
  • 网络Radar reflectivity
  1. 根据Mie理论,计算了降雨率小于12.5mm/h时,降雨融化层对5,10,35,94GHz电磁波的雷达反射率和特征衰减因子的垂直廓线。

    Vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and specific attenuation factor are computed at 5,10,35 and 94 GHz using the Mie theory at rain rates below 12.5 mm / h.

  2. 2最佳剖线生成,本文提出了两种最佳剖线生成算法,并通过最近邻垂直内插法生成最佳位置的雷达反射率因子剖面图(RCS),为后续穹窿特征提取提供有效的研究对象。

    In the paper , two algorithms of best cutting line were proposed , and then generate the radar reflectivity cross section ( RCS ) by radial and azimuth neighborhood combined with vertical interpolation . It provided an effective object for subsequent work . 3 .

  3. X波段双线极化雷达反射率的衰减订正

    Attenuation Correction of Reflectivity for X-Band Dual Polarization Radar

  4. 本文根据FCM算法初步建立了一种适用于我国多普勒天气雷达反射率资料的质量控制方案。

    This paper gives a method of reflectivity quality control for CINARAD Doppler weather radar in China on the basis on FCM algorithm .

  5. 提出了一种使用平均雷达反射率因子垂直廓线(VPR)联合雨量计校准估测地面降水的方法。

    A method of estimating precipitation using the averages of radar VPRs together with gauge adjustment is presented in this paper .

  6. 用雷达反射率作对流性降水和层状云降水自动分类

    Automatic Convective / Stratiform Cloud Precipitation Classification Based on Radar Reflectivity

  7. 用多普勒雷达反射率调整模式大气的云微物理变量

    Microphysical adjustments using reflectivity of Doppler radar for meso-scale model

  8. 下落过程中雨滴谱和雨的雷达反射率的变化

    Change modification of size-distribution and radar reflectivity of raindrops during their fall

  9. 星载测雨雷达反射率因子反演算法的改进研究

    Improvement Research on Radar Reflectivity Factor Retrieval Algorithm of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar

  10. CINRAD/SA雷达反射率噪声环现象的分析处理

    Analysis and processing on reflectivity noise ring phenomenon of CINRAD / SA radar

  11. 沙尘介质的双基雷达反射率

    Bistatic radar reflectance of the sand and dust medium

  12. 天气雷达反射率因子的实时衰减订正

    Real-Time Attenuation Correction for Weather Radar Reflectivity Factor

  13. 雷达反射率因子反演云微物理量和垂直速度及其数值试验

    Retrieval of Hydrometeor and Vertical Velocity from Radar Reflectivity Factor and Numerical Simulation Experiments

  14. 多普勒天气雷达反射率因子产品分析与初步应用

    The Analysis and Preliminary Application for the Reflection Factor Product of Doppler Weather Radar

  15. CINRAD/CD雷达反射率因子同化对中尺度数值模式云微物理量场调整的分析

    Assimilation of Microphysical Adjustments Using Reflectivity of CINRAD / CD Doppler Radar For Meso-Scale Model

  16. 降水的雷达反射率因子与大气相对湿度的相关关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Radar Reflectivity of Rain and Relative Humidity of Atmosphere

  17. 雷达反射率因子垂直廓线研究和多种遥感资料综合估计降水

    An investigation on vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and precipitation estimation with remotely sensed data

  18. 利用一种自动识别算法移除天气雷达反射率因子中的亮带

    An Automatic Identification Algorithm for the Removal of Bright Band from Reflectivity of CINRAD / SA

  19. 椭球雨滴群旋转轴呈正态分布情况时雷达反射率因子的修正

    Radar Meteorological Equations for Groups of Rotating Spheroidal Raindrops under Normal Distribution of Their Rotatory Axes and Correction for Rainfall Measurement

  20. 风暴的识别基于某个连续区域的体积和雷达反射率大于给定的体积阈值和反射率阈值;

    A storm is defined as a continuous region where the specified thresholds for both volumetric size and radar reflectivity are exceeded .

  21. 该文介绍了一种自动识别和移除雷达反射率因子资料中亮带的算法,并对该算法进行了初步测试。

    An automatic identification algorithm for the removal of bright band from radar reflectivity data is introduced and tested by case analysis and pre-operational run .

  22. 将重新定义的雷达反射率因子与同体积球形雨滴的雷达反射率因子比较,确定不同雨强下的订正系数,并且确定了天气雷达测量数据与降水强度之间的关系。

    In comparison with the radar reflectivity rate factors of the spherical raindrops of the same volume , the correction coefficient under different rain intensity and the relationship between weather radar measurement data and rain intensity are determined .

  23. 本文首先介绍了风暴单体的结构和演变、影响风暴结构和种类的环境因子、风暴的种类以及强对流风暴的雷达反射率因子特征,从而得出风暴识别算法的天气学依据。

    This paper introduces the structure and evolvement of storm cells , the environment condition for storm development , the category of storm and radar echo character of the severe storm systerms , educes the evidence of storm algorithm .

  24. 多普勒雷达反射率因子图上弓状回波的后侧出现下沉入流急流,相应速度图上的速度值越大,回波移动速度越快,预示着所造成的地面风力也就越大。

    The descending inflow jet appears at the back of the bow echo on the map of Doppler radar base reflectivity fields , the larger the corresponding radial velocity is , and the more rapid the movement of radar echoes is , the larger the wind on the ground is .

  25. 在多普勒雷达组合反射率因子图上可见典型的钩状回波,有界弱回波区(BWER)、回波悬垂和外流边界,在平均经向速度图上,出现了典型的气旋特征。

    Typical hooked echo can be observed On the combination flection factor chart of Doppler radar , also included weak echo zone ( BWER ), the hanging echo and the outflow boundary . Typical cyclone characteristic can be observed on average speed chart in longitude direction .

  26. 用雷达三维反射率资料进行层状云和对流云分离

    Stratiform - Convective Separation Using 3 - D Radar Reflectivity data

  27. 基于雷达回波反射率图的冰雹识别系统的研究

    Research of Hailstone Detection Based on Radar Echo Reflectivity Image

  28. 黄色区域表示雷达高反射率地区。

    Yellow areas denote regions of high radar reflectivity .

  29. 降雨的雷达体反射率研究

    A Study on Volume Reflectivity of Rain

  30. 多普勒雷达实时反射率因子垂直廓线观测研究

    Observational Study on the Real-Time Vertical Profile of Reflectivity by the Yichang 's Doppler Radar in Summer