
  • 网络Head;Heider
  1. 纳赛尔是从一份入围候选人名单中挑选出来的。必和必拓在招聘公司海得思哲(HeidrickStruggles)的帮助下,花了18个月时间挑选出这些候选人。

    Mr Nasser was chosen from a shortlist of candidates selected over a period of 18 months with the help of Heidrick Struggles , the recruitment company .

  2. “他们有自己的红海得去跨越,”埃文说。

    " They have their own Red seas to cross ," said Evan .

  3. 海得布兰德和沃夫穆勒公司制造出首辆给一般大众用的两轮动力车辆。

    The company Hildebrand and wolfmueller made the first two-wheel motorized vehicle available to the general public .

  4. 你的儿子,你的父亲,你的妻子,你的表亲,你的好友,你的上司,你的秘书,都可能是海得里希的组织的告密者

    Your son or your father or your wife or your cousin or your best friend or your boss or your secretary might be an informer for Heydrich 's organization

  5. 论文第一章介绍了归因理论心理学领域的研究和发展情况。主要是海得的归因理论以及现在备受人们关注的韦纳的归因理论。

    In chapter one , I introduce attribution theories in psychology field and the development of the theory , mainly touching the attribution theory of Hyde and Weiner , especially Weiner ' s.