
  • 网络Twin Spica;Futatsu no Spica
  1. 我要登上太空船前往布拉刚7号星寻找替代燃料,等我两百年后回来,你早就死了。

    I 'm gonna get on this spaceship , and I 'm gonna go to Blargon 7 in search of alternative fuels . But when I return , 200 years from now , you 'll be long gone .

  2. 我明白,但是…在拒绝这个难得的机会之前,我想到在霍华德要上太空的时候,曾在一个模拟环境里受训。

    Look , I get it , but ... before we pass up on an incredible opportunity , I was thinking about when Howard was training to go to space , they put him in a simulated environment .