
zuò zhě
  • author;writer;originator
作者 [zuò zhě]
  • (1) [author;writer]∶文章的写作者;艺术品的创造者

  • (2) [originator]∶创始之人

作者[zuò zhě]
  1. 作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到。

    Author and subject indexes are available on a library database .

  2. 版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。

    Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author .

  3. 作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。

    In her conclusion , the author sounds a cautionary note .

  4. 作者娴熟地把情节的各种线索串联在一起。

    The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot .

  5. 作者把经济状况描绘得一片惨淡。

    The writer paints a gloomy picture of the economy .

  6. 作者将她的童年时代作为这部小说的素材。

    The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel .

  7. 这一章包含了作者的主要论点。

    This chapter contains the real meat of the writer 's argument .

  8. 作者旁征博引以阐明自己的观点。

    The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources .

  9. 作者描绘出一幅冷酷而真实的战俘营生活画面。

    The author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp .

  10. 作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。

    The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character .

  11. 你在评论中批评的那位作者已经回信答复了。

    The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply .

  12. 这位作者强调个人的独特性。

    The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual .

  13. 按照作者的要求,其姓名不予公布。

    The writer 's name was withheld by request .

  14. 作者在短短100页中浓缩了大量信息。

    The author has condensed a great deal of material into just 100 pages .

  15. 这首诗的作者不详。

    The authorship of the poem is unknown .

  16. 能见到我最喜欢的作者本人使我感到兴奋不已。

    It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person .

  17. 在波兰以外,这位作者实际上鲜为人知。

    The author is virtually unknown outside Poland .

  18. 这些书是按作者姓名字母顺序排列的。

    The books are arranged alphabetically by author .

  19. 向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。

    The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work .

  20. 作者在最后一章把不同的情节线索归拢到了一起。

    The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter .

  21. 谁是那本书的作者?

    Who 's that book by ?

  22. 作者是谁?

    Who 's the author ?

  23. 比赛的要求是把引文和它的作者配在一起。

    The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it .

  24. 要求学生把书籍与作者对应起来。

    The students are asked to match the books with the authors

  25. 让人耳目一新的是作者轻松自如的会话式写作风格。

    What is refreshing is the author 's easy , conversational style

  26. 作者一定是在午饭时间把它赶出来的。

    The writer must have cranked it out in his lunch-hour .

  27. 作者使自己书中的某些评论不带个人色彩。

    The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book

  28. 若无特殊说明,所有照片均出自该作者。

    All photographs are by the author unless otherwise stated .

  29. 有几个作者都假设存在普遍意识。

    Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness

  30. 该作者对这个问题的分析很透彻。

    The author 's treatment of the subject is exhaustive .