
  • 网络Heine;Heinrich Heine;H.Heine
海涅 [hǎi niè]
  • [Heine,Heinrich] (1797-1856) 德国杰出诗人和民主志士。创作大量革命抒情诗与爱情诗,充满浪漫主义的狂热激情,富于感召力

  1. 海涅定理及其运用Heine定理的推广与应用

    Heine Theorem and Its Application GENERALIZATION AND USE OF HEINE THEOREM

  2. 海涅:与波鸿的比赛相似。

    Heine : in a similar way to the Bochum game .

  3. MalcolmForbes,《福布斯》杂志创始人如果罗马人被规定学习拉丁语,也许他们就抽不出时间去征服世界了。HeinrichHeine海涅,德国诗人

    If the Romans had been obliged to learn Latin , they would never have found time to conquer the world .

  4. 刍议海涅定理在分析学中的作用

    A Discussion on Action of Henie Theorem in the Analysis

  5. 海涅定理及反函数连续性定理的等价描述

    Description of Equivalent of Heine Theorem And Continuity Theorem of Inverse Function

  6. 只要哪儿有花样滑冰,哪儿就能看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。

    Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up , wherever figure skating was appreciated .

  7. 海涅把大海当作知音,向它诉说自己的爱情;

    Heine took it into his confidence , and told it the story of hi loves ;

  8. 海涅定理及其运用

    Heine Theorem and Its Application

  9. 在花样滑冰中,七位裁判一致同意挪威的宋佳·海涅为冠军。

    In figure skating , Sonja Henie of Norway was the unanimous choice of the seven judges .

  10. 他的诗作颇受莎士比亚、德国诗人海涅、以及苏格兰民谣的影响。

    His poems were influenced by the songs of Shakespeare , Heinrich Heine , and the Scottish Border Ballads .

  11. 海涅:是的。这也使他们的表现更令人满意了。他们相信自己的实力。

    Heine : Yes . Which makes the performance even more satisfying . They believed in their own abilities .

  12. 海涅对莎士比亚戏剧的研究是世界莎学研究中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。

    Heinrich Henine 's studies have become the important essential constituent in Shakespeare 's research of all over world .

  13. 海涅与德国哲学&读《论德国宗教与哲学的历史》

    Heine and the Philosophy of Germany - A Critical Reading of Towards the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany ;

  14. 春天不播种,夏天就不能生长,秋天不能收割,冬天就不能品尝。&海涅

    No sowing in spring , no growing in summer , no harvesting in autumn and no eating in winter . - Heine

  15. 揭示了海涅定理的内涵,分别给出了不同函数极限的海涅定理,归纳总结了它的应用并举出实例。

    This paper is intended to give a definition of Heine theorem in different functions limits and summarize its application through illustrating examples .

  16. 为此,作者特指出某些书中求二元函数极限易于出现的问题及应用海涅归结原则如何求解。

    So , the author points out some shortcomings on solving the limit of duality function and how to solve the problem by means of the ending principle .

  17. 黑默斯托弗在法兰克福书展上对记者说,人们在厕纸上可以读到德国文学巨擘海因里希-海涅和克里斯廷-摩根施泰恩的诗歌,还有故事和侦探小说。

    Poems by German literary giants Heinrich Heine and Christian morgenstern , as well as tales and detective stories could be found on the toilet rolls , Hemmerstoffer told reporters at the Frankfurt Book fair .

  18. 爱因斯坦的父亲,名赫尔曼·爱因斯坦,是个不得志的小商人,一生最喜欢做的事情就是每到晚上都要在客厅里朗读席勒、海涅等人的作品。

    Einstein 's father , a Hermann Einstein , is a small businessman blossom , and his favorite thing is to do every evening in the living room to read Schiller , Heine , and others work .