
  • 网络thunderstorms
  1. 较强的上升运动与风垂直切变相互作用,促使对流系统发展形成飑线,产生雷雨大风。

    The interaction between strong rising movement and strong vertical wind shear accelerated convection to develop and form squall line , and cause thunderstorms and gales .

  2. 据沃特斯介绍,雷雨大风穿越亚利桑那州并带来60英里每小时的风速,大风便把农耕区的细沙卷起。

    Thunderstorms moving through southern Arizona brought winds of up to60 m.p.h.that stirred up fine dust in the agricultural fields , Waters said .

  3. 风指数WI用于华南地区雷雨大风预报比其它指数更有效。

    Wind Index is more available in forecasting thunderstorm wind gusts than other indexes in South China .

  4. 雷雨大风发生在对流层中下层不稳定的环境中,上千冷、下暖湿,θse随着气压的减小而减小。

    Thunderstorm wind usually occurs at the unstable environment in the lower troposphere , where the upper air is dry and cold and the lower air is warm and humid , and θ se decreases with the decrease of air pressure .

  5. 虎门大桥辅航道桥为主跨270m的预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,位于珠江出海口,桥址处经常出现台风及雷雨大风。

    The Humen Bridge auxiliary channel bridge is a continuous rigid frame bridge with the main span of 270 m.

  6. 江西冰雹与雷雨大风气候变化特征的对比分析

    Comparison of Climatic Characteristics between Hailstorm and intense gust in Jiangxi province

  7. 海上雷雨大风形成机制的分析

    Study of the Forming Mechanism of Thunder Wind on Sea

  8. 气象预报预测今天有短时雷雨大风。

    The weather forecast says there will be a brief thunderstorm today .

  9. 上述部分地区会出现短时雷雨大风等强对流天气。

    And parts of the above ranges will meet temporary thunderstorm and strong wind .

  10. 江苏盐城8.17雷雨大风天气过程雷达回波特征分析

    Analyses on the radar echo of the thunder storm and gale in Jiangsu Yancheng on August 17

  11. 上述局部地区会伴有雷雨大风或冰雹的强对流的天气。

    In addition , some area of the above places may meet strong wind , thunder or hails .

  12. 雷雨大风、冰雹、雷击等局地强对流天气发生频繁。

    The locally strong convective weather such as thunder rain and heavy wind as well as hailstone and lightning strike occurred frequently .

  13. 高空急流通过雷暴系统内部的垂直环流下传动量是雷雨大风产生的直接原因。

    The direct reason to produce the thunder wind is that the upper jetstream disseminate momentum down through the vertical circle in the thunder system .

  14. 通过对多普勒径向速度图的分析,可以得出冰雹、雷雨大风与暴雨的动力结构有着明显的差异。

    Based on analyzing the radial velocity , it is concluded that the dynamic structure of hailstorms and thunderstorms is quite different from that of the heavy rain .

  15. 暴雨过程中的干层与其它强天气(雷雨大风、冰雹)过程中的干层有明显不同;

    Additionally , the dry layer formed in heavy rainfall was clearly different from that of the other severe convection weathers ( such as severe storm and hail ) .

  16. 第三特征向量表明冰雹和雷雨大风在武夷山附近与其他地区都存在反位相的变化。

    According to the second mode of EOF , the spatial variation of hail and gust in the plain shows a reverse trend in relation to mountainous areas , especially gust in the south Jiangxi .

  17. 这次过程回波发展高度不高,特别是回波强中心高度不高,没有出现雷雨大风和冰雹天气,强对流只以打雷和强降水表现;

    Because the height of radar echo was not high enough , especially the height of the strong radar-echo center , in the process there appeared no thunderstorm , strong wind or hail weather , and the strong convection only resulted in thunders and severe rainfall .