
  1. 他们当中有许多人在美军中服役过,另外一些人则在欧洲参加过反希持勒的地下斗争。

    Many of them had been in the American Army and some had been members of the European underground against Hitler .

  2. 要说搞地下斗争,谁也没有他那么得心应手,精明强干。我想,所能想望的,也不会有更精明强干的代理人了。

    Others were not as capable as he in the underground fight No more sagacious agent could , I suppose , be desired .

  3. 卡钦斯基与孪生兄弟雅罗斯瓦夫,无比崇拜他们的父亲,一位波兰本土军老兵。这支军队曾与德国占领者进行地下斗争,结果却横遭苏联“解放者”迫害。

    He and his twin brother , Jaroslaw , idolised their father , a veteran of the Polish Home Army , which fought an underground war against the German occupiers , only to be persecuted by the Soviet " liberators . "

  4. 东北地下抗日斗争述论

    On the Underground Anti-Japanese War in Northeast China