
  • 网络Harbour City;Harbor City;HafenCity;HARBOUR TOWN
  1. 找一个周末在香港的海港城(HarbourCity)逛一逛,在商场拥挤的人群中,谈论衰退似乎有点小题大做。

    Wander around Hong Kong 's Harbour City on any given weekend , and among the crowds thronging the shopping mall , talk of a downturn might appear overdone .

  2. 它们现身于香港最大的购物中心海港城门口。

    They appeared at the gate of harbour city , which is the largest shopping mall in Hong kong .

  3. 鲜花为你盛开10月3日在新浪微博上写道:明天去赤柱湾(StanleyBay)或海港城(HarbourCity)会安全吗?

    Is it safe to go to Stanley Bay or Harbour City tomorrow ? Where are places I can shop ? said one posting on October 3 by Flowers bloom for you .

  4. 再者,挨着海港城还有一个著名的商场。

    Also , a famous shopping mall is connected with the Harbor City .

  5. 著名商场连接海港城。而该大厦的管理费及租金又非常合理,最适合你公司租用。

    City . Besides , the management fee and rent are reasonable for your company .

  6. 香港海港城购物中心正在举办多啦A梦诞生前100年祭展览活动。

    Harbor City , a shopping mall in Hong Kong , is hosting the 100 Years Before the Birth of Doraemon exhibition .

  7. 香港海港城购物中心正在举办“多啦A梦诞生前100年祭”展览活动。

    Harbor City , a shopping mall in Hong Kong , is hosting the " 100 Years Before the Birth of Doraemon " exhibition .

  8. 香港是一个真正的购物天堂,从大型豪华的购物中心,像太古广场和海港城,到露天市场如女人街和庙街,一应俱全。

    Hong Kong is a true shoppers paradise . From glistening mall like the Pacific Place and Harbour City to street markets like the ladys market and temple street .

  9. 但是,香港海港城的官方推特上发出了一条信息称:橡皮鸭需要稍作休息,请耐心等着它回来!

    A tweet did appear however on the official Harbour City Twitter account , saying : The Rubber Duck needs to freshen up . Stay tuned for its return .

  10. 但是,香港海港城的官方推特上发出了一条信息称:“橡皮鸭需要稍作休息,请耐心等着它回来!”

    A tweet did appear however on the official Harbour City Twitter account , saying : " The Rubber Duck needs to freshen up . Stay tuned for its return . "

  11. 让城市发展更美好和让世界更堕落,区别也许就在于让世界拥有更多像仁川、海港城等充满光明的城市还是让世界拥有更多像卡拉奇、孟买等死角处处的黑暗之城。

    Getting cities right might mean the difference between a bright future filled with HafenCitys and Songdos & and a world that looks more like the darkest corners of Karachi and Mumbai .

  12. 故事背景被设置在一个虚构城市——海港城之中。故事讲述了,年轻警员吴英雄(赵又廷饰)请求金盆洗手的黑帮成员徐达夫(黄渤饰)来协助侦破一桩谋杀案。

    Set in a fictional city named Harbor City , the story follows a young detective Hero Wu ( Chao ) who needs help from a retired gangster Xu Dafu ( Huang ) to solve a murder .

  13. 尽管近来香港海港城少有排队的现象,去年这家商场的策略转向更着重整体体验,这帮助实现了比繁荣时期更高的总收入——以及更高的利润。

    Despite the lack of queueing these days in Hong Kong 's Harbour City , last year the mall 's shift in strategy towards focusing on the overall experience helped pull in higher gross revenues than in the boom years - and bigger profits , too .

  14. 如果一切按计划进行,这个海港对岸的孪生城,将为未来扩张提供一个有序的平台。

    If all goes to plan , the twin city across the harbour will provide an orderly platform for future expansion .