
  • 网络thunderstorm cell
  1. 结果表明,这是一次由冷锋尾部前方产生的对流云团触发的强沙尘暴天气,该对流云团具有超级雷暴单体的性质。

    It is shown that this weather is triggered by the convective cloud cluster in front of the cold front , and this cluster has the character of the super thunderstorm cell .

  2. 而这些中尺度气旋是超级雷暴单体的核心。

    Mesocyclones make up the cores of supercell thunderstorms .

  3. 这里春天和夏天的时候,暖空气会从墨西哥湾上升,然后与来自加拿大的冷空气相撞。交汇处会产生强烈的雷暴,也称超级单体。

    Here , warm air flows up from the Gulf of Mexico in the spring and summer and crashes into cold air pushing down from Canada . The meeting produces violent thunderstorms called supercells .