
  • 网络National Party;Every Ghanaian Living Everywhere;catch-all party;Egle;All Peoples Party-APP
  1. 重评赫鲁晓夫的全民党思想

    Assessing Again the Theory of All People Party Put Forward by Khrushchev

  2. 从理论上讲,全民党是不存在的。

    Theoretically speaking , a party of the entire people does not exist .

  3. 两个先锋队的提法是我们党一贯的思想,没有模糊党的工人阶级先锋队性质,更不意味着党要成为全民党。

    The formulation of " two vanguards " does not obscure the vanguards feature of the working class , nor does it mean that our Party will become a " Party of the whole people " in any sense .

  4. 二十世纪中期的中苏大论战激烈地争议了全民国家、全民党、社会主义社会阶级斗争等关于社会主义社会的政治关系的问题。论战双方都提出过许多重要观点。

    ″ The whole people 's country ″ of dispute fiercely of great Sino-Soviet debate of the middle period of the 20th century ″ the whole people 's party ″ Question in such political relations about the socialist society as the class struggle of the socialist society , etc.