
qiánɡ shēn jiàn tǐ
  • 熟语build up a good physique and improve one's health
  1. 在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的体操。

    Try these toning exercises before you start the day .

  2. 该治疗有助于强身健体、紧致皮肤。

    This treatment helps tone the body , firm up muscles and tighten the skin

  3. 我现在每周游5次泳,这对强身健体很有益处。

    I now go swimming five times a week , which helps firm me up

  4. 你还可以通过很多其它的方式来强身健体。

    There are lots of other forms of exercise that help you stay strong and fit .

  5. 强身健体,共创和谐社会!

    Strengthen figure Jian body , create harmony together a society !

  6. 现在回过来人强身健体的目的。

    Now let 's come back to being fit and healthy .

  7. 大豆制品是中国人民的传统食品之一,对中华民族的强身健体起了极其重要的作用。

    Soybean produces are one of traditional food for Chinese .

  8. 健身跑是大学生强身健体的最佳运动方式

    Jogging is the Optimal Sports for University Students to Improve the Health

  9. 我需要做些运动来强身健体。

    I need to do some exercise to tone up .

  10. 游泳是最佳的强身健体的运动。

    Swimming is the best way to tone your body .

  11. 太极拳对老年人的强身健体作用

    The Health Function of the Shadowboxing for the Aged

  12. 经常性地体育锻炼可以强身健体,

    Proper physical exercise increases your chances for health ,

  13. 太极拳是中国武术之一,更是一项强身健体的运动。

    Tai Chi is both a Chinese martial art and an exercise method .

  14. 不过清华大学并非唯一一所强调强身健体必要性的大学。

    Tsinghua University is not alone in highlighting the need for physical fitness .

  15. 参加武术健身的最主要动机是强身健体。

    To participate in the main motivation martial arts fitness is strengthen the body .

  16. 熟田七粉功能与主治补血和血,强身健体;

    Functions and Indications Tianqi powder cooked blood and blood , and physical health ;

  17. 所以,我可以强身健体,追求我的职业生涯非常有效。

    So , I can keep fit and pursue my career with great facility .

  18. 因为游客们可以休闲娱乐,强身健体。

    Because visitors can entertainment , physically healthy .

  19. 事实上,只有多锻炼参加体育运动才能强身健体。

    In reality , life blooms with doing exercises and taking part in sports .

  20. 请继续往下阅读该文章,了解夏天的水果如何令我们大家都能强身健体。

    Keep reading to learn how summer fruit can keep us strong and healthy .

  21. 高校体育教育的目的是通过体育课和校园体育活动的平台,在娱悦的基础上达到强身健体的目的。

    College sports in classes and on campus aim at body-bulking as well as entertainment .

  22. 经常锻炼帮助那位影星强身健体,并保持苗条身材。

    Regular exercise helps the film star get into shape and keep a slim figure .

  23. 我喜欢运动,强身健体,并认为这是重要的。

    I like to exercise and keep fit , and think that it is important .

  24. 为了为了您的健康,找到自己的乐趣和强身健体。

    For the sake of your health , find your own fun and keep fit .

  25. 正常人喝磁化水能强身健体,延年益寿。

    Normal people can make body stronger and elongate life by drinking the magnetized water .

  26. 游泳能强身健体。

    Swimming tones your body up .

  27. 不论你是谁,这些运动能够帮助你强身健体。

    These exercises will still help you get healthy and strong no matter who you are .

  28. 体育运动不但可以强身健体,同时对人的心理健康发展产生深刻的影响。

    Sports not only can strengthen physical health but also produce deep psychological influence on students .

  29. 动机主要是为了强身健体、放松心情、促进人际交往等。

    Motivation of that is mainly to keep fit , relax , and promote interpersonal relationships .

  30. 我致力于为年轻人磨砺品格、建立价值和强身健体。

    And I 'm aimed to build the character , values and fitness of young people .