
dì shǐ xué
  • historical geology;earth history;geochromic geology
地史学[dì shǐ xué]
  1. 地史学与古生物学创新人才培养模式研究与实践

    Model and Practice of Innovative Talents Cultivated in Historical Geology and Paleontology

  2. 用地史学的观点分析了马兰井田断层形成的顺序,总结了马兰井田断层的分布和延伸规律。

    Using historical geology standpoint , analyzes the sequence of fault formation in Malan minefield , summarizes the law of distribution and extresion of Malan minefield faults .

  3. 最终更好地落实史学社会功能,使史学真正赢得学界、大众和社会的欢迎与尊重。

    By these ways , the social function of historiography can be better implemented and thus can gain real respect and popularity in the academic world and society .

  4. 生态历史观为历史研究提供了新的研究素材和视角,可以使我们更深刻、更富批判性地了解史学发展的方向。

    Ecological history concept provided new research material and perspectives for the historical research , that can help us gain a deeper , more critical understanding of the history development .

  5. 作者指出:法律史学研究应当侧重从法的角度入手,而发掘史料、考证史实则应最大限度地借助史学界的研究成果。

    The author points out that the study of law history should rest on the ground of law , taking advantage of whatever information , historical evidences and academic achievements from the history circle .

  6. 历史地观察史学价值观和历史本体观,旨在说明在今天要正确认识和充分发挥史学的社会价值功能,就必须首先对信息时代或全球化时代的历史本体观有一个正确的研究和认识。

    The aim of this research to illustrates that people should scientifically study the historical noumenon in the background of globalization to correctly understand and give full play to the value of history at the present time .

  7. 北朝谱学是北朝史学的一个重要组成部分,它较为突出地反映了史学与政治的密切关系。

    North Dynasty pedigree is an important part of North Dynasty history , and reflects the close connection of history and politics .

  8. 这不仅可填补地学哲学史学研究的空白,对地学哲学的学科建设亦有新的重要启迪。

    It can not only fill in the gaps of the Earth science philosophy history research , but also can be a new important enlightenment for establishment of this .

  9. 概括地说,史学界主要研究他的新史学思想、辨伪贡献、历史文献学思想、校勘方法、史学比较研究法、文化观等方面。

    Briefly , the scholars have mainly studied his new historical thoughts , contribution on distinguishing between truth and falsehood in ancient historical materials , historiography comparative methods , cultural view and so on .

  10. 简论山东抗日根据地党政干部的史学教育玩忽职守是我们党政机关干部的大忌。

    A Brief Research on the History Education for the Party and Government Cadres in the Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Areas ;

  11. 新史学和二三十年代的实验主义史学各有侧重地发展了实证主义史学的两个宗旨。

    The new history and the pragmatism history in 1920s and 1930s separately developed the two purpose of the western positivism history .

  12. 分析这一理论产生的历史背景和具体内容,阐述托马斯·阿奎那对美学的贡献,无疑地具有重要的史学意义。

    It is historically significant to attempt an analysis of the historical background , the detailed content and the contributions made by Thomas Aquinas .

  13. 高中历史教学应不同程度地体现、反映史学研究多元化的特点,从教育理念、教材、教法等方面进行调整。

    The teaching of history in senior middle schools should present and reflect this character in different degrees , and adjust it from the aspects of educating concept , textbook , teaching method , the relationship between teacher and student and so on .

  14. 在社会史研究逐步发展的过程中,大多数俄罗斯学者仍以历史唯物主义为指导,在批判地吸收现代西方史学思想与方法的基础上,为建构具有俄罗斯民族精神和时代特征的新史学而努力。

    In the course of social historiography ' development , under the direction of historical materialism , the most Russian scholars are making great efforts to construct the new historiography with Russian ethos and era characteristics on the basis of critically assimilating contemporary historiography theory and researching ways .