
  • 网络strong convection
  1. 可以认为,CI的发生是强对流天气活动开始的标志,因而,对CI进行成功的预警,也就成为了灾害性天气监测预警的重要环节。

    CI is the beginning symbol of the strong convection weather event . Thus , the accurate forecasting of CI is important for convective weather warning .

  2. 提出了吹气鼓泡方式下产生的强对流、弱搅拌而获得AZ91D镁合金半固态组织的新工艺。

    The new technique for agitating semi-solid magnesium alloy AZ91D slurry by gas blowing which create strong convection and weak agitation during solidification was put forward in this article .

  3. 其结果表明Q矢量分析方法对强对流天气的预报具有指示作用。

    The result showed that the vector analysing theory can be taken to forecast severe convective storm .

  4. 结果表明:①A指数、K指数的数值大小对于强对流天气的预报具有一定效果。

    The results show : ① The value of A index and K index have some effects on forecasting severe convection weather .

  5. E(CAP)等环境参数在强对流天气分析中的应用

    Application of Environmental Parameters E_ ( CAP ) and I_ ( EH ) to the Analyses of the Severe Convective Weather

  6. 利用GMS卫星资料进行强对流降水估计

    Rainfall Estimates by GMS Satellite Data of Severe Convective Cloud

  7. CAPE等环境参数在强对流风暴分析中的应用研究

    Research of Environment Parameter : CAPE etc , the Function in Analysis of Severe Convective Storms

  8. NWP产品在强对流天气诊断分析中的应用

    Application of Numerical Forecast Products to Diagnostic Analysis of Severe Convective Weather

  9. 因此模式输出的对流有效位能CAPE必须经过适当订正才能用于诊断强对流天气发生的可能性。

    The simulated CAPE value must be properly revised in order to diagnose the possible occurrence of the strong convective weather .

  10. 水汽图像中较亮的湿区与θse高值区的重合,是强对流暴雨产生的重要物理因子。

    The coincidence of brighter area in moisture image with higher potential pseudo equivalent temperature (θ se ) is an important physical factor in the occurence of a severe convective storm .

  11. 针对短时对流活动的特性,对流初生(Convectiveinitiation,CI)的出现是冰雹、龙卷等强对流天气发生的重要征兆。

    For characteristics of short-term convective activity , the appearance of Convective Initiation ( CI ) is the important signs of the strong convective weather events , e.g. hails and tornadoes .

  12. 以往的研究表明,暴雨、龙卷风、雷暴大风等强对流天气,与中尺度对流系统(MesoscaleConvectiveSystem,简称MCS)的演变发展有直接关系。

    Previous study showed that strong convective weathers , for instance , heavy rainfall , tornado , thunderstorm , etc. , have close relationship with the origin and evolution of Mesoscale Convective System ( MCS ) .

  13. 冰雹指数(HI)对强对流天气的预报具有一定的指示意义,尤其当持续出现PRO或POS报警时,往往表示风暴已发展成熟,极有可能产生剧烈的强对流天气;

    Hail index ( HI ) is predictive to severe convection , continuous " PRO " or " POS " signature always mean mature storm , which tend to bring severe convective weather .

  14. 计算Iss表明,华南和华东地区中低空急流带的强对流天气是在弱热力学条件和强动力学条件出现的。

    The result of computing the SSI indicates that the severe convective weather in the south and east of China appears in strong dynamic condition and weak thermodynamic condition .

  15. 上海LAP-3000边界层风廓线雷达在强对流天气预报中的应用初探

    Application of Lap-3000 boundary wind profile radar to severe convective weather forecast

  16. 深圳5.11强对流天气的V-3θ图分析

    An Analysis of " 5 · 11 " Strong Convective Weather Occurrence in Shenzhen Using V-3 θ Diagrams

  17. 分析发现0℃层在700hPa附近,△θse、Sweat指数对强对流发生发展有重要指示意义。

    Analysis also finds out that the 0 ℃ layer is nearby 700 hPa altitude and indexes of △θ se and Sweat are of strong significance for the occurance and development of strong convection weather .

  18. 结果表明,这次强对流天气是在有利的大尺度天气形势下产生的,局地环境CAPE指数大,水平风的垂直切变较强。

    The result shows that the severe convective storm occurred under the advantageous large scale weather conditions , with local large CAPE index and strong vertical shear of horizontal wind . Severe hail is caused by multicell severe storm .

  19. 结果表明:该次大范围风雹强对流天气系统是在东北低涡下,高空前倾槽与地面辐合线有利的大环流背景下,一个中尺度对流系统MCS影响所致。

    The result of the study indicated that this large area wind-hail strong convection weather system was aroused by one MCS and controlled by the northeast low vorticity . It was in advantaged large circumfluence background of upper-air pitch trough along with surface convergence line .

  20. 利用十堰714C天气雷达回波资料,结合其它天气资料,分析了2004年7月6日发生在十堰境内的强对流天气过程。

    By using the 714C radar echo data in Shiyan and other weather data , a severe convective weather event in Shiyan on 6 , July 2004 is analyzed .

  21. 利用宜昌多普勒天气雷达回波资料,分析了2001年7月2日发生在三峡坝区瞬间极大风速达28.8m·s-1的强对流风暴。

    Based on the echo data of the Yichang WSR-98D S - band Doppler weather radar , a severe storm with 28.8 m · s - 1 maximum instantaneous wind speed at the Three Gorge Dam Area on 2 July 2001 is analyzed .

  22. 分析结果表明,高空南支槽、地面辐合线、850hPa西南急流和切变线,是这次强对流天气过程的主要影响系统;

    Results show , it is the principle influencing systems that the upper trough , surface convergence line , The low level southwest jet and shear line .

  23. 500hPa螺旋度正值区长轴与造成强对流的暖区弱切变和雷达带状回波走向一致;

    The long axis in positive value area of 500 hPa helicity is consistent with the causing severe convective warm area ′ s weak shear and moving towards of radar band echo ;

  24. 在4km高度至近地面,热对流的降水率减少速度比98.7.20强对流降水的快,表明前者雨滴在下降过程中因气温高而发生强烈蒸发。

    From 4 km to near surface , profiles show that rainfall rate reducing in the thermal convective system is faster than that in the mesoscale convective system , which implies a strong droplet evaporation process occurring in the former system .

  25. 利用单站闪电定位系统M-LDARS监测1995~1997年夏季北京地区的闪电活动。分析结果表明:闪电频数的日变化与强对流天气发生有一定对应关系;

    The lightning activities Beijing area were monitored with single station lightning detection system ( M LDARS ) in summer of 1995 & 1997.The result shows that the relationship between diurnal variation of lightning frequency and severe convection weather .

  26. 山东省强对流天气雷达回波气候特征

    The Radar Echo Climatic Features of Severe Convective Weather in Shandong

  27. 一种强对流天气短期预报方法的研究和试报

    A study and experiment on short-range prediction of severe convective weather

  28. 5.26甘肃局地强对流天气过程综合分析

    Synthetical Analysis of A Local Severe Convection Weather Process in Gansu

  29. 春季一次典型强对流单体降雹雷达产品特征分析

    A typical spring came Hail Radar Products Show monomer feature analysis

  30. 运用起泡法求解强对流扩散问题的收剑性分析

    Convergence Analysis for the Residual-Free Bubbles Method Applied to Parabolic Problems