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zhènɡ zhuàn
  • main story line (of a novel, etc.) subject under discussion
正传 [zhèng zhuàn]
  • [subject] 长篇小说的正文部分,说书中的主要故事情节

  • 闲言不表,书归正传

  1. 在线服务导致了完完全全宋飞正传式(Seinfeld,美国著名喜剧演员,代表作品《宋飞正传》风靡美国9年&译注)的、肤浅的吹毛求疵。

    Online services enable a downright seinfeld-ian level of superficial nitpickiness .

  2. 利用位势理论和Fredholm定理,也证明了相应的正传输问题解的存在和唯一性。

    It proves the existence and uniqueness of the direct transmission problem by potential theory and Fredholm theorem .

  3. 而这首MV正传递出西克绝不善罢甘休的态度,这不是浪漫的矢志不渝,而是赤裸裸的威胁,维拉蒂表示。

    The video sends the message that the singer won 't take no for an answer . It 's not romantic , says Velanti , it 's downright scary .

  4. 在小屏幕上,关于雅皮士的经典之作包括《三十而立》(Thirtysomething)和《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld);

    The yuppie apotheosis on the small screen was " Thirtysomething " and " Seinfeld " ;

  5. 今年20岁的肖遥就读于清华大学。凭着一首翻唱自Cascades的《雨中曲》(《阿甘正传》插曲),他以自己清新迷人的演绎,打动了上千网友的心。

    XIAO Yao , a20-year-old Tsinghua University student , has touched the hearts of hundreds of people with his own sweet version of The Cascades ` Rhythm of the Rain .

  6. 超人也是流行音乐中一个经久不衰的偶像,比如本尼·古德曼(BennyGoodman)1940年专为超人写的一首歌。又比如1966年结构精巧的百老汇音乐剧《超人正传》(It'saBird…It'saPlane…It'sSuperman)。

    Superman has also been a persistent icon in popular music , from a dedicatory piece by Benny Goodman in 1940 to the ingenious 1966 Broadway musical ' It 's a Bird ... It 's a Plane ...

  7. 利用直观的流动扰动因子M修正传热系数k,研究热流体进口温度和流量发生阶跃变化时PSR的响应时间;

    Heat transfer coefficient k is corrected by use of flow disturbance factor M.The researches of response characteristic of PSR during different conditions , in which the input temperature or mass of gas is changed suddenly , are carried out .

  8. 这是在一集《宋飞正传》(seinfeld)播出后人们所谓的“海绵价值问题(spongeworthiness)”。

    This is known as the " spongeworthiness " problem , after an episode of Seinfeld in which the contraceptive sponge is taken off the market .

  9. 在以“我一直想对大卫说的事儿”为题的10大名单部分,曾担任《宋飞正传》演员的朱莉娅·路易斯-德雷福斯(JuliaLouis-Dreyfus)说,“谢谢你让我参加又一个非常令人失望的电视系列的结局。”

    In the Top 10 list , " Things I 've Always Wanted to Say to Dave , " Julia Louis-Dreyfus , a " Seinfeld " alumna , said , " Thanks for letting me take part in another hugely disappointing series finale . "

  10. 正传动非零变位弧齿锥齿轮的设计

    Positive - Transmission Design of Nonzero - coefficient Spiral Bevel Gear

  11. 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译研究

    On Translating Culture-loaded Words in The True Story of Ah Q

  12. 阿q正传是鲁迅写的。

    The true story of A-Q was written by Lu xun .

  13. 他们因为《阿甘正传》而喜欢我们。

    They like us because of the movie " forrest gump " .

  14. 阿美:快看,六点半将上映《阿甘正传》。

    May : Look , Forrest Gump is on at6:30 .

  15. 《阿q正传》是谁写的?

    Who is the story of Ah Q write by ?

  16. 阿甘正传是一部上映于1994年的剧情浪漫电影。

    Forrest Gump is a 1994 epic comedy-drama romance film .

  17. 用音乐来解析电影《阿甘正传》&一首美国反讽史诗

    Interpreting Forrest Gump by Soundtrack : an American Irony

  18. 你有没有为将来打算过呢?《阿甘正传》

    Have you given any thought to your future ?

  19. 《阿甘正传》是一部让人推崇的影片。

    Forrest Gump was an adorable piece of cinema .

  20. 表层叙事结构:对史传文学英雄故事模式的讽刺性模仿&《阿Q正传》叙事文化学分析之一

    An Analysis of the Narrative Culturology in The True Story of Ah Q

  21. 《阿Q正传》的艺术缺陷及原因

    Art Defect and Reason of Biography of A Q

  22. 等截面柱形直肋一维修正传热(近似解)方程及肋传热量的新的简化计算

    Modified Heat Transfer Improved Solution and New Simplified Calculation of One-Dimension Cylindrical Pin Fin

  23. 论《阿Q正传》的喜剧性

    On Comedy Nature of A Q main story

  24. 英文电影《阿甘正传》字幕汉译关联理论研究

    A Study of Movie Subtitle Translation in Forrest Gump : A Relevance Theory Approach

  25. 问:拍《阿飞正传》一定是你非常特别的经历吧?

    Q. " Days of being wild " must be a very different experience ?

  26. 《阿Q正传》中荒谬逻辑的解读

    Unscrambling Absurd Logic in Biography of A Q

  27. 从《阿Q正传》看引语形式的汉英转换策略

    Chinese-to-English Transference of Speech Presentation as Exemplified in The True Story of Ah Q

  28. 1994年上映之初,阿甘正传获得了北美最高票房。

    Forrest Gump was the top grossing film in North America released in 1994 .

  29. 该死的狙击手都在附近,他们最喜欢猎杀长官。(阿甘正传台词)

    God damned sniper all around this are who 'd love to grease the officer .

  30. 美国当代史的喜剧版&影片《阿甘正传》的艺术赏析

    Comic Version of Contemporary American History & An Artistic Insight into " Forrest Gump "