
  • 网络nssf;The National Social Security Fund
  1. 社保基金主席戴相龙上周末在夏季达沃斯论坛说:中国的全国社会保障基金(社保基金)将投资到中国发展银行(CDB)。

    China 's National Social Security Fund ( NSSF ) will invest into the China Development Bank ( CDB ), NSSF chairman Dai Xianglong , said on Sunday at the Summer Davos forum .

  2. 也是在二月,国务院批准全国社会保障基金投资海外。

    Also in february , the State Council approved overseas investment of the national social security fund .

  3. 去年,那些在海外上市的国有企业遵照规定,不得不将10%的新股划拨到政府管理的养老基金&全国社会保障基金理事会(NationalCouncilforSocialSecurityFund)。

    For the past year , state-owned companies listing overseas have had to allocate 10 per cent of the new shares to the National Council for Social Security Fund , the government-run pension fund .

  4. 但中国正快步赶上,其全国社会保障基金理事会(NCSSF)和去年成立的中国投资公司(CIC)名下资产分别为710亿美元和2000亿美元。

    But China is rapidly catching up , with the $ 71bn National Council for Social Security Fund ( NCSSF ) and the launch last year of China Investment Corp , with $ 200bn .

  5. 指出自2000年全国社会保障基金成立以来,基金规模稳步增大。

    The scale of the fund has increased since 2000 , when the fund was established .

  6. 全国社会保障基金理事会

    National Council for Social Security Fund

  7. 关于全国社会保障基金的几个问题

    Issues on the National Social Security

  8. 全国社会保障基金积累6927亿元,比上年增长44.2%。

    Nationwide , social security funds reached 692 . '7 billion yuan , an increase of 44.2 % .

  9. 努力筹集和管好、用好全国社会保障基金。

    We will work hard to raise , manage and make good use of funds for national social security programs .

  10. 要多渠道增加全国社会保障基金,加强监管,实现保值增值。

    We will increase the country 's social security funds through multiple channels and strengthen oversight and supervision to maintain and increase their value .

  11. 从理论上重新界定全国社会保障基金的性质,提出国家准备金的概念。

    This paper re-defines the nature of the National Social Security Fund in theory , and put forward the concept of national reserve fund .

  12. 中国全国社会保障基金理事会理事长戴相龙说,中国社保基金要增加在海外资本市场的投资力度,包括在美国及欧洲市场。

    Dai Xianglong , chairman of the National Council for Social Security Fund , said the fund aims to increase its investment in overseas capital markets including those of the U.

  13. 全国社会保障基金作为国家战略储备型基金,近年来规模发展迅速且不断深入资本市场,是本文研究的重点对象。

    As a national strategic reserve fund , National Social Security Fund develops fast and goes deeply into capital markets in recent years , which is the focus of this study .

  14. 全国社会保障基金作为一种国家养老储备基金,是我国基本养老保障体系中重要的战略组成部分,设立的初衷主要是应对人口老龄化高峰而引起的社会养老保险支付缺口。

    As a national reserve fund , National Social Security Fund takes an important role in our social security system strategically . The purpose is mainly for the pension gap caused by aging process .

  15. 全国社会保障基金的性质定位为全国战略储备基金,带有强烈的社会性,其属性要求社会保障基金在实现收益性的同时,务必保障其投资的安全性。

    Social security fund is reckoned as a countrywide reserve fund , with a strong social characteristic . Based on this concern , social security fund investments have to be safe as well as profitable .

  16. 本文提及的基金制养老保险基金在我国现行管理实践中包括:我国基本养老保险中的个人账户基金和作为国家储备基金的全国社会保障基金。

    In the new system , funded old age pension funds , which include the basic old age insurance individual accounts and the national social security fund ( as reserve fund ), has a significant role .

  17. 本章首先对我国社保基金的内涵及研究范围进行了界定,阐述了本文所要研究的社保基金范畴主要是指全国社会保障基金。

    At first , the connotation of the social security funds and research scope is defined in this chapter , the paper expounded the social security fund category is mainly refers to the national social security fund .

  18. 2003年末基本养老金基金累计结余2207亿元,全国社会保障基金总资产达1325.01亿元,但只有辽宁省做实了个人帐户,基本养老金基金呈现全国性的结余与空账并存的现象。

    However , only in Liaoning Province , the personal accounts have been implemented , and the basic pension funds have exhibited the phenomena with the simultaneous existence of nationwide " Surplus " and " Empty " .

  19. 待今后条件成熟时再象全国社会保障基金那样允许慈善基金结余额按一定比例投资于上市流通的证券投资基金、股票和信用等级在投资级以上的企业债、金融债等。

    When appropriate , some part can be invested in circulated trusts , stocks and enterprise and finical debts with investment level of credit in the market , which will be the same with national social security foundations .

  20. 根据国情和借鉴国际经验,我国的社会保险基金投资管理宜采用政府集中型,全国社会保障基金和补充保险基金宜采用适当集中型。

    According to the national condition and using the foreign experience for reference , our social insurance fund investment control should follow with the government centralization , our social insurance fund and additional insurance fund should follow the appropriate centralization .

  21. 本论文以我国社会保障储备基金的投资问题为研究对象,所谓社会保障储备基金,是指由全国社会保障基金理事会管理的带有储备性质的基金。

    This thesis focuses on problems of the investment of Chinese Social Security Reserve Fund . Social security reserve fund means that the reserve fund managed by the National Council for Social Security Fund of the People 's Republic of China .

  22. 该部分首先以社会保障资金的筹集为切入点,明确社会保障资金中需要积累和运作的三部分形成社保基金,分别为基本养老保险基金、全国社会保障基金和企业年金基金。

    This part starts with the financing mode of security capital and indicates that only those need to be accumulated and to be operated constitutes social security fund , which includes the essential retirement pension fund , national social security fund and enterprise pension fund .

  23. 全国社会保障基金是中央政府集中的社会保障资金,是国家重要的战略储备,主要用于弥补人口老龄化高峰时期的社会保障需要。

    National social security fund is the social security fund collected by the central government . It is an important strategic reserve of our country , which is mainly used to supplement the social security needs for the summit peak of aged tendency of population .

  24. 据相关部门统计,截至2005年底,我国个人账户基金结余已超过4000亿元人民币,而2006年底全国社会保障基金的资产规模按成本计算已经达到2828亿元人民币。

    According to statistics , by the end of 2005 , the assets under individual accounts has reached over 400 billion RMB ; by the end of 2006 , total asset value of national social security fund calculated by cost method has reached 282.8 billion RMB .