
  • 网络Strongly correlated systems
  1. 从那时起,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的的平台。

    From then on , BECs have become a popularly investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems .

  2. 自从玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)在实验上实现以后,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的平台,激发了许多新的研究领域。

    Since BEC was realized in experiments , it has become an investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems and has stimulated many new research fields .

  3. 硬核玻色气体系统属于强关联系统,而硬核玻色-哈伯德模型是研究强关联玻色系统的基本模型之一。

    The hard-core bosons system belongs to the strongly corre-lated quantum systems and the Hard-Core Bose-Hubbard model is one of such basic models .

  4. 理论研究表明当冷原子的转速进一步增大,涡旋晶格会融解成一种新的强关联系统&量子霍尔液体。

    When the angular velocity is further increased , the vortex lattice in BEC will melt into a new strongly correlated system , a quantum Hall liquid .

  5. 对它们是否同属强关联系统的一类材料,学术界有很大的争论。

    It is highly debated that whether the new superconductors belong to the same category of strongly correlated electron systems in which the cuprates are believed to be .

  6. 典型的问题是一些有趣的量子多体强关联系统,它们在众多领域扮演着重要的角色,包括凝聚态物理、材料科学、高能物理和量子化学。

    These problems are usually about strongly correlated quantum many-body sys-tems which play a fundamental role in condensed matter physics , material science , high-energy physics or quantum chemistry .

  7. 对一些特别的强关联系统,人们可以通过特定的方法,给出系统的本征能谱或配分函数的解析表达式,从而实现对体系热力学量的精确计算。

    In order to investigate the critical phenomena exactly , some special methods were founded to calculate analytically the energy spectra or the exact expression of the partition function for some strongly correlated systems . Furthermore it is possible to study the thermodynamical properties of systems .

  8. t-J模型是强关联物理系统中最重要的理论模型之一,尤其在其作为描述高温超导铜氧化物平面之后,地位变得尤其重要。

    T-J model is one of the most important theoretical models among strongly correlated electronic systems , this model becomes especially important when acting as plane method to describe the high-temperature superconducting cuprate .

  9. 强关联复杂系统的解耦控制策略

    Decoupling Control Strategy for Strong Cross - correlation Complex System

  10. 这些方法是研究强关联量子系统的基本工具,特别是对于低维的晶格模型。

    These methods are standard tools for the investigation of a variety of interacting quantum systems , especially low-dimensional quantum lattice models .

  11. 应用该方法设计励磁控制器不需要求解Riccati矩阵方程,并且不管是强关联或弱关联系统,均可设计出完全分散的励磁控制规律。

    Decentralized Robust Stabilizing Control Design for Interconnected Time Varying Uncertain Systems It is not necessary to solve Riccati equation of LQR in the proposed design method .