
  • 网络algae;Seaweed;marine algae
  1. 海藻类联产品的制备与开发

    Manufacture and Exploitation of Marine Algae Products

  2. 长期摄食鲜海藻类的海胆生殖腺味道甜美,口感上佳;

    The urchins feeding on fresh sea algae produce germens tasting delicious .

  3. 大型海藻类除能利用CO2作为光合作用外在无机碳源外,许多大型海藻还能利用HCO3-作为光合作用外在碳源。

    Many macroalgae can use bicarbonate , aside from the molecule CO2 , as external inorganic carbon resource for photosynthesis .

  4. 大型海藻类光合无机碳利用研究进展

    Progress in Studies on Photosynthetic Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Marine Macroalgae

  5. 由于氮素过剩,海藻类微生物过度繁殖。

    Algae microorganisms in the water overpopulate because of the surplus nitrogen .

  6. 地球上最小和最大的植物都产生在海藻类中。

    This family produces both the biggest and smallest vegetables in the world .

  7. 三种海藻类膳食纤维的提取及功能比较

    Extraction of Three Kinds of Dietary Fibers from Seaweeds and their Functional Evaluation

  8. 海藻类生物质的热解和燃烧特性的研究

    Study on Pyrolysis and Combustion Characteristics of Seaweed Biomass

  9. 概述了大型海藻类光合作用无机碳利用近年来的研究进展。

    The recent progresses in studies on photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization in marine macroalgae are reviewed .

  10. 本文介绍了具有防癌和抑癌作用的食品:海藻类、菌物类、鳞茎类、果实类。

    It introduced dietetic foods : algae , fungivorous , bulbs and fruits in the paper .

  11. 这些海藻类实在是造化的奇迹,宇宙植物界的一个奇迹。

    These algae are a genuine prodigy of creation , one of the wonders of world flora .

  12. 海藻类中微量碘的极谱法测定

    Determination of iodine in Alga

  13. 小型的浮油回收船可以清除碎片残骸以及海藻类,大型的浮油回收船可以在深海中作业。

    The smaller oil skimmer vessels are capable of removing debris and algae and the larger vessels can work on the deep ocean .

  14. 各式各样的菜是由鱼类,海参,美味的植虫动物,另外还有助消化的海藻类植物,像青红片海藻,苦乳味海藻等等做出来的。

    It was made up of various fish and some slices of sea cucumber , that praiseworthy zoophyte , all garnished with such highly appetizing seaweed as the Porphyra laciniata and the Laurencia primafetida .

  15. 体外血栓形成试验表明,在凝血机制发生障碍的情况下,S-99和S-100止血纺织材料仍能形成血栓,明显比海藻类止血材料要好。

    The thrombus formation test outside the body showed that S 99 and S 100 hemostatic textile materials could still form thrombus under abnormal conditions of coagulation mechanism , and they are evidently better than kelp hemostatic materials .

  16. 此图标可以用来表明一种特殊的花园,虽然私人,可以容易看到行人这里收集的野生食品,包括香菇,海藻类,浆果,水果和蔬菜。

    This Icon can be used to indicate a special garden that , though private , can be easily seen by pedestrians Collect wild food here , including mushrooms , seaweed , berries , fruits , and greens .

  17. 海藻萜类化合物对H(22)小鼠IL-6和TNF-α水平的影响

    Effects of Laurencia terpenoids on the levels of IL-6 and TNF - α in H_ ( 22 ) mice

  18. 海藻中类胡萝卜素抗超氧自由基活性研究

    Superoxide radical scavenging activities of carotenoids isolated from marine algae

  19. 海藻中类胡萝卜素的研究综述

    Reviews of research on seaweed carotenoids

  20. 海藻萜类化合物联合VE对酒精性肝损伤大鼠影响

    Effect of Laurencia extract combined with vitamin E in prevention and treatment of experimental alcoholic liver disease in rats