
qián chuán
  • Prequel;forward pass
前传[qián chuán]
  1. 《星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel .

  2. 就在那时,房前传来一声铃。

    At that moment a chime sounded from the front of the house

  3. 星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel . 《

  4. 该剧的前传剧集《龙族》将于今年开始制作。

    A prequel series , House of the Dragon , is slated to begin production this year .

  5. 电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做“续集病”的病症。各地的电影制作人都在制作某一部成功影片的续集或者前传。

    Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called " sequelitis " or " sequel syndrome everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film .

  6. 这部新剧是权游的前传,它将被命名为《HouseoftheDragon》。

    The new show will be a prequel entitled House of the Dragon .

  7. 《HouseoftheDragon》(《龙族》)并不是《权力的游戏》唯一的前传。

    House of the Dragon isn 't the only Game of Thrones prequel .

  8. 《X战警前传2:未来昔日》将于2014年5月23日北美上映。

    X-Men : Days of Future Past will be in theaters May 23 , 2014 .

  9. 《星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻》(AttackoftheClones)也是如此。不过,这似乎无关紧要。

    So was " Attack of the Clones . " But it didn 't seem to matter .

  10. 本文详细分析了PD波前传感方法的基本原理,介绍了把人工神经网络引入PD波前传感技术的原因和现状。

    The reasons and present situation of introducing Artificial-Neural-Network into phase diversity sensing method are introduced .

  11. C组,慢径消融后其快径前传功能不应期和有效不应期缩短不明显,随访期间有5例复发心动过速。

    C group , function refractory period and effective refractory period not obviously shortened after slow pathway ablation , tachycardia for 5 patients while following up .

  12. 多层感知器前传神经网络已广泛应用于很多领域,其中BP算法是应用最普遍的训练算法。

    Multilayer feedforward neural networks have been widely used in many applications , for which the back-propagation ( BP ) is the most popular training algorithm .

  13. 邱礼涛2010年还曾执导过《叶问前传》(TheLegendIsBorn:IpMan)。该片主要讲述了这位武学宗师的青年岁月。

    Mr. Yau himself has weighed in previously , with 2010 's ' The Legend Is Born : Ip Man , ' which focused on the martial artist 's younger years .

  14. HBO即将问世的《权游》前传刚刚又公开了一打演员。

    HBO 's upcoming Game of Thrones prequel just added a boatload of new names to the call sheet .

  15. 它是一个过滤器,实际上,只有那些传递给过滤器(即计算true)的元素“向前传给”了循环主体。

    It 's a filter , and only those elements that pass the filter ( that is , evaluate to true ) will in fact " carry forward " to the body of the loop .

  16. definitely:明确地,肯定地绝对是男对女,因为去年burn:遭受损失weak:弱的,无力的forward:向前的,迅速的pass:传球;传出的球Dan前传太差害我输了。

    Jenny : Oh , definitely girls against the boys because last year , I got burned by Dan 's weak forward pass . -

  17. 快径前传ERP延长6例,由360±10ms增至430±12ms。

    The antegrade ERP of fast pathway increased from 360 ± 10 ms to 430 ± 12 ms in 6 patients .

  18. 今年夏天,他将在《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》(TheDarkKnightRises)中饰演蝙蝠侠(Batman),这是克里斯托弗•诺兰(ChristopherNolan)所执导的大获成功的蝙蝠侠三部曲中的最后一部。

    Next summer he reprises the role of Batman in The Dark Knight Rises , the final instalment in Christopher Nolan 's phenomenally successful trilogy .

  19. 一位联邦地区法院的法官裁定,华纳兄弟电影公司就电影和电视节目中使用超人形象,比如《超人前传》,而向DC漫画公司支付的费用为公平市值。

    A US District Court judge has ruled that the fee paid by Warner Bros studio bosses to DC Comics to use the character in films and TV shows such as Smallville was at fair market value .

  20. 本季他不仅担任了《生活大爆炸》的前传《小谢尔顿》的监制,还为这部剧录制了旁白。本月,《小谢尔顿》在CBS上进行了首映。

    This season , he exec produces and narrates The Big Bang Theory prequel series Young Sheldon , which premieres this month on CBS .

  21. 第二小时将播出大结局。CW台还将在当晚放出《欲望都市》(SexandtheCity)前传《凯丽日记》(TheCarrieDiaries)独家片段。这个同样发生在纽约的故事也和《八卦天后》一样充满时尚元素。

    Appropriately fans of Manhattan 's elite will also be treated to an exclusive sneak peek at the another fashion-heavy , New York-based series , the Sex and the City prequel The Carrie Diaries .

  22. 不久前传出的新闻——戴姆勒(Daimler)员工可以从这种邮件暴政中解放出来,让观点相左的双方重新争执起来。

    Last week 's news that staff at Daimler can free themselves of this holiday tyranny has got the two sides fighting again .

  23. 据《好莱坞记者报》和其他媒体报道称,曾两次获得奥斯卡奖提名的娜奥米·沃茨将出演HBO的这部《权游》前传。

    The Hollywood Reporter and other outlets are reporting that two-time Academy Award nominee Naomi Watts has been tapped to star in HBO 's Game of Thrones prequel series .

  24. 结果:27例AVNRT病人房室结ERP对射频电流呈4种反应:①快径前传ERP缩短10例。

    Results : There were 4 kinds of responses to radiofrequency current of atrioventricular node in the 27 patients with AVNRT . ① The antegrade ERP of fast pathway was shortened in 10 patients .

  25. 然后基于放大前传(AF)协作协议,重点研究分析了瞬时信道信息下协作通信系统中的节点选择和功率分配问题。

    Then based on Amplify-and-Forward protocol , we focus on searching the relay selection and power allocation problems in cooperative communication in which the instantaneous CSI ( channel state information ) is known .

  26. 在正路传导异常时旁路前传能缩短延长的PJ间期;

    If the patients have prolonged atrioventricular conduction , the PJ interval may be shortened by the pathway prograde conduction .

  27. Gibbs-Duhem方程与前传网的集成方法及其在汽液相平衡中的应用

    Integration of Gibbs-Duhem Equation and its Application in Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium

  28. 还有,片中另一个模仿《星球大战》的设定是,毛克利就像《星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁》中的阿纳金(Anakin)一样可恨。

    The other Star Wars-like facet , alas , isthat Mowgli is almost as irritating as Anakin was in The Phantom Menace .

  29. 然后,我们算是放下了,至少直到1999年,卢卡斯携《星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁》(ThePhantomMenace)回归,X一代的矛盾情绪和迷惑再次爆发。

    And then we kind of moved on , at least until 1999 , when Mr. Lucas returned with " The Phantom Menace " and the Gen X legacy of ambivalence and confusion blossomed anew .

  30. 他要有决心前传(downfield)直达,但在任何指定的时刻,他可能需要横传(sideway)甚至后传(backward)才能到达。

    He 's determined to get downfield , but at any given moment he may need to go sideways or even backwards to get there .