
  1. 中国传统地方行政制度的主要特征分析

    On the Basic Characteristics of the Traditional Local Administrative System of China

  2. 上篇探讨清代地方行政制度的主要改革,具体包括三个部分。

    Section one discusses the main administrative regionalization system reforms of the Qing dynasty .

  3. 第二部分为第一章土家族地区经济发展的条件,简要论述了自然地理环境概况、政区沿革与地方行政制度的变迁、民族、人口、交通等内容。

    The first chapter states the factors influencing the economic development of Tujia areas .

  4. 唐朝在重新统一西域以后,实行了地方行政制度。

    After reunifying the Western Uegions , the Tang Dynasty instituted the local administrative system .

  5. 但是,比较研究的结果显示,宋代中央政权对于因时、因地调整其地方行政制度从不迟疑。

    Whereas , it is also found that the Song government never hesitated to adjust the local administration system depending when and where .

  6. 第一章至第三章阐述党在全国政权建立前的地方行政制度。

    From the first chapter to the third chapter , the paper states the local administrative system before the CPC 's establishing the state power .

  7. 所以,道员是地方行政制度中的一个重要层级,其在地力经济社会中的重要性应得到重新审视。

    So , Daoyuan is an important hierarchy of the local administrative institution , and its importance to the local economic society should be review .

  8. 试论民国时期地方行政制度的演革&以县制为例

    An Attempt at Talking about the Evolution of Local Administrative System during the Period of the Republic of China & To Take the System of County as the Instance

  9. 这三章都在文末分别总结和提升了该历史时期地方行政制度的基本特质和经验教训。

    At the end of each of the above-mentioned three chapters , the paper respectively concludes the basic features and experience of the local administrative systems at the corresponding times .

  10. 宋代地方行政制度的最大特色,是在同一高层政区存在多个平行的行政组织与长官,即在高层政区实行分离制。

    The local administration of the Song dynasty was characterized by parallel administrative organizations and officials at the same rank at high administrative levels , that is , the separate system at high local administrative levels .

  11. 而对不同区域的政区分划及行政组织设置差异的研究,则是希望能由此探寻地方行政制度与其它地域差异的一些关系。

    The following research which concerned on the division of different administrative district and the diversity of the setup of administrative organizations was intended to seek some relations between local administration system and other regional diversity .

  12. 我国地方政府行政审批制度改革的现状与路径研究

    Research on Present Situation and Reform Ways of Local Governments Administrative Examination and Approval System

  13. 该部分希望通过对开发区入世后面临机遇和挑战的分析,对入世后地方政府行政管理制度的发展提出一些建议。

    We hope to give some suggestions to the system of central government administration after joining WTO .

  14. 在此基础上,本文对我国地方政府行政审批制度改革的路径和制度安排提出了一些建议构思。

    Based on this , the paper raises some proposals of reform ways and institution innovation to reform of local governments administrative examination and approval system .

  15. 接着本文对席卷西方的新公共管理运动的一些观点和实践加以考察,目的是从中抽取出对于重塑我国地方政府行政审批制度改革的有益之处。

    Then the paper observes some concept and practice of New Public Management , which aims to collect some useful ideas for the reform of local governments administrative examination and approval system in our country .

  16. 但公众参与地方行政立法在制度上还很不完善,在实践中仍处于分散的、个案的阶段。目前研究地方行政立法中的公众参与具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。

    Of public participation in local legislative or administrative matters in recent years , the system is far from perfect . In practice , public participation in local decentralized executive and the legislature is still in the case of the stage .

  17. 地方行政法治的若干制度建设

    How to Establish the Systems on Rule of Local Administrative Law in China

  18. 督抚体制、道制,是明清两代富有特色而又十分重要的两个地方军事与行政管理制度。

    Du-Fu System and Dao System were two important local administrative systems with their respective features in the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  19. 日本地方政府公民行政参与制度化建设的经验与启示&以日本神户市、名古屋市为例

    The Lesson and Inspiration of Citizens ' Administrative Participation and Systematic Construction of Japan Local Government & Taking Kobe and Nagoya City as Examples

  20. 行政区划是上层建筑的组成部分,它与地方各级行政组织、地方政府运行机制共同构成一国的地方行政制度。

    As a part of superstructure , regionalism forms the local administrative system of a state with the administrative organization system and the local administrative operating mechanism .

  21. 包括地方政府需要树立全新的行政立法观念、完善公众参与地方行政立法相关制度、提高公众参与意识和参与能力、拓宽公众参与的方式和渠道等方面。

    Including local government executive and the legislature need to establish a new concept , and improve public participation in relevant local executive and legislative systems , to increase public awareness and participation in capacity , broaden public participation methods and channels and so on .

  22. 正是由此出发,本文对我国地方政府特别是地市一级政府的行政审批现状进行了分析和研究,提出政府角色模糊是导致地方政府行政审批制度改革陷入困境的根本原因。

    As for this , the paper analyzes the present situation of local governments administrative examination and approval system , and points out the obscure government role is the fundamental reason that causes the reform of the local government administrative examination and approval system falling into predicament .