 44000 had no power . This is just one of several powerful storms to hit Japan this year .

  19. 气象学家称,台风“鲇鱼”在登陆过程中已演变为强台风,但是随着横扫菲律宾北部,暴风可能会稍微减弱。

    Forecasters said Megi was a super typhoon as it made landfall , but was likely to weaken slightly as it made its way across the northern Philippines .

  20. 本文系统地阐述了1981年第14号强台风对江苏海岸地貌和海岸工程各地程度不同的影响。

    This paper describes systematically the influence of the Agnes typhoon that occurred in 1981 in various degrees on the coastal landforms and coastal projects of Jiangsu province of China .

  21. 介绍了建筑黄河油港,采用板进结构码头设计工艺和施工技术,码头建成投产至今,经历了百年一遇强台风考验,为在淤泥质开敞海底建设板桩码头取得了成功经验。

    The design and construction technology of pland piles structure dock in Huanghe Oil Harbor are introduced , and a wide vista is provided for mud sediment open sea harbor works .

  22. 随着强台风逼近日本,受损的福岛核电站的运营者称,他们还没准备好应对暴雨和狂风。

    As a powerful typhoon approaches Japan , the operator of the crippled nuclear power plant at Fukushima has said it 's not fully prepared for heavy rain and strong winds .

  23. 抗风力差,在12级强台风(风力40米/秒)袭击下,受害率达100%,断倒损失率77.14%。

    Wind-resistant ability of M. fragrans is weak , calamity rate get to 100 % and wind-fall rate 77.14 % if it is hit by a typhoon of force 12 ( 40m / s );

  24. 3个强台风同一年登陆广东且分别造成珠江口、粤西、粤东较严重风暴潮的情况十分罕见。

    It was infrequence in one year that three strong typhoon land at Guangdong Province and they caused serious storm surge at Pearl River outlet , the west and the east of the Province .

  25. 作者在1976年驾驶自由轮空船抗击十九号强台风时曾用这个方法,虽然当时最大风速达到12级,但在整个台风袭击过程中锚位一点也没有走动。

    Managed in this way , the author kept an unloaded Freedom-type Vessel at her anchoring position safely against the strong typhoon ( No.19 ) in 1976 , while the maximum wind speed w-as about 64-71 Kts .

  26. 作者普查了1949&1983年35年的观测资料,得到76个同心双眼台风,发现在西北太平洋地区强台风中,常常可以观测到这种结构的台风眼,而且它与台风的自身强度也有密切的关系。

    Altogether 76 double-eye typhoons were observed during 1949-1983 . The results reveal that the concentric double-eye structure , generally appearing in the intense typhoons over the Western North Pacific Ocean , is closely related to typhoon 's intensity .

  27. 胜丰轮于1997年8月20日0200被97-11号强台风带来的狂风巨浪从日照港锚地冲上沙滩,造成罕见的高位搁浅事故。

    MV Sheng Feng was pushed aground upon a beach from the anchorage of Rizhao Port , at 0200 of August 20 , 1997 , by strong storm waves caused by No. 11 strong typhoon of 1997 , resulting in high position grounding .

  28. 按允许最大越浪量的设计方法可有效降低堤顶高程,这一方法已编入有关规定,并经多次强台风的检验。

    The design method according to permitted wave overtopping discharge can reduce the crown elevation , which has been adoped in some related regulation . The seawall designed by this method has suffered several strong typhoons and a super typhoon , cover layer remain no damage .

  29. 你为这个又大又强的台风做好准备了吗?

    Are you ready for the big and strong storm ?

  30. 宁波夏季强对流和台风短时暴雨雷达回波特征对比分析

    Doppler Radar Data Analysis of Convective and Typhoon Short-time Torrential Rainfall in Summer in Ningbo