
  • 网络Our Career;What We Do;Cosa Nostra
  1. 罗斯:人们总是从历史的角度来看待华为和我们的事业,甚至用一种歧视和无知的态度来对待我们。

    Roese : there is a historical perspective and maybe even a biased and uninformed perspective of who Huawei is and what we do .

  2. 我们热爱我们的事业,我们乐意去帮助老年人,这也是我们热衷的事情。

    We love what we do it 's our passion to help the elderly , it 's what we love .

  3. 我们的事业没有得到上帝的垂怜。

    God is not smiling on our cause .

  4. 我第一次和他共事是在1971年,那时我们的事业都刚刚起步。

    I first worked with him in 1971 when we were both on the lowest rung of our careers

  5. 我们的事业兴旺发达,后继有人。

    Our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors .

  6. 我们的事业和家庭实际上都是建立于各种关系之上的——与伴侣、孩子、同事和朋友的关系

    Our juggles are essentially built from relationships ─ with our partners alz , coworkers and friends .

  7. 帝国:全面战争精选一个全新的引擎,这也成为了我们的事业发展的新基础,并在该系列第一次引进全3D海战。

    Empire : Total War featured a brand-new engine which would become the foundation of our latest developments , and introduce fully3D naval battles to the series for the first time .

  8. 我们的事业发展速度很快。

    The business in our career has developed at top speed .

  9. 三个代表的思想为我们的事业进一步指明方向

    The Ideology of Three Representatives Show Us Further Direction of Our Cause

  10. 当时的当务之急是我们的事业可不是为我们的汽车进行广告宣传。

    It was time to advertise our cause instead of our cars .

  11. 我们的事业无比壮丽,我们的前途无限光明。

    Our cause is glorious and our future is bright .

  12. 由于密切的合作,我们的事业一定成功。

    By close cooperation we shall succeed in our enterprise .

  13. 我们的事业比我们的国家更强大。

    And our cause is even larger than our country .

  14. 我以确信无疑的口吻说我们的事业是正确的。

    I spoke in the full conviction that our cause is just .

  15. 并且,最重要的是,我们的事业才刚刚开始。

    And , best of all , we 're just getting started .

  16. 我们的事业永远笈笈可危,如果我们失去了创造。

    Our cause is always in danger if we have no creativity .

  17. 我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上,友谊地久天长。

    I sincerely wish us blooming career and lasting friendship .

  18. 因为对年轻人的教育就是我们的事业

    because the education of our young people is all of our business

  19. 他们有些人甚至为我们的事业献出了自己宝贵的生命。

    Some of them even laid down their precious lives for our cause .

  20. 患难也许会拆毁我们的事业,可是能建立我们的品性。

    Trouble may demolish a man 's business but build up his character .

  21. 我们的事业一定要胜利,我们的目标一定能够达到。

    Our cause must succeed , and we shall unquestionably attain our goals .

  22. 我们的事业和这一宏伟的大纲相一致。

    Our career has correspon with this great outline .

  23. 我们的事业是建筑在信用上的,我们从来就不破坏信用。

    Our business is built upon confidence , and we never betray it .

  24. 我们的事业现在需要你这个地方。

    The cause needs this place of yours now .

  25. 你知道,我可以让那对混蛋毁了我们的事业。

    You know , we could let the gruesome twosome destroy our careers .

  26. 他的话肯定了我的信念,即我们的事业是正确的。

    His words confirmed me in my belief that our cause was right .

  27. 在母亲老去的日子里,究竟什么是我们的事业?

    In days of mother getting aged , what actually are our careers ?

  28. 只要努力,我们的事业是大有希望的。

    If we do so , there is great hope for our cause .

  29. 你将了解玫琳凯所教导我们的事业原则。

    You understand the principles of our business taught to us by Mary Kay .

  30. 自由化思潮一发展,我们的事业就会被冲乱。

    If this trend were allowed to spread , it would undermine our cause .